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masterman ready-第20节

小说: masterman ready 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Very true; but I trust we shall not require it for such a purpose。〃

〃I hope so too; but there is nothing like being prepared; however; we have plenty to do before we can think of that。 Now; sir; as dinner is ready; suppose we return; and after dinner we will both commence our tasks。〃

Juno and William returned to the dinner which Mrs。 Seagrave had prepared。 They were both very warm with their work; which was very hard; but very eager to finish their task。 After dinner was over; Mrs。 Seagrave requested her husband; as he was about to go down to the point; with the spade and a small hatchet in his hand; to take Tommy with him; as she had a great deal to do; and could not watch him as well as the baby and Caroline。 So Mr。 Seagrave took Tommy by the hand; and led him to the point; and made him sit down close to him while he cleared away the brushwood。

Mr。 Seagrave worked very hard; and when he had cut down and cleared a portion of the ground; he made Tommy carry away to a little distance; and pile in a heap; the bushes which he had cleared away。 When Mr。 Seagrave had cleared away a large piece of ground with his hatchet; he then took his spade to dig at the roots and turn up the mould; leaving Tommy to amuse himself。 What Tommy did for about an hour; during which Mr。 Seagrave worked very diligently; his father did not observe; but all of a sudden he began to cry; and when his father asked him the reason; he did not answer; but only cried the more; until at last he put his hands to his stomach; and roared most lustily。 As he appeared to be in very great pain; his father left off work; and led him up to the tent; when Mrs。 Seagrave came out; alarmed at his cries。 Ready; who had heard Tommy screaming for so long a while; thought that there might be something serious; and left his work to ascertain the cause。 When he heard what had passed; he said:

〃Depend upon it; the child has eaten something which has made him ill。 Tell me; Tommy; what did you eat when you were down there?〃

〃Berries;〃 roared Tommy。

〃I thought as much; ma'am;〃 said Ready。 〃I must go and see what the berries were。〃 And the old man hastened down to the place where Mr。 Seagrave had been at work。 In the meantime Mrs。 Seagrave was much alarmed lest the child should have poisoned himself; and Mr。 Seagrave went to search among the medicines for some castor…oil。

Ready returned just as he came back to the tent with the bottle of castor…oil; and he told Ready that he was about to give Tommy a dose。

〃Well; sir;〃 replied Ready; who had a plant in his hand; 〃I don't think you should give him any; for it appears to me that he has taken too much already。 This is; if I recollect right; the castor…oil plant; and here are some of the castor…oil beans which Master Tommy has been eating。 Tell me; Tommy; did you eat them?〃

〃Yes;〃 cried Tommy。

〃I thought so: give him a little warm drink; ma'am; and he'll soon be better: it will teach him not to eat berries or beans again。〃

What Ready said was true; nevertheless Master Tommy was very ill for the whole of the day; and was put early to bed。

Chapter XXVI

The next day; when Mr。 Seagrave; William; Juno; and Ready were all at work at their allotted tasks; Mrs。 Seagrave was sitting down at the front of the tent; the little baby; Albert; crawling close to her; Caroline trying to work with her needle; and Tommy was making holes in the ground; and putting a small stone into each hole。

〃What are you doing; Tommy?〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave。

〃I'm making a garden;〃 replied Tommy。

〃Making a garden! Then you ought to plant some trees in it。〃

〃No; I'm sowing seeds: look here;〃 replied Tommy; pointing to the stones。

〃But these are stones; not seeds。〃

〃Well; but I pretend; and that's the same thing;〃 replied Tommy。

〃Not exactly; Tommy; suppose; instead of eating those beans yesterday; you had only pretended to eat them; wouldn't it have been better?〃

〃I won't eat any more;〃 replied Tommy。

〃No; not of those beans; but if you saw anything else which you thought you would like; I am afraid you would eat it; and be as ill and even worse than you were。〃

〃I like cocoa…nuts; why don't we have some? there's plenty upon the trees。〃

〃But who is to climb up so high; Tommy? Can you?〃

〃No; but why don't Ready climb; or papa; or William?〃

〃I suppose they will get some by and by; when they are not so busy; but they have no time now。〃

〃I like turtle…soup;〃 replied Tommy。

〃William and Juno are making a pond to put turtle in; and then we shall have it oftener; but we cannot have everything we like when we wish for it。〃

