梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
future察and from that very day he began to give orders for his
They collected ten little feluccas此a Maltese察named Barbara察former
captain of a frigate of the Neapolitan navy察was appointed
commander´in´chief of the expedition察two hundred and fifty men were
recruited and ordered to hold themselves in readiness for the first
Murat was only waiting for the answers to Othello's letters此they
arrived on the afternoon of the 28th。 Murat invited all his officers
to a grand dinner察and ordered double pay and double rations to the
The king was at dessert when the arrival of M。 Maceroni was announced
to him此he was the envoy of the foreign powers who brought Murat the
answer which he had been awaiting so long at Toulon。 Murat left the
table and went into another room。 M。 Maceroni introduced himself as
charged with an official mission察and handed the king the Emperor of
Austria's ultimatum。 It was couched in the following terms
;Monsieur Maceroni is authorised by these presents to announce to
King Joachim that His Majesty the Emperor of Austria will afford him
shelter in his States on the following terms
1。 The king is to take a private name。 The queen having adopted that
of Lipano察it is proposed that the king should do likewise。
2。 It will be permitted to the king to choose a town in Bohemia
Moravia察or the Tyrol察as a place of residence。 He could even
inhabit a country house in one of these same provinces without
3。 The king is to give his word of honour to His Imperial and Royal
Majesty that he will never leave the States of Austria without the
express´permission of the Emperor察and that he is to live like a
private gentleman of distinction察but submitting to the laws in force
in the States of Austria。
;In attestation whereof察and to guard against abuse察the undersigned
has received the order of the Emperor to sign the present
;PARIS察1st Sept。 1815。;
Murat smiled as he finished reading察then he signed to M。 Maceroni
to follow him
He led him on to the terrace of the house察which looked over the
whole town察and over which a banner floated as it might on a royal
castle。 From thence they could see Ajaccio all gay and illuminated
the port with its little fleet察and the streets crowded with people
as if it were a fete´day。
Hardly had the crowd set eyes on Murat before a universal cry arose
;Long live Joachim察brother of Napoleon Long live the King of
Murat bowed察and the shouts were redoubled察and the garrison band
played the national airs。
M。 Maceroni did not know how to believe his own eyes and ears。
When the king had enjoyed his astonishment察he invited him to go down
to the drawing´room。 His staff were there察all in full uniform此one
might have been at Caserte or at Capo di Monte。 At last察after a
moment's hesitation察Maceroni approached Murat。
;Sir察─he said察 what is my answer to be to His Majesty the Emperor
of Austria拭
;Sir察─answered Murat察with the lofty dignity which sat so well on
his fine face察 tell my brother Francis what you have seen and heard
and add that I am setting out this very night to reconquer my kingdom
of Naples。;
The letters which had made Murat resolve to leave Corsica had been
brought to him by a Calabrian named Luidgi。 He had presented himself
to the king as the envoy of the Arab察Othello察who had been thrown
into prison in Naples察as we have related察as well as the seven
recipients of the letters。
The answers察written by the head of the Neapolitan police察indicated
the port of Salerno as the best place for Joachim to land察for King
Ferdinand had assembled three thousand Austrian troops at that point
not daring to trust the Neapolitan soldiers察who cherished a
brilliant and enthusiastic memory of Murat。
Accordingly the flotilla was directed for the Gulf of Salerno察but
within sight of the island of Capri a violent storm broke over it
and drove it as far as Paola察a little seaport situated ten miles
from Cosenza。 Consequently the vessels were anchored for the night
of the 5th of October in a little indentation of the coast not worthy
of the name of a roadstead。 The king察to remove all suspicion from
the coastguards and the Sicilian scorridori察。Small vessels fitted up
as ships´of´war。Аordered that all lights should be extinguished and
that the vessels should tack about during the night察but towards one
o'clock such a violent land´wind sprang up that the expedition was
