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anne of the island-第46节

小说: anne of the island 字数: 每页4000字

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chain。  One energetic twist and it gave way。  Anne thrust the

broken trinket into her pocket。  Her hands were trembling and

her eyes were smarting。

But she was the gayest of all the gay revellers that night; and

told Gilbert unregretfully that her card was full when he came to

ask her for a dance。  Afterwards; when she sat with the girls

before the dying embers at Patty's Place; removing the spring

chilliness from their satin skins; none chatted more blithely

than she of the day's events。

〃Moody Spurgeon MacPherson called here tonight after you left;〃

said Aunt Jamesina; who had sat up to keep the fire on。  〃He didn't

know about the graduation dance。  That boy ought to sleep with a

rubber band around his head to train his ears not to stick out。

I had a beau once who did that and it improved him immensely。

It was I who suggested it to him and he took my advice; but he

never forgave me for it。〃

〃Moody Spurgeon is a very serious young man;〃 yawned Priscilla。

〃He is concerned with graver matters than his ears。  He is going

to be a minister; you know。〃

〃Well; I suppose the Lord doesn't regard the ears of a man;〃

said Aunt Jamesina gravely; dropping all further criticism of

Moody Spurgeon。  Aunt Jamesina had a proper respect for the

cloth even in the case of an unfledged parson。


False Dawn

〃Just imagine  this night week I'll be in Avonlea  delightful thought!〃

said Anne; bending over the box in which she was packing Mrs。 Rachel Lynde's

quilts。 〃But just imagine  this night week I'll be gone forever from

Patty's Place  horrible thought!〃

〃I wonder if the ghost of all our laughter will echo through the maiden

dreams of Miss Patty and Miss Maria;〃 speculated Phil。

Miss Patty and Miss Maria were coming home; after having trotted over

most of the habitable globe。

〃We'll be back the second week in May〃 wrote Miss Patty。  〃I expect

Patty's Place will seem rather small after the Hall of the Kings at

Karnak; but I never did like big places to live in。  And I'll be glad

enough to be home again。  When you start traveling late in life you're

apt to do too much of it because you know you haven't much time left;

and it's a thing that grows on you。  I'm afraid Maria will never be

contented again。〃

〃I shall leave here my fancies and dreams to bless the next comer;〃

said Anne; looking around the blue room wistfully  her pretty blue

room where she had spent three such happy years。  She had knelt at

its window to pray and had bent from it to watch the sunset behind

the pines。  She had heard the autumn raindrops beating against it

and had welcomed the spring robins at its sill。  She wondered if

old dreams could haunt rooms  if; when one left forever the room

where she had joyed and suffered and laughed and wept; something

of her; intangible and invisible; yet nonetheless real; did not

remain behind like a voiceful memory。

〃I think;〃 said Phil; 〃that a room where one dreams and grieves

and rejoices and lives becomes inseparably connected with those

processes and acquires a personality of its own。  I am sure if I

came into this room fifty years from now it would say 'Anne; Anne'

