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the lost princess of oz-第28节

小说: the lost princess of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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sourly on the others。

〃Come to think of it;〃 remarked the Wizard; 〃Ozma

couldn't be invisible; for she is a fairy and fairies

cannot be made invisible against their will。 Of course

she could be imprisoned by the magician; or even

enchanted; or transformed; in spite of her fairy

powers; but Ugu could not render her invisible by any

magic at his command。〃

〃I wonder if she's been transformed into Button…

Bright?〃 said Dorothy nervously。 Then she looked

steadily at the boy and asked: 〃Are you Ozma? Tell me


Button…Bright laughed。

〃You're getting rattled; Dorothy;〃 he replied。

〃Nothing ever enchants me。 If I were Ozma; do

you think I'd have tumbled into that hole?〃

〃Anyhow;〃 said the Wizard; 〃Ozma would never try to

deceive her friends; or prevent them from recognizing

her; in whatever form she happened to be。 The puzzle

is still a puzzle; so let us go on to the wicker castle

and question the magician himself。 Since it was he who

stole our Ozma; Ugu is the one who must tell us where

to find her。〃

Chapter Twenty…One

Magic Against Magic

The Wizard's advice was good; so again they started in

the direction of the low mountain on the crest of which

the wicker castle had been built。 They had been

gradually advancing up hill; so now the elevation

seemed to them more like a round knoll than a mountain…

top。 However; the sides of the knoll were sloping and

covered with green grass; so there was a stiff climb

before them yet。

Undaunted; they plodded on and had almost

reached the knoll when they suddenly observed

that it was surrounded by a circle of flame。 At

first the flames barely rose above the ground; but

presently they grew higher and higher until a

circle of flaming tongues of fire taller than any

of their heads quite surrounded the hill on which

the wicker castle stood。 When they approached

the flames the heat was so intense that it drove

them back again。

〃This will never do for me!〃 exclaimed the Patchwork

Girl。 〃I catch fire very easily。〃

〃It won't do for me; either;〃 grumbled the Sawhorse;

prancing to the rear。

〃I also object strongly to fire;〃 said the Bear King;

following the Sawhorse to a safe distance and hugging

the little Pink Bear with his paws。

〃I suppose the foolish Shoemaker imagines these

blazes will stop us;〃 remarked the Wizard; with a smile

of scorn for Ugu。 〃But I am able to inform you that

this is merely a simple magic trick which the robber

stole from Glinda the Good; and by good fortune I know

how to destroy these flames; as well as how to produce

them。 Will some one of you kindly give me a match?〃

You may be sure the girls carried no matches; nor did

the Frogman or Cayke or any of the animals。 But Button…

Bright; after searching carefully through his pockets;

which contained all sorts of useful and useless things;

finally produced a match and handed it to the Wizard;

who tied it to the end of a branch which he tore from

a small tree growing near them。 Then the little Wizard

carefully lighted the match and running forward thrust

it into the nearest flame。 Instantly the circle of fire

began to die away and soon vanished completely; leaving

the way clear for them to proceed。

〃That was funny!〃 laughed Button…Bright。

〃Yes;〃 agreed the Wizard; 〃it seems odd that a little

match could destroy such a great circle of fire; but

when Glinda invented this trick she believed no one

would ever think of a match being a remedy for fire。 I

suppose even Ugu doesn't know how we managed to quench

the flames of his barrier; for only Glinda and I know

the secret。 Glinda's Book of Magic; which Ugu stole;

told how to make the flames; but not how to put them


They now formed in marching order and proceeded to

advance up the slope of the hill; but had not gone far

when before them rose a wall of steel; the surface of

which was thickly covered with sharp; gleaming points

resembling daggers。 The wall completely surrounded the

wicker castle and its sharp points prevented anyone

from climbing it。 Even the Patchwork Girl might be

ripped to pieces if she dared attempt it。

〃Ah!〃 exclaimed the Wizard cheerfully; 〃Ugu is now

using one of my own tricks against me。 But this is more

serious than the Barrier of Fire; because the only way

to destroy the wall is to get on the other side of it。〃

〃How can that be done?〃 asked Dorothy。

The Wizard looked thoughtfully around his little

party and his face grew troubled。

〃It's a pretty high wall;〃 he sadly remarked。 〃I'm

pretty sure the Cowardly Lion could not leap over it。〃

〃I'm sure of that; too!〃 said the Lion with a shudder

of fear。 〃If I foolishly tried such a leap I would be

caught on those dreadful spikes。〃

〃I think I could do it; sir;〃 said the Frogman; with

a bow to the Wizard。 〃It is an up…hill jump; as well as

being a high jump; but I'm considered something of a

jumper by my friends in the Yip Country and I believe a

good; strong leap will carry me to the other side。〃

〃I'm sure it would;〃 agreed the Cookie Cook。

〃Leaping; you know; is a froglike accomplishment;〃

continued the Frogman; modestly; 〃but please tell me

what I am to do when I reach the other side of the


〃You're a brave creature;〃 said the Wizard;

admiringly。 〃Has anyone a pin?〃

Betsy had one; which she gave him。

〃All you need do;〃 said the Wizard to the

Frogman; giving him the pin; is to stick this into the

other side of the wall。〃

〃But the wall is of steel!〃 exclaimed the big frog。

〃I know; at least; it seems to be steel; but do as I

tell you。 Stick the pin into the wall and it will


The Frogman took off his handsome coat and carefully

Folded it and laid it on the grass。 Then he removed his

hat and laid it; together with his goldheaded cane;

beside the coat。 He then went back a way and made three

powerful leaps; in rapid succession。 The first two

leaps took him to the wall and the third leap carried

him well over it; to the amazement of all。 For a short

time he disappeared from their view; but when he had

obeyed the Wizard's injunction and had thrust the pin

into the wall; the huge barrier vanished and showed

them the form of the Frogman; who now went to where his

coat lay and put it on again。

〃We thank you very much;〃 said the delighted Wizard。

〃That was the most wonderful leap I ever saw and it has

saved us from defeat by our enemy。 Let us now hurry on

to the castle before Ugu the Shoemaker thinks of some

other means to stop us。

〃We must have surprised him; so far;〃 declared


〃Yes; indeed。 The fellow knows a lot of magic  all

of our tricks and some of his own;〃 replied the Wizard。

〃So; if he is half as clever as he ought to be; we

shall have trouble with him yet。〃

He had scarcely spoken these words when out from the

gates of the wicker castle marched a regiment of

soldiers; clad in gay uniforms and all bearing long;

pointed spears and sharp battle…axes。 These soldiers

were girls; and the uniforms were short skirts of

yellow and black satin; golden shoes; bands of gold

across their foreheads and necklaces of glittering

jewels。 Their jackets were scarlet; braided with silver

cords。 There were hundreds of these girl…soldiers; and

they were more terrible than beautiful; being strong

and fierce in appearance。 They formed a circle all

around the castle and faced outward; their spears

pointed toward the invaders and their battle…axes held

over their shoulders ready to strike。

Of course our friends halted at once; for they had

not expected this dreadful array of soldiery。 The

Wizard seemed puzzled and his companions exchanged

discouraged looks。

〃I'd no idea Ugu had such an army as that;〃 said

Dorothy。 〃The castle doesn't look big enough to hold

them all。〃

〃It isn't;〃 declared the Wizard。

〃But they all marched out of it。〃

〃They seemed to; but I don't believe it is a real

army at all。 If Ugu the Shoemaker had so many people


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