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弌傍 murat 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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in the prison察would have made him King of Naples。

The most important events proceed sometimes from such mere trifles
that it seems as if God and the devil must throw dice for the life or
death of men察for the rise or fall of empires。

Murat followed Commander Mattei此he led him to a little room which
the porter had put at his disposal。  Mattei was going to retire when
Murat called him back。

;Commander察─he said察 I want a scented bath。;

;Sire察it will be difficult to obtain。;

;Here are fifty ducats察let someone buy all the eau de Cologne that
can be obtained。  Ahand let some tailors be sent to me。;

;It will be impossible to find anyone here capable of making anything
but a peasant's clothes。;

;Send someone to Monteleone to fetch them from there。;

The commander bowed and went out。

Murat was in his bath when the Lavaliere Alcala was announced察a
General and Governor of the town。  He had sent damask coverlets
curtains察and arm´chairs。  Murat was touched by this attention察and
it gave him fresh composure。  At two o'clock the same day General
Nunziante arrived from Santa´Tropea with three thousand men。  Murat
greeted his old acquaintance with pleasure察but at the first word the
king perceived that he was before his judge察and that he had not come
for the purpose of making a visit察but to make an official inquiry。

Murat contented himself with stating that he had been on his way from
Corsica to Trieste with a passport from the Emperor of Austria when
stormy weather and lack of provisions had forced him to put into
Pizzo。  All other questions Murat met with a stubborn silence察then
at least察wearied by his importunity

;General察─he said察 can you lend me some clothes after my bath拭

The general understood that he could expect no more information察and
bowing to the king察he went out。  Ten minutes later察a complete
uniform was brought to Murat察he put it on immediately察asked for a
pen and ink察wrote to the commander´in´chief of the Austrian troops
at Naples察to the English ambassador察and to his wife察to tell them
of his detention at Pizzo。  These letters written察he got up and
paced his room for some time in evident agitation察at last察needing
fresh air察he opened the window。  There was a view of the very beach
where he had been captured。

Two men were digging a hole in the sand at the foot of the little
redoubt。  Murat watched them mechanically。  When the two men had
finished察they went into a neighbouring house and soon came out
bearing a corpse in their arms。

The king searched his memory察and indeed it seemed to him that in the
midst of that terrible scene he had seen someone fall察but who it was
he no longer remembered。  The corpse was quite without covering察but
by the long black hair and youthful outlines the king recognised
Campana察the aide´decamp he had always loved best。

This scene察watched from a prison window in the twilight察this
solitary burial on the shore察in the sand察moved Murat more deeply
than his own fate。  Great tears filled his eyes and fell silently
down the leonine face。  At that moment General Nunziante came in and
surprised him with outstretched arms and face bathed with tears。
Murat heard him enter and turned round察and seeing the old soldier's

;Yes察general察─he said察 I weep察I weep for that boy察just
twenty´four察entrusted to me by his parents察whose death I have
brought about。  I weep for that vast察brilliant future which is
buried in an unknown grave察in an enemy's country察on a hostile
shore。  Oh察Campana  Campana  if ever I am king again察I will raise
you a royal tomb。;

The general had had dinner served in an adjacent room。  Murat
followed him and sat down to table察but he could not eat。  The sight
which he had just witnessed had made him heartbroken察and yet without
a line on his brow that man had been through the battles of Aboukir
Eylau察and Moscow  After dinner察Murat went into his room again
gave his various letters to General Nunziante察and begged to be left
alone。  The general went away。

Murat paced round his room several times察walking with long steps
and pausing from time to time before the window察but without opening

At last he overcame a deep reluctance察put his hand on the bolt and
drew the lattice towards him。

It was a calm察clear night此one could see the whole shore。  He looked
for Campana's grave。  Two dogs scratching the sand showed him the

The king shut the window violently察and without undressing threw
himself onto his bed。  At last察fearing that his agitation would be
attributed to personal alarm察he undressed and went to bed察to sleep
or seem to sleep all night。

