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the lost princess of oz-第8节

小说: the lost princess of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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Hank; and finally the Sawhorse drawing the Red Wagon;

in which were seated the Wizard and Dorothy and Button…

Bright and Trot。 No one was obliged to drive the

Sawhorse; so there were no reins to his harness; one

had only to tell him which way to go; fast or slow; and

he understood perfectly。

It was about this time that a shaggy little black dog

who had been lying asleep in Dorothy's room in the

palace woke up and discovered he was lonesome。

Everything seemed very still throughout the great

building and Toto  that was the little dog's name 

missed the customary chatter of the three girls。 He

never paid much attention to what was going on around

him and; although he could speak; he seldom said

anything; so the little dog didn't know about Ozma's

loss or that everyone had gone in search of her。 But he

liked to be with people; and especially with his own

mistress; Dorothy; and having yawned and stretched

himself and found the door of the room ajar he trotted

out into the corridor and went down the stately marble

stairs to the hall of the palace; where he met Jellia


〃Where's Dorothy?〃 asked Toto。

〃She's gone to the Winkie Country;〃 answered the



〃A little while ago;〃 replied Jellia。

Toto turned and trotted out into the palace garden

and down the long driveway until he came to the streets

of the Emerald City。 Here he paused to listen and;

hearing sounds of cheering; he ran swiftly along until

he came in sight of the Red Wagon and the Woozy and the

Lion and the Mule and all the others。 Being a wise

little dog; he decided not to show himself to Dorothy

just then; lest he be sent back home; but he never lost

sight of the party of travelers; all of whom were so

eager to get ahead that they never thought to look

behind them。

When they came to the gates in the city wall the

Guardian of the Gates came out to throw wide the golden

portals and let them pass through。

〃Did any strange person come in or out of the city on

the night before last; when Ozma was stolen?〃 asked


〃No; indeed; Princess;〃 answered the Guardian of the


〃Of course not;〃 said the Wizard。 〃Anyone clever

enough to steal all the things we have lost would not

mind the barrier of a wall like this; in the least。 I

think the thief must have flown through the air; for

otherwise he could not have stolen from Ozma's royal

palace and Glinda's far…away castle in the same night。

Moreover; as there are no airships in Oz and no way for

airships from the outside world to get into this

country; I believe the thief must have flown from place

to place by means of magic arts which neither Glinda

nor I understand。〃

On they went; and before the gates closed behind them

Toto managed to dodge through them。 The country

surrounding the Emerald City was thickly settled and

for a while our friends rode over nicely paved roads

which wound through a fertile country dotted with

beautiful houses; all built in the quaint Oz fashion。

In the course of a few hours; however; they had left

the tilled fields and entered the Country of the

Winkies; which occupies a quarter of all the territory

in the Land of Oz but is not so well known as many

other parts of Ozma's fairyland。 Long before night the

travelers had crossed the Winkie River near to the

Scarecrow's Tower (which was now vacant) and had

entered the Rolling Prairie where few people live。 They

asked everyone they met for news of Ozma; but none in

this district had seen her or even knew that she had

been stolen。 And by nightfall they had passed all the

farmhouses and were obliged to stop and ask for shelter

at the hut of a lonely shepherd。 When they halted; Toto

was not far behind。 The little dog halted; too; and

stealing softly around the party he hid himself behind

the hut。

The shepherd was a kindly old man and treated the

travelers with much courtesy。 He slept out of doors;

that night; giving up his hut to the three girls; who

made their beds on the floor with the blankets they had

brought in the Red Wagon。 The Wizard and Button…Bright

also slept out of doors; and so did the Cowardly Lion

and Hank the Mule。 But Scraps and the Sawhorse did not

sleep at all and the Woozy could stay awake for a month

at a time; if he wished to; so these three sat in a

little group by themselves and talked together all

through the night。

In the darkness the Cowardly Lion felt a shaggy

little form nestling beside his own; and he said


〃Where did you come from; Toto?〃

〃From home;〃 said the dog。 〃If you roll over; roll

the other way; so you won't smash me。〃

〃Does Dorothy know you are here?〃 asked the Lion。

〃I believe not;〃 admitted Toto; and he added; a

little anxiously: 〃Do you think; friend Lion; we are

now far enough from the Emerald City for me to risk

showing myself? Or will Dorothy send me back because I

wasn't invited?〃

〃Only Dorothy can answer that question;〃 said the

Lion。 〃For my part; Toto; I consider this affair none

of my business; so you must act as you think best。〃

Then the huge beast went to sleep again and Toto

snuggled closer to his warm; hairy body and also slept。

He was a wise little dog; in his way; and didn't intend

to worry when there was something much better to do。

In the morning the Wizard built a fire; over which

the girls cooked a very good breakfast。

Suddenly Dorothy discovered Toto sitting quietly

before the fire and the little girl exclaimed:

〃Goodness me; Toto! Where did you come from?〃

〃From the place you cruelly left me;〃 replied

the dog in a reproachful tone。

〃I forgot all about you;〃 admitted Dorothy; 〃and if I

hadn't I'd prob'ly left you with Jellia Jamb; seeing

this isn't a pleasure trip but stric'ly business。 But;

now that you're here; Toto; I s'pose you'll have to

stay with us; unless you'd rather go back home again。

We may get ourselves into trouble; before we're done;


〃Never mind that;〃 said Toto; wagging his tail。 〃I'm

hungry; Dorothy。〃

〃Breakfas'll soon be ready and then you shall have

your share;〃 promised his little mistress; who was

really glad to have her dog with her。 She and Toto had

traveled together before; and she knew he was a good

and faithful comrade。

When the food was cooked and served the girls invited

the old shepherd to join them in their morning meal。 He

willingly consented and while they ate he said to them:

〃You are now about to pass through a very dangerous

country; unless you turn to the north or to the south

to escape its perils。〃

〃In that case;〃 said the Cowardly Lion; 〃let us

turn; by all means; for I dread to face dangers of

any sort。〃

〃What's the matter with the country ahead of us?〃

inquired Dorothy。

〃Beyond this Rolling Prairie;〃 explained the

shepherd; 〃are the Merry…Go…Round Mountains; set close

together and surrounded by deep gulfs; so that no one

is able to get past them。 Beyond the Merry…Go…Round

Mountains it is said the Thistle…Eaters and the Herkus


〃What are they like?〃 demanded Dorothy。

〃No one knows; for no one has ever passed the Merry…

Go…Round Mountains;〃 was the reply; 〃but it is said

that the Thistle…Eaters hitch dragons to their chariots

and that the Herkus are waited upon by giants whom they

have conquered and made their slaves。〃

〃Who says all that?〃 asked Betsy。

〃It is common report;〃 declared the shepherd。

〃Everyone believes it。〃

〃I don't see how they know;〃 remarked little Trot;

〃if no one has been there。〃

〃Perhaps the birds who fly over that country brought

the news;〃 suggested Betsy。

〃If you escaped those dangers;〃 continued the

shepherd; 〃you might encounter others still more

serious; before you came to the next branch of the

Winkie River。 It is true that beyond that river there

lies a fine country; inhabited by good people; and if

you reached there you would have no further trouble。 It

is between here and the west branch of the Winkie River

that all dangers lie; for that is the unknown ter

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