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the lost princess of oz-第25节

小说: the lost princess of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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while he was watching them。

In proof of this; Ugu sprang from his seat and turned

a scowling face in their direction; but now he could

not see the travelers who were seeking him; although

they could still see him。 His actions were so distinct;

indeed; that it seemed he was actually before them。

〃It is only a ghost;〃 said the Bear King。 〃It isn't

real at all; except that it shows us Ugu just as he

looks and tells us truly just what he is doing。〃

〃I don't see anything of my lost growl; though;〃 said

Toto; as if to himself。

Then the vision faded away and they could see nothing

but the grass and trees and bushes around them。

Chapter Eighteen

The Conference

〃Now; then;〃 said the Wizard; 〃let us talk this matter

over and decide what to do when we get to Ugu's wicker

castle。 There can be no doubt that the Shoemaker is a

powerful Magician; and his powers have been increased a

hundredfold since he secured the Great Book of Records;

the Magic Picture; all of Glinda's recipes for sorcery

and my own black bag  which was full of tools of

wizardry。 The man who could rob us of those things; and

the man with all their powers at his command; is one

who may prove somewhat difficult to conquer; there fore

we should plan our actions well before we venture too

near to his castle。〃

〃I didn't see Ozma in the Magic Picture;〃 said Trot。

〃What do you suppose Ugu has done with her?〃

〃Couldn't the Little Pink Bear tell us what he did

with Ozma?〃 asked Button…Bright。

〃To be sure;〃 replied the Lavender King; 〃I'll ask


So he turned the crank in the Little Pink Bear's side

and inquired:

〃Did Ugu the Shoemaker steal Ozma of Oz?〃

〃Yes;〃 answered the Little Pink Bear。

〃Then what did he do with her?〃 asked the King。

〃Shut her up in a dark place;〃 answered the Little

Pink Bear。

〃Oh; that must be a dungeon cell!〃 cried Dorothy;

horrified。 〃How dreadful!〃

〃Well; we must get her out of it;〃 said the Wizard。

〃That is what we came for and of course we must rescue

Ozma。 But  how?〃

Each one looked at some other one for an answer and

all shook their heads in a grave and dismal manner。 All

but Scraps; who danced around them gleefully。

〃You're afraid;〃 said the Patchwork Girl; 〃because so

many things can hurt your meat bodies。 Why don't you

give it up and go home? How can you fight a great

magician when you have nothing to fight with?〃

Dorothy looked at her reflectively。

〃Scraps;〃 said she; 〃you know that Ugu couldn't hurt

you; a bit; whatever he did; nor could he hurt me;

'cause I wear the Nome King's Magic Belt。 Spose just we

two go on together; and leave the others here to wait

for us?〃

〃No; no!〃 said the Wizard positively。 〃That won't do

at all。 Ozma is more powerful than either of you; yet

she could not defeat the wicked Ugu; who has shut her

up in a dungeon。 We must go to the Shoemaker in one

mighty band; for only in union is there strength。〃

〃That is excellent advice;〃 said the Lavender Bear;


〃But what can we do; when we get to Ugu?〃 inquired

the Cookie Cook anxiously。

〃Do not expect a prompt answer to that important

question;〃 replied the Wizard; 〃for we must first plan

our line of conduct。 Ugu knows; of course; that we are

after him; for he has seen our approach in the Magic

Picture; and he has read of all we have done up to the

present moment in the Great Book of Records。 Therefore

we cannot expect to take him by surprise。〃

〃Don't you suppose Ugu would listen to reason?〃 asked

Betsy。 〃If we explained to him how wicked he has been;

don't you think he'd let poor Ozma go?〃

〃And give me back my dishpan?〃 added the Cookie Cook


〃Yes; yes; won't he say he's sorry and get on his

knees and beg our pardon?〃 cried Scraps; turning a

flip…flop to show her scorn of the Suggestion。 〃When

Ugu the Shoemaker does that; please knock at the front

door and let me know。〃

The Wizard sighed and rubbed his bald head with a

puzzled air。

〃I'm quite sure Ugu will not be polite to us; said

he; 〃so we must conquer this cruel magician by force;

