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rhymes a la mode-第1节

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Rhymes a la Mode

by Andrew Lang


The painted Briton built his mound;
And left his celts and clay;
On yon fair slope of sunlit ground
That fronts your garden gay;
The Roman came; he bore the sway;
He bullied; bought; and sold;
Your fountain sweeps his works away
Beside your manor old!

But still his crumbling urns are found
Within the window…bay;
Where once he listened to the sound
That lulls you day by day; …
The sound of summer winds at play;
The noise of waters cold
To Yarty wandering on their way;
Beside your manor old!

The Roman fell:  his firm…set bound
Became the Saxon's stay;
The bells made music all around
For monks in cloisters grey;
Till fled the monks in disarray
From their warm chantry's fold;
Old Abbots slumber as they may;
Beside your manor old!


Creeds; empires; peoples; all decay;
Down into darkness; rolled;
May life that's fleet be sweet; I pray;
Beside your manor old。


In twilight of the longest day
I lingered over Lucian;
Till ere the dawn a dreamy way
My spirit found; untrod of man;
Between the green sky and the grey。

Amid the soft dusk suddenly
More light than air I seemed to sail;
Afloat upon the ocean sky;
While through the faint blue; clear and pale;
I saw the mountain clouds go by:
My barque had thought for helm and sail;
And one mist wreath for canopy。

Like torches on a marble floor
Reflected; so the wild stars shone;
Within the abysmal hyaline;
Till the day widened more and more;
And sank to sunset; and was gone;
And then; as burning beacons shine
On summits of a mountain isle;
A light to folk on sea that fare;
So the sky's beacons for a while
Burned in these islands of the air。

Then from a starry island set
Where one swift tide of wind there flows;
Came scent of lily and violet;
Narcissus; hyacinth; and rose;
Laurel; and myrtle buds; and vine;
So delicate is the air and fine:
And forests of all fragrant trees
Sloped seaward from the central hill;
And ever clamorous were these

With singing of glad birds; and still
Such music came as in the woods
Most lonely; consecrate to Pan;
The Wind makes; in his many moods;
Upon the pipes some shepherd Man;
Hangs up; in thanks for victory!
On these shall mortals play no more;
But the Wind doth touch them; over and o'er;
And the Wind's breath in the reeds will sigh。

Between the daylight and the dark
That island lies in silver air;
And suddenly my magic barque
Wheeled; and ran in; and grounded there;
And by me stood the sentinel
Of them who in the island dwell;
All smiling did he bind my hands;
With rushes green and rosy bands;
They have no harsher bonds than these
The people of the pleasant lands
Within the wash of the airy seas!

Then was I to their city led:
Now all of ivory and gold
The great walls were that garlanded
The temples in their shining fold;
(Each fane of beryl built; and each
Girt with its grove of shadowy beech;)
And all about the town; and through;
There flowed a River fed with dew;
As sweet as roses; and as clear
As mountain crystals pure and cold;
And with his waves that water kissed
The gleaming altars of amethyst
That smoke with victims all the year;
And sacred are to the Gods of old。

There sat three Judges by the Gate;
And I was led before the Three;
And they but looked on me; and straight
The rosy bonds fell down from me
Who; being innocent; was free;
And I might wander at my will
About that City on the hill;
Among the happy people clad
In purple weeds of woven air
Hued like the webs that Twilight weaves
At shut of languid summer eves
So light their raiment seemed; and glad
Was every face I looked on there!

There was no heavy heat; no cold;
The dwellers there wax never old;
Nor wither with the waning time;
But each man keeps that age he had
When first he won the fairy clime。
The Night falls never from on high;
Nor ever burns the heat of noon。
But such soft light eternally
Shines; as in silver dawns of June
Before the Sun hath climbed the sky!

Within these pleasant streets and wide;
The souls of Heroes go and come;
Even they that fell on either side
Beneath the walls of Ilium;
And sunlike in that shadowy isle
The face of Helen and her smile
Makes glad the souls of them that knew
Grief for her sake a little while!
And all true Greeks and wise are there;
And with his hand upon the hair
Of Phaedo; saw I Socrates;
About him many youths and fair;
Hylas; Narcissus; and with these
Him whom the quoit of Phoebus slew
By fleet Eurotas; unaware!

