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masterman ready-第23节

小说: masterman ready 字数: 每页4000字

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s into a little better order。 We have done well up to the present。〃

〃What do you think we ought to do first?〃

〃Well; sir; our first job will be to haul up the boat and secure her from harm; we will half…dock her in the sand; and cover her over; for I do not think it will be safe to go in her now to the other side of the island; where the sea will always be rough。〃

〃There I perfectly agree with you。 Now what is the next?〃

〃Why; sir; we must not leave the tents where they are; but take them down; and as soon as they are dry; stow them away; for we may want them by and by; then; sir; we must build a large outhouse for our stores and provisions; with a thatched roof; and a floor raised about four feet from the ground; and then; under the floor; the sheep and goats will have a protection from the weather。 Then there is the fish…pond to make; and also a salt…pan to cut out of the rock。 Then we have two more long jobs。 One is; to go through the woods and examine the stores we have left on the other side of the island; sort and arrange them all ready for bringing here after the rains are over; and we must also explore the island a little; and find out what it produces; for at present we know nothing of it: we may find a great many things useful to us; a great many trees and fruits; and I hope and trust we may be able to find some more grass for our live stock。〃

〃I agree with you in all you say; Ready;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; 〃now how shall we divide our strength?〃

〃We will not divide at present; sir; if you please。 Juno has plenty to do indoors with Mrs。 Seagrave; William; and you; and I; will first secure the boat and stow away the tents and gear; after that; we will set about the outbuilding; and work at it when we can。 If Juno has any time to spare; she had better collect the cocoa…nut leaves; and pile them up for fuel; and Tommy will; I dare say; go with her; and show her how to draw them along。〃

〃Yes; I'll show her;〃 said Tommy; getting on his feet。

〃Not just now; Tommy;〃 said Ready; 〃but as soon as your mamma can spare her to go with you。 Come; sir; a few hours of weather like this is not to be lost;〃 continued Ready; 〃we shall have more rain before the day is over; I expect。 I will first go to the tent for the shovels; then I will haul the boat round to the beach and meet you there。 You and William can take some cord; tie up a large bundle of cocoa…nut boughs; sling it to the wheels; and draw it down to the beach and meet me。〃

Chapter XXXI

As so many cocoa…nut trees had been cut down to build the house; there were plenty of boughs lying in every direction; and William and Mr。 Seagrave had soon procured sufficient。 In a very short time the boat was drawn up about ten yards from the water's edge; which Ready said was quite sufficient; they then dug from under with their shovels until the boat was sunk about half down in the sand。

Having filled in the sand all round her up to her gunnel; the boat was then carefully covered over with the boughs; which were weighed down with sand that they might not be blown away。

〃I don't see why you should cover the boat up in this way; Ready; the rain won't hurt her;〃 observed William。

〃No; sir; the rain won't do her any harm; but the sun will; when it bursts out occasionally; for it's very powerful when it does shine; and it would split her all to pieces。〃

〃I forgot that;〃 replied William。 〃What shall we do now?〃

〃Suppose; as we have two hours to dinner…time; you run for the lines; William; and we'll try for some fish。〃

〃We cannot all three of us fish with only two lines;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave。

〃No; sir; and as William knows how to catch them; suppose you remain with him; and I will go up and collect wood and chips for Juno's fire。 She was hard pressed for it this morning; it was so wet; but; if once piled up; it will soon be dry。 Be careful; Mr。 Seagrave; not to hold the lines tight in your hands; or you may be jerked into the water。〃

Mr。 Seagrave and William were very fortunate; before the two hours were expired they had caught eight large fish; which they brought up to the house slung on the boat…hook。 Tommy hallooed loudly for fish for dinner; and as they had caught so many; it was agreed that the dinner should be put off until some could be got ready; and they were not sorry to eat them instead of salt pork。