〃I like fried fish;〃 said Tommy; 〃why don't we have fried fish?〃

〃Because every one is too busy to catch them just now。 Tommy; go and bring your brother Albert back; he has crawled too near to Billy; and he butts sometimes。〃

Tommy went after the baby; who was crawling towards the kid; which had now grown pretty large; and as he took up his brother he kicked at the goat's head。

〃Don't do that; Tommy; he'll butt at you; and hurt you。〃

〃I don't care;〃 replied Tommy; holding the baby by one hand while he continued to kick at Billy。 Billy; however; would not stand it; he lowered his head; made a butt at Tommy; and he and Albert rolled on the ground one over the other。 The baby roared; and Tommy began to whimper。 Mrs。 Seagrave ran up to them and caught up the baby; and Tommy; alarmed; caught hold of his mother's dress for protection; looking behind him at Billy; who appeared inclined to renew the attack。

〃Why don't you mind what is said to you; Tommy? I told you that he would butt you;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave; pacifying the child。

〃I don't care for him;〃 replied Tommy; who perceived that the goat was walking away。

〃No; you are very brave now that he has gone; but you're a very naughty boy not to mind what is said to you。〃

〃Billy never butts at me; mamma;〃 said Caroline。

〃No; my dear; because you do not tease him; but your brother is very fond of teasing animals; and so he gets punished and frightened。 It is very wrong of him to do so; especially as he is told by his father and me that he ought not。〃

〃You said I was a good boy when I learnt my lesson this morning;〃 replied Tommy。

〃Yes; but you should always be good;〃 replied his mother。

〃I can't be always good;〃 said Tommy; 〃I want my dinner。〃

〃It is dinner…time; Tommy; that is certain; but you must wait until they all come home from their work。〃

〃There's Ready coming; with a bag on his shoulder;〃 replied Tommy。

Ready soon came up to where Mrs。 Seagrave was sitting; and laid down the bag。 〃I've brought you some young cocoa…nuts; and some old ones also; from the trees that I have been cutting down。〃

〃Oh! cocoa…nuts … I like cocoa…nuts!〃 cried Tommy。

〃I told you; Tommy; that we should have some by and by; and they have come sooner than we thought。 You are very warm; Ready。〃

〃Yes; ma'am;〃 replied Ready; wiping his face; 〃it is rather warm work; for there is no breeze in the grove to cool one。 Is there anything you want from the other side of the island; for I shall go there directly after dinner?〃

〃What for?〃

〃I must bring the wheels to get the timber out; for I must clear it away as I go; until the path is finished。 I must have William to help me。〃

〃William will like the trip; I do not doubt。 I do not recollect anything in particular that we want; Ready;〃 replied Mrs。 Seagrave。 〃There he comes with Juno; and I see Mr。 Seagrave has laid down his spade; so Caroline; dear; take care of Albert; while I get the dinner for them。〃

Ready assisted Mrs。 Seagrave; and the dinner was spread out on the ground; for they had not brought the chairs and tables with them to their new residence; as they thought that they could do without them till the house was built。 William reported that Juno and he would have the turtle…pond complete by the next day。 Mr。 Seagrave had cleared sufficient ground to plant the half…sack of potatoes that they had saved; so that in a day or two they would be able to put all their strength upon the cutting and drawing of the timber。

After dinner; William and Ready set off in the boat; and; before it was dark; returned with the wheels and axle of the carriage; and several other articles to make up their load。

Chapter XXVII

〃Now; William;〃 said Ready; 〃if you are not very sleepy; perhaps you would like to come with me to…night; and see if we cannot turn some of the turtle; for the season is going away fast; and they will leave the island very soon。〃

As soon as the sun had disappeared; William and Ready went down to the beach; and sat quietly on a rock。 In a short time; Ready perceived a turtle crawling on the sand; and; desiring William to follow him without speaking; walked softly down by the water's edge; so as to get between the animal and the sea。

As soon as the turtle perceived them; it made for the water; but they met it; and Ready; seizing hold of one of its fore…flippers; turned it over on its back。

〃You see; William; that is the way to turn a turtle: take care that he does not catch you with his mouth; for; if he did; he would bite the piece out。 Now the animal cannot get away; for he can't turn over again; and we shall find him here to…morrow mo

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