to me。  What nice times we've had here; honey!  What chats and

jokes and good chummy jamborees!  Oh; dear me!  I'm to marry Jo

in June and I know I will be rapturously happy。  But just now

I feel as if I wanted this lovely Redmond life to go on forever。〃

〃I'm unreasonable enough just now to wish that; too;〃 admitted Anne。

〃No matter what deeper joys may come to us later on we'll never again

have just the same delightful; irresponsible existence we've had here。

It's over forever; Phil。〃

〃What are you going to do with Rusty?〃 asked Phil; as that

privileged pussy padded into the room。

〃I am going to take him home with me and Joseph and the Sarah…cat;〃

announced Aunt Jamesina; following Rusty。  〃It would be a shame

to separate those cats now that they have learned to live together。

It's a hard lesson for cats and humans to learn。〃

〃I'm sorry to part with Rusty;〃 said Anne regretfully; 〃but it

would be no use to take him to Green Gables。  Marilla detests

cats; and Davy would tease his life out。  Besides; I don't

suppose I'll be home very long。  I've been offered the

principalship of the Summerside High School。〃

〃Are you going to accept it?〃 asked Phil。

〃I  I haven't decided yet;〃 answered Anne; with a confused flush。

Phil nodded understandingly。  Naturally Anne's plans could not be

settled until Roy had spoken。  He would soon  there was no doubt

of that。  And there was no doubt that Anne would say 〃yes〃 when he

said 〃Will you please?〃  Anne herself regarded the state of affairs

with a seldom…ruffled complacency。  She was deeply in love with Roy。

True; it was not just what she had imagined love to be。  But was

anything in life; Anne asked herself wearily; like one's imagination

of it?  It was the old diamond disillusion of childhood repeated 

the same disappointment she had felt when she had first seen the

chill sparkle instead of the purple splendor she had anticipated。

〃That's not my idea of a diamond;〃 she had said。  But Roy was a

dear fellow and they would be very happy together; even if some

indefinable zest was missing out of life。  When Roy came down that

evening and asked Anne to walk in the park every one at Patty's

Place knew what he had come to say; and every one knew; or thought

they knew; what Anne's answer would be。

〃Anne is a very fortunate girl;〃 said Aunt Jamesina。

〃I suppose so;〃 said Stella; shrugging her shoulders。  〃Roy is a

nice fellow and all that。  But there's really nothing in him。〃

〃That sounds very like a jealous remark; Stella Maynard;〃 said

Aunt Jamesina rebukingly。

〃It does  but I am not jealous;〃 said Stella calmly。  〃I love

Anne and I like Roy。  Everybody says she is making a brilliant

match; and even Mrs。 Gardner thinks her charming now。  It all

sounds as if it were made in heaven; but I have my doubts。

Make the most of that; Aunt Jamesina。〃

Roy asked Anne to marry him in the little pavilion on the harbor

shore where they had talked on the rainy day of their first meeting。

Anne thought it very romantic that he should have chosen that spot。

And his proposal was as beautifully worded as if he had copied it;

as one of Ruby Gillis' lovers had done; out of a Deportment of

Courtship and Marriage。  The whole effect was quite flawless。

And it was also sincere。  There was no doubt that Roy meant

what he said。  There was no false note to jar the symphony。

Anne felt that she ought to be thrilling from head to foot。

But she wasn't; she was horribly cool。  When Roy paused

for his answer she opened her lips to say her fateful yes。

And then  she found herself trembling as if she were reeling

back from a precipice。  To her came one of those moments when we

realize; as by a blinding flash of illumination; more than all

our previous years have taught us。  She pulled her hand from Roy's。

〃Oh; I can't marry you  I can't  I can't;〃 she cried; wildly。

Roy turned pale  and also looked rather foolish。  He had 

small blame to him  felt very sure。

〃What do you mean?〃 he stammered。

〃I mean that I can't marry you;〃 repeated Anne desperately。

〃I thought I could  but I can't。〃

〃Why can't you?〃 Roy asked more calmly。

〃Because  I don't care enough for you。〃

A crimson streak came into Roy's face。

〃So you've just been amusing yourself these two years?〃 he said slowly。

〃No; no; I haven't;〃 gasped poor Anne。  Oh; how could she explain?

She COULDN'T explain。  There are some things that cannot be explained。

〃I did think I cared  truly I did  but I know now I don't。〃

〃You have ruined my life;〃 said Roy bitterly。

〃Forgive me;〃 pleaded Anne miserably; with hot cheeks and

stinging eyes。

Roy turned away and stood for a few minutes looking out seaward。

When he came back to Anne; he was very pale again。

〃You can give me no hope?〃 he said。

Anne shook her head mutely。

〃Then  good…bye;〃 said Roy。  〃I can't understand it  I

can't believe you are not the woman I've believed you to be。

But reproaches are idle between us。  You are the only woman

I can ever love。  I thank you for your friendship; at least。

Good…bye; Anne。〃

〃Good…bye;〃 faltered Anne。  When Roy had gone she sat for a long

time in the pavilion; watching a white mist creeping subtly and

remorselessly landward up the harbor。  It was her hour of humiliation

and self…contempt and shame。  Their waves went over her。  And yet;

underneath it all; was a queer sense of recovered freedom。

She slipped into Patty's Place in the dusk and escaped to her room。

But Phil was there on the window seat。

〃Wait;〃 said Anne; flushing to anticipate the scene。  〃Wait til

you hear what I have to say。  Phil; Roy asked me to marry him…and

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