They had hardly sat down to table; when the rain came pattering down on the roof; and in a quarter of an hour the storm was as violent; and the thunder and lightning as terrific as on the day before。 All outdoor labour was again suspended。 Mrs。 Seagrave; Juno; and Caroline took their work; for there was plenty to do with the needle and thread; and Ready soon found employment for the rest。 William and Mr。 Seagrave unlaid some thick rope; that Ready might make smaller and more useful rope with the yarns。 Ready took up his sailing needles; and worked eyelet…holes in the canvas screens (which they had put up in a hurry); so that they might be drawn to and fro as required。

As soon as Ready had hung up the curtains; he looked under the bedsteads for a large bundle; and said; as he opened it; 〃I shall now decorate Madam Seagrave's sleeping…place。 It ought to be handsomer than the others。〃 The bundle was composed of the ship's ensign; which was red; and a large; square; yellow flag with the name of the ship Pacific in large black letters upon it。 These two flags Ready festooned and tied up round the bed…place; so as to give it a very gay appearance; and also to hide the rough walls of the cottage。

〃Indeed; Ready; I am much obliged to you;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave; when he had finished; 〃it is really quite grand for this place。〃

〃It's the best use we can put them to now; madam;〃 said Ready。

〃I am afraid so;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; thoughtfully。

〃Ready;〃 said William; after the candles were lighted; 〃you once half…promised me that you would tell me your history; I wish you would tell us some of it now; as it will pass away the evening。〃

〃Well; William; I did say so; and I shall keep my word。 When you have heard my story; you will say that I have been very foolish in my time; and so I have; but if it proves a warning to you; it will; at all events; be of some use。〃

Ready then commenced his history as follows:

History of Old Ready。

〃Of course; you wish to know who my father and mother were: that is soon told。 My father was the captain of a merchant vessel; which traded from South Shields to Hamburg; and my poor mother; God bless her; was the daughter of a half…pay militia captain; who died about two months after their marriage。 The property which the old gentleman had bequeathed to my mother was added to that which my father had already vested in the brig; and he then owned one…third of the vessel; the other two…thirds were the property of a very rich ship…builder and owner; of the name of Masterman。 What with the profits of the share he held of the vessel and his pay as captain; my father was well to do。 Mr。 Masterman; who had a very high opinion of my father; and gained much money by his exertions and good management; was present at the marriage; and when I was born; about a year afterwards; he stood for me as godfather。 Every one considered that this was a most advantageous circumstance for me; and congratulated my father and mother; for Mr。 Masterman was a bachelor; of nearly sixty years; without any near relations。 It is true; that he was very fond of money; but that; they said; was all the better; as he could not take it away with him when he died。 An end; however; was soon put to all their worldly ideas; for a year after I was born; my father was drowned at sea; his vessel and the whole of her crew being lost on the Texel sands; and my mother found herself a widow; with a child scarcely weaned; when she was but twenty…two years of age。

〃It was supposed that my mother would still have sufficient to live upon; as the ship had been insured at two…thirds of her value; but; to the astonishment of everybody; Mr。 Masterman contrived to make it appear that it was his two…thirds of the vessel which had been insured。〃

〃What is insurance?〃 inquired William。

〃Insurance; my dear boy; is paying a certain sum to people who are called underwriters; that in case the vessel or cargo is lost or damaged; the loss or damage is made good to the owners of the vessel or cargo。 You pay in proportion to the risk incurred。 Supposing you wished to insure one thousand pounds on a vessel or cargo; and ten per cent was required; you would; if the vessel came home safe; pay the underwriters one hundred pounds; if; on the contrary; the vessel was lost; the underwriters would have to pay you one thousand pounds; the sum which you had insured。 I beg your pardon for the interruption; Ready。〃

〃No need; Mr。 Seagrave; we never should lose an opportunity of teaching the young。 Well; how far the assertion of Mr。 Masterman was correct or not; it was impossible at the time to say; but I do know that everybody cried out ‘shame'; and that if he did deprive the widow; he had much to answer for; for the Bible says; ‘Pure religion is to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction; and to keep yourself unspotted in the world'。 The consequence was; tha

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