On the morning of the 9th the tailors whom Murat had asked for
arrived。  He ordered a great many clothes察taking the trouble to
explain all the details suggested by his fastidious taste。  He was
thus employed when General Nunziante came in。  He listened sadly to
the king's commands。  He had just received telegraphic despatches
ordering him to try the King of Naples by court´martial as a public
enemy。  But he found the king so confident察so tranquil察almost
cheerful indeed察that he had not the heart to announce his trial to
him察and took upon himself to delay the opening of operation until he
received written instructions。  These arrived on the evening of the
12th。  They were couched in the following terms

                         NAPLES察October 9察1815

;Ferdinand察by the grace of God察etc 。  。  。  。  wills and decrees
the following

;Art。  1。  General Murat is to be tried by court´martial察the members
whereof are to be nominated by our Minister of War。

;Art。  2。  Only half an hour is to be accorded to the condemned for
the exercises of religion。


Another despatch from the minister contained the names of the members
of the commission。  They were

Giuseppe Fosculo察adjutant察commander´in´chief of the staff

Laffaello Scalfaro察chief of the legion of Lower Calabria。

Latereo Natali察lieutenant´colonel of the Royal Marines。

Gennaro Lanzetta察lieutenant´colonel of the Engineers。

W。 T。 captain of Artillery。

Francois de Venge察ditto。

Francesco Martellari察lieutenant of Artillery。

Francesco Froio察lieutenant in the 3rd regiment of the line。

Giovanni delta Camera察Public Prosecutor to the Criminal Courts of
Lower Calabria。

Francesco Papavassi察registrar。

The commission assembled that night。

On the 13th October察at six o'clock in the morning察Captain Stratti
came into the king's prison察he was sound asleep。  Stratti was going
away again察when he stumbled against a chair察the noise awoke Murat。

;What do you want with me察captain拭─asked the king。

Stratti tried to speak察but his voice failed him。

;Ah ha ─said Murat察 you must have had news from Naples。;

;Yes察sire察─muttered Stratti。

;What are they拭─said Murat。

;Your trial察sire。;

;And by whose order will sentence be pronounced察if you please
Where will they find peers to judge me拭 If they consider me as a
king察I must have a tribunal of kings察if I am a marshal of France察I
must have a court of marshals察if I am a general察and that is the
least I can be察I must have a jury of generals。;

;Sire察you are declared a public enemy察and as such you are liable to
be judged by court´martial此that is the law which you instituted
yourself for rebels。;

;That law was made for brigands察and not for crowned heads察sir察
said Murat scornfully。  ;I am ready察let them butcher me if they
like。  I did not think King Ferdinand capable of such an action。;

;Sire察will you not hear the names of your judges拭

;Yes察sir察I will。  It must be a curious list。  Read it此I am

Captain Stratti read out the names that we have enumerated。  Murat
listened with a disdainful smile。

;Ah察─he said察as the captain finished察 it seems that every
precaution has been taken。;


;Yes。  Don't you know that all these men察with the exception of
Francesco Froio察the reporter察owe their promotion to me拭 They will
be afraid of being accused of sparing me out of gratitude察and save
one voice察perhaps察the sentence will be unanimous。;

;Sire察suppose you were to appear before the court察to plead your own

;Silence察sir察silence ─said Murat。  ;I could察not officially
recognise the judges you have named without tearing too many pages of
history。  Such tribunal is quite incompetent察I should be disgraced
if I appeared before it。  I know I could not save my life察let me at
least preserve my royal dignity。;

At this moment Lieutenant Francesco Froio came in to interrogate the
prisoner察asking his name察his age察and his nationality。  Hearing
these questions察Murat rose with an expression of sublime dignity。

;I am Joachim Napoleon察King of the Two Sicilies察─he answered察 and
I order you to leave me。;

The registrar obeyed。

Then Murat partially dressed himself察and asked Stratti if he could
write a farewell to his wife and children。  The Captain no longer
able to speak察answered by an affirmative sign察then Joachim sat down
to the table and wrote this letter


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