driven out to sea察so that on the 6th at dawn the king's vessel was
During the morning they overhauled Captain Cicconi's felucca察and the
two ships dropped anchor at four o'clock in sight of Santo´Lucido。
In the evening the king commanded Ottoviani察a staff officer察to go
ashore and reconnoitre。 Luidgi offered to accompany him。 Murat
accepted his services。 So Ottoviani and his guide went ashore
whilst Cicconi and his felucca put out to sea in search of the rest
of the fleet。
Towards eleven o'clock at night the lieutenant of the watch descried
a man in the waves swimming to the vessel。 As soon as he was within
hearing the lieutenant hailed him。 The swimmer immediately made
himself known此it was Luidgi。 They put out the boat察and he came on
board。 Then he told them that Ottoviani had been arrested察and he
had only escaped himself by jumping into the sea。 Murat's first idea
was to go to the rescue of Ottoviani察but Luidgi made the king
realise the danger and uselessness of such an attempt察nevertheless
Joachim remained agitated and irresolute until two o'clock in the
At last he gave the order to put to sea again。 During the manoeuvre
which effected this a sailor fell overboard and disappeared before
they had time to help him。 Decidedly these were ill omens。
On the morning of the 7th two vessels were in sight。 The king gave
the order to prepare for action察but Barbara recognised them as
Cicconi's felucca and Courrand's lugger察which had joined each other
and were keeping each other company。 They hoisted the necessary
signals察and the two captains brought up their vessels alongside the
While they were deliberating as to what route to follow察a boat came
up to Murat's vessel。 Captain Pernice was on board with a
lieutenant。 They came to ask the king's permission to board his
ship察not wishing to remain on Courrand's察for in their opinion he
was a traitor。
Murat sent to fetch him察and in spite of his protestations he was
made to descend into a boat with fifty men察and the boat was moored
to the vessel。 The order was carried out at once察and the little
squadron advanced察coasting along the shores of Calabria without
losing sight of them察but at ten o'clock in the evening察just as they
came abreast of the Gulf of Santa´Eufemia察Captain Courrand cut the
rope which moored his boat to the vessel察and rowed away from the
Murat had thrown himself on to his bed without undressing察they
brought him the news。
He rushed up to the deck察and arrived in time to see the boat察which
was fleeing in the direction of Corsica察grow small and vanish in the
distance。 He remained motionless察not uttering a cry察giving no
signs of rage察he only sighed and let his head fall on his breast此it
was one more leaf falling from the exhausted tree of his hopes。
General Franceschetti profited by this hour of discouragement to
advise him not to land in Calabria察and to go direct to Trieste察in
order to claim from Austria the refuge which had been offered。
The king was going through one of those periods of extreme
exhaustion察of mortal depression察when courage quite gives way此he
refused flatly at first察and there at last agreed to do it。
Just then the general perceived a sailor lying on some coils of
ropes察within hearing of all they said察he interrupted himself察and
pointed him out to Murat。
The latter got up察went to see the man察and recognised Luidgi
overcome with exhaustion察he had fallen asleep on deck。 The king
satisfied himself that the sleep was genuine察and besides he had full
confidence in the man。 The conversation察which had been interrupted
for a moment察was renewed此it was agreed that without saying anything
about the new plans察they would clear Cape Spartivento and enter the
Adriatic察then the king and the general went below again to the lower
The next day察the 8th October察they found themselves abreast of
Pizzo察when Joachim察questioned by Barbara as to what he proposed to
do察gave the order to steer for Messina。 Barbara answered that he
was ready to obey察but that they were in need of food and water
consequently he offered to go on察board Cicconi's vessel and to land
with him to get stores。 The king agreed察Barbara asked for the
passports which he had received from the allied powers察in order察he
said察not to be molested by the local authorities。
These documents were too important for Murat to consent to part with
them察perhaps the king was beginning to suspect此he refused。 Barbara
insisted察Murat ordered him to land without the pap