All these their mirth and pleasure made
Within the plain Elysian;
The fairest meadow that may be;
With all green fragrant trees for shade
And every scented wind to fan;
And sweetest flowers to strew the lea;
The soft Winds are their servants fleet
To fetch them every fruit at will
And water from the river chill;
And every bird that singeth sweet
Throstle; and merle; and nightingale
Brings blossoms from the dewy vale; …
Lily; and rose; and asphodel …
With these doth each guest twine his crown
And wreathe his cup; and lay him down
Beside some friend he loveth well。

There with the shining Souls I lay
When; lo; a Voice that seemed to say;
In far…off haunts of Memory;
Whoso death taste the Dead Men's bread;
Shall dwell for ever with these Dead;
Nor ever shall his body lie
Beside his friends; on the grey hill
Where rains weep; and the curlews shrill
And the brown water wanders by!

Then did a new soul in me wake;
The dead men's bread I feared to break;
Their fruit I would not taste indeed
Were it but a pomegranate seed。
Nay; not with these I made my choice
To dwell for ever and rejoice;
For otherwhere the River rolls
That girds the home of Christian souls;
And these my whole heart seeks are found
On otherwise enchanted ground。

Even so I put the cup away;
The vision wavered; dimmed; and broke;
And; nowise sorrowing; I woke
While; grey among the ruins grey
Chill through the dwellings of the dead;
The Dawn crept o'er the Northern sea;
Then; in a moment; flushed to red;
Flushed all the broken minster old;
And turned the shattered stones to gold;
And wakened half the world with me!


(Who also had rhymed on the Fortune Islands of Lucian)。

Each in the self…same field we glean
The field of the Samosatene;
Each something takes and something leaves
And this must choose; and that forego
In Lucian's visionary sheaves;
To twine a modern posy so;
But all any gleanings; truth to tell;
Are mixed with mournful asphodel;
While yours are wreathed with poppies red;
With flowers that Helen's feet have kissed;
With leaves of vine that garlanded
The Syrian Pantagruelist;
The sage who laughed the world away;
Who mocked at Gods; and men; and care;
More sweet of voice than Rabelais;
And lighter…hearted than Voltaire。


The jaded light of late July
Shone yellow down the dusty Strand;
The anxious people bustled by;
Policeman; Pressman; you and I;
And thieves; and judges of the land。

So swift they strode they had not time
To mark the humours of the Town;
But I; that mused an idle rhyme;
Looked here and there; and up and down;
And many a rapid cart I spied
That drew; as fast as ponies can;
The Newspapers of either side;
These joys of every Englishman!

The Standard here; the Echo there;
And cultured ev'ning papers fair;
With din and fuss and shout and blare
Through all the eager land they bare;
The rumours of our little span。

'Midst these; but ah; more slow of speed;
A biggish box of sanguine hue
Was tugged on a velocipede;
And in and out the crowd; and through;
An earnest stripling urged it well
Perched on a cranky tricycle!

A seedy tricycle he rode;
Perchance some three miles in the hour;
But; on the big red box that glowed
Behind him; was a name of Power;
JUSTICE; (I read it e'er I wist;)

The paper carts fled fleetly by
And vanished up the roaring Strand;
And eager purchasers drew nigh
Each with his penny in his hand;
But JUSTICE; scarce more fleet than I;
Began to permeate the land;
And dark; methinks; the twilight fell;
Or ever JUSTICE reached Pall Mall。

Oh Man; (I stopped to moralize;)
How eager thou to fight with Fate;
To bring Astraea from the skies;
Yet ah; how too inadequate
The means by which thou fain wouldst cope
With Laws and Morals; King and Pope!
〃JUSTICE!〃how prompt the witling's sneer; …
〃Justice!  Thou wouldst have Justice here!
And each poor man should be a squire;
Each with his competence a year;
Each with sufficient beef and beer;
And all things matched to his desire;
While all the Middle Classes should
With every vile Capitalist
Be clean reformed away for good;
And vanish like a morning mist!

〃Ah splendid Vision; golden time;
An end of hunger; cold; and crime。
An end of Rent; an end of Rank;
An end of balance at the Bank;
An end of everything that's meant
To bring Investors five per cent!〃

How fair doth Justice seem; I cried;
Yet oh; how strong the embattled powers
That war against on every side
Justice; and this great dream of ours;

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