much as we dislike to be rude to anyone。 But none of

you has yet suggested a way to do that。 Couldn't the

Little Pink Bear tell us how?〃 he asked; turning to the

Bear King。

〃No; for that is something that is going to happen;〃

replied the Lavender Bear。 〃He can only tell us what

already has happened。〃

Again they were grave and thoughtful。 But after a

time Betsy said in a hesitating voice:

〃Hank is a great fighter; perhaps he could

conquer the magician。〃

The Mule turned his head to look reproachfully at his

old friend; the young girl。

〃Who can fight against magic?〃 he asked。

〃The Cowardly Lion could;〃 said Dorothy。

The Lion; who was lying with his front legs spread

out; his chin on his paws; raised his shaggy head。

〃I can fight when I'm not afraid;〃 said he calmly;

〃but the mere mention of a fight sets me to trembling。〃

〃Ugu's magic couldn't hurt the Sawhorse;〃 suggested

tiny Trot。

〃And the Sawhorse couldn't hurt the Magician;〃

declared that wooden animal。

〃For my part;〃 said Toto; 〃I am helpless; having lost

my growl。〃

〃Then;〃 said Cayke the Cookie Cook; 〃we must depend

upon the Frogman。 His marvelous wisdom will surely

inform him how to conquer the wicked Magician and

restore to me my dishpan。〃

All eyes were now turned questioningly upon the

Frogman。 Finding himself the center of observation; he

swung his gold…headed cane; adjusted his big spectacles

and after swelling out his chest; sighed and said in a

modest tone of voice:

〃Respect for truth obliges me to confess that Cayke

is mistaken in regard to my superior wisdom。 I am not

very wise。 Neither have I had any practical experience

in conquering magicians。 But let us consider this case。

What is Ugu; and what is a magician? Ugu is a renegade

shoemaker and a magician is an ordinary man who; having

learned how to do magical tricks; considers himself

above his fellows。 In this case; the Shoemaker has been

naughty enough to steal a lot of magical tools and

things that did not belong to him; and it is more

wicked to steal than to be a magician。 Yet; with all

the arts at his command; Ugu is still a man; and surely

there are ways in which a man may be conquered。 How;

do you say; how? Allow me to state that I don't know。

In my judgment we cannot decide how best to act until

we get to Ugu's castle。 So let us go to it and take a

look at it。 After that we may discover an idea that

will guide us to victory。〃

〃That may not be a wise speech; but it sounds good;〃

said Dorothy approvingly。 〃Ugu the Shoemaker is not

only a common man; but he's a wicked man and a cruel

man and deserves to be conquered。 We mustn't have any

mercy on him till Ozma is set free。 So let's go to his

castle; as the Frogman says; and see what the place

looks like。〃

No one offered an objection to this plan and so it

was adopted。 They broke camp and were about to start on

the journey to Ugu's castle when they discovered that

Button…Bright was lost again。 The girls and the Wizard

shouted his name and the Lion roared and the Donkey

brayed and the Frogman croaked and the Big Lavender

Bear growled (to the envy of Toto; who couldn't growl

but barked his loudest) yet none of them could make

Button…Bright hear。 So; after vainly searching for the

boy a full hour; they formed a procession and proceeded

in the direction of the wicker castle of Ugu the


〃Button…Bright's always getting lost;〃 said Dorothy。

〃And; if he wasn't always getting found again; I'd

prob'ly worry。 He may have gone ahead of us; and he may

have gone back; but; wherever he is; we'll find him

sometime and somewhere; I'm almost sure。

Chapter Nineteen

Ugu the Shoemaker

A curious thing about Ugu the Shoemaker was that he

didn't suspect; in the least; that he was w

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