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the lost princess of oz-第13节

小说: the lost princess of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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whatever。 The expression of their faces was pleasant

enough; although they now showed surprise at the

appearance of strangers so unlike themselves; and our

friends thought they seemed quite harmless。

〃I beg your pardon;〃 said the Wizard; speaking for

his party; 〃for intruding upon you uninvited; but we

are traveling on important business and find it

necessary to visit your city。 Will you kindly tell us

by what name your city is called?〃

They looked at one another uncertainly; each

expecting some other to answer。 Finally a short one

whose heart…shaped body was very broad replied:

〃We have no occasion to call our city anything。 It is

where we live; that is all。〃

〃But by what name do others call your city?〃 asked

the Wizard。

〃We know of no others; except yourselves;〃 said the

man。 And then he inquired: 〃Were you born with those

queer forms you have; or has some cruel magician

transformed you to them from your natural shapes?〃

〃These are our natural shapes;〃 declared the Wizard;

〃and we consider them very good shapes; too。〃

The group of inhabitants was constantly being

enlarged by others who joined it。 All were evidently

startled and uneasy at the arrival of strangers。

〃Have you a King?〃 asked Dorothy; who knew it was

better to speak with someone in authority。 But the man

shook his diamond…like head。

〃What is a King?〃 he asked。

〃Isn't there anyone who rules over you?〃 inquired the


〃No;〃 was the reply; 〃each of us rules himself; or;

at least; tries to do so。 It is not an easy thing to

do; as you probably know。〃

The Wizard reflected。

〃If you have disputes among you;〃 said he; after a

little thought; 〃who settles them?〃

〃The High Coco…Lorum;〃 they answered in a chorus。

〃And who is he?〃

〃The judge who enforces the laws;〃 said the man who

had first spoken。

〃Then he is the principal person here?〃 continued the


〃Well; I would not say that;〃 returned the man in a

puzzled way。 〃The High Cocolorum is a public servant。

However; he represents the laws; which we must all


〃I think;〃 said the Wizard; 〃we ought to see your

High Coco…Lorum and talk with him。 Our mission here

requires us to consult one high in authority; and the

High Coco…Lorum ought to be high; whatever else he is。〃

The inhabitants seemed to consider this proposition

reasonable; for they nodded their diamond…shaped heads

in approval。 So the broad one who had been their

spokesman said: 〃Follow me;〃 and; turning; led the way

along one of the streets。

The entire party followed him; the natives falling in

behind。 The dwellings they passed were quite nicely

planned and seemed comfortable and convenient。 After

leading them a few blocks their conductor stopped

before a house which was neither better nor worse than

the others。 The doorway was shaped to admit the

strangely formed bodies of these people; being narrow

at the top; broad in the middle and tapering at the

bottom。 The windows were made in much the same way;

giving the house a most peculiar appearance。 When their

guide opened the gate a music…box concealed in the

gate…post began to play; and the sound attracted the

attention of the High Coco…Lorum; who appeared at an

open window and inquired:

〃What has happened now?〃

But in the same moment his eyes fell upon the

strangers and he hastened to open the door and admit

them  all but the animals; which were left outside

with the throng of natives that had now gathered。 For a

small city there seemed to be a large number of

inhabitants; but they did not try to enter the house

and contented themselves with staring curiously at the

strange animals。 Toto followed Dorothy。

Our friends entered a large room at the front of the

house; where the High Coco…Lorum asked them to be


〃I hope your mission here is a peaceful one;〃 he

said; looking a little worried; 〃for the Thists are not

very good fighters and object to being conquered。〃

〃Are your people called Thists?〃 asked Dorothy。

〃Yes。 I thought you knew that。 And we call our city



〃We are Thists because we eat thistles; you know;〃

continued the High Coco…Lorum。

〃Do you really eat those prickly things?〃 inquired

Button…Bright wonderingly。

〃Why not?〃 replied the other。 〃The sharp points of

the thistles cannot hurt us; because all our insides

are gold…lined。〃


〃To be sure。 Our throats and stomachs are lined with

solid gold; and we find the thistles nourishing and

good to eat。 As a matter of fact; there is nothing else

in our country that is fit for food。 All around the

City of Thi grow countless thistles; and all we need do

is to go and gather them。 If we wanted anything else to

eat we would have to plant it; and grow it; and harvest

it; and that would be a lot of trouble and make us

work; which is an occupation we detest。〃

〃But; tell me; please;〃 said the Wizard; 〃how does it

happen that your city jumps around so; from one part of

the country to another?〃

〃The city doesn't jump; it doesn't move at all;〃

declared the High Coco…Lorum。 〃However; I will admit

that the land that surrounds it has a trick of turning

this way or that; and so; if one is standing upon the

plain and facing north; he is likely to find himself

suddenly facing west  or east  or south。 But once

you reach the thistle fields you are on solid ground。〃

〃Ah; I begin to understand;〃 said the Wizard; nodding

his head。 〃But I have another question to ask: How does

it happen that the Thists have no King to rule over


〃Hush!〃 whispered the High Coco…Lorum; looking

uneasily around to make sure they were not overheard。

〃In reality; I am the King; but the people don't know

it。 They think they rule themselves; but the fact is I

have everything my own way。 No one else knows anything

about our laws; and so I make the laws to suit myself。

If any oppose me; or question my acts; I tell them it's

the law; and that settles it。 If I called myself King;

however; and wore a crown and lived in royal state; the

people would not like me; and might do me harm。 As the

High Coco…Lorum of Thi; I'm considered a very agreeable


〃It seems a very clever arrangement;〃 said the

Wizard。 〃And now; as you are the principal person in

Thi; I beg you to tell us if the Royal Ozma is a

captive in your city。〃

〃No;〃 answered the diamond…headed man; 〃we have no

captives。 No strangers but yourselves are here; and we

have never before heard of the Royal Ozma。〃

〃She rules all of Oz;〃 said Dorothy; 〃and so she

rules your city and you; because you are in the Winkie

Country; which is a part of the Land of Oz。〃

〃It may be;〃 returned the High Coco…Lorum; 〃for we do

not study geography and have never inquired whether we

live in the Land of Oz or not。 And any Ruler who rules

us from a distance; and unknown to us; is welcome to

the job。 But what has happened to your Royal Ozma?〃

〃Someone has stolen her;〃 said the Wizard。 〃Do you

happen to have any talented magician among your people

 one who is especially clever; you know?〃

〃No; none especially clever。 We do some magic; of

course; but it is all of the ordinary kind。 I do not

think any of us has yet aspired to stealing Rulers;

either by magic or otherwise。〃

〃Then we've come a long way for nothing!〃 exclaimed

Trot regretfully。

〃But we are going farther than this;〃 asserted the

Patchwork Girl; bending her stuffed body backward until

her yarn hair touched the floor and then walking around

on her hands with her feet in the air。

The High Coco…Lorum watched Scraps admiringly。

〃You may go farther on; of course;〃 said he; 〃but I

advise you not to。 The Herkus live back of us; beyond

the thistles and the twisting lands; and they are not

very nice people to meet; I assure you。〃

〃Are they giants?〃 asked Betsy。

〃They are worse than that;〃 was the reply。 〃They have

giants for their slaves and they are so much 

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