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idle ideas in 1905-第7节

小说: idle ideas in 1905 字数: 每页4000字

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or probably it would burst into tears at the expression with which it
is regarded。  It is impossible that any lady should desire such a
cauliflower。  Still; out of mere curiosity; she would know the price…
…that is; if the owner of the cauliflower is not too much ashamed of
it to name a price。

The owner of the cauliflower suggests six sous。  The thing is too
ridiculous for argument。  The purchaser breaks into a laugh。

The owner of the cauliflower is stung。  She points out the beauties
of that cauliflower。  Apparently it is the cauliflower out of all her
stock she loves the best; a better cauliflower never lived; if there
were more cauliflowers in the world like this particular cauliflower
things might be different。  She gives a sketch of the cauliflower's
career; from its youth upwards。  Hard enough it will be for her when
the hour for parting from it comes。  If the other lady has not
sufficient knowledge of cauliflowers to appreciate it; will she
kindly not paw it about; but put it down and go away; and never let
the owner of the cauliflower see her again。

The other lady; more as a friend than as a purchaser; points out the
cauliflower's defects。  She wishes well to the owner of the
cauliflower; and would like to teach her something about her
business。  A lady who thinks such a cauliflower worth six sous can
never hope to succeed as a cauliflower vendor。  Has she really taken
the trouble to examine the cauliflower for herself; or has love made
her blind to its shortcomings?

The owner of the cauliflower is too indignant to reply。  She snatches
it away; appears to be comforting it; replaces it in the basket。  The
other lady is grieved at human obstinacy and stupidity in general。
If the owner of the cauliflower had had any sense she would have
asked four sous。  Eventually business is done at five。

It is the custom everywhere abroadasking the price of a thing is
simply opening conversation。  A lady told me that; the first day she
began housekeeping in Florence; she handed over to a poulterer for a
chicken the price he had demandedwith protestations that he was
losing on the transaction; but wanted; for family reasons;
apparently; to get rid of the chicken。  He stood for half a minute
staring at her; and then; being an honest sort of man; threw in a

Foreign housekeepers starting business in London appear hurt when our
tradesmen decline to accept half…a…crown for articles marked three…

〃Then why mark it only three…and…sixpence?〃 is the foreign
housekeeper's argument。


That we Englishmen attach too much importance to sport goes without
sayingor; rather; it has been said so often as to have become a
commonplace。  One of these days some reforming English novelist will
write a book; showing the evil effects of over…indulgence in sport:
the neglected business; the ruined home; the slow but sure sapping of
the brainwhat there may have been of it in the beginningleading
to semi…imbecility and yearly increasing obesity。

A young couple; I once heard of; went for their honeymoon to
Scotland。  The poor girl did not know he was a golfer (he had wooed
and won her during a period of idleness enforced by a sprained
shoulder); or maybe she would have avoided Scotland。  The idea they
started with was that of a tour。  The second day the man went out for
a stroll by himself。  At dinner…time he observed; with a far…away
look in his eyes; that it seemed a pretty spot they had struck; and
suggested their staying there another day。  The next morning after
breakfast he borrowed a club from the hotel porter; and remarked that
he would take a walk while she finished doing her hair。  He said it
amused him; swinging a club while he walked。  He returned in time for
lunch and seemed moody all the afternoon。  He said the air suited
him; and urged that they should linger yet another day。

She was young and inexperienced; and thought; maybe; it was liver。
She had heard much about liver from her father。  The next morning he
borrowed more clubs; and went out; this time before breakfast;
returning to a late and not over sociable dinner。  That was the end
of their honeymoon so far as she was concerned。  He meant well; but
the thing had gone too far。  The vice had entered into his blood; and
the smell of the links drove out all other considerations。

We are most of us familiar; I take it; with the story of the golfing
parson; who could not keep from swearing when the balls went wrong。

〃Golf and the ministry don't seem to go together;〃 his friend told
him。  〃Take my advice before it's too late; and give it up; Tammas。〃

A few months later Tammas met his friend again。

〃You were right; Jamie;〃 cried the parson cheerily; 〃they didna run
well in harness; golf and the meenistry; I hae followed your advice:
I hae gi'en it oop。〃

〃Then what are ye doing with that sack of clubs?〃 inquired Jamie。

〃What am I doing with them?〃 repeated the puzzled Tammas。  〃Why I am
going to play golf with them。〃  A light broke upon him。  〃Great
Heavens; man!〃 he continued; 〃ye didna' think 'twas the golf I'd
gi'en oop?〃

The Englishman does not understand play。  He makes a life…long labour
of his sport; and to it sacrifices mind and body。  The health resorts
of Europeto paraphrase a famous saying that nobody appears to have
saiddraw half their profits from the playing fields of Eton and
elsewhere。  In Swiss and German kurhausen enormously fat men bear
down upon you and explain to you that once they were the champion
sprinters or the high…jump representatives of their universitymen
who now hold on to the bannisters and groan as they haul themselves
upstairs。  Consumptive men; between paroxysms of coughing; tell you
of the goals they scored when they were half…backs or forwards of
extraordinary ability。  Ex…light…weight amateur pugilists; with the
figure now of an American roll…top desk; butt you into a corner of
the billiard…room; and; surprised they cannot get as near you as they
would desire; whisper to you the secret of avoiding the undercut by
the swiftness of the backward leap。  Broken…down tennis players; one…
legged skaters; dropsical gentlemen…riders; are to be met with
hobbling on crutches along every highway of the Engadine。

They are pitiable objects。  Never having learnt to read anything but
the sporting papers; books are of no use to them。  They never wasted
much of their youth on thought; and; apparently; have lost the knack
of it。  They don't care for art; and Nature only suggests to them the
things they can no longer do。  The snow…clad mountain reminds them
that once they were daring tobogannists; the undulating common makes
them sad because they can no longer handle a golf…club; by the
riverside they sit down and tell you of the salmon they caught before
they caught rheumatic fever; birds only make them long for guns;
music raises visions of the local cricket…match of long ago;
enlivened by the local band; a picturesque estaminet; with little
tables spread out under the vines; recalls bitter memories of ping…
pong。  One is sorry for them; but their conversation is not
exhilarating。  The man who has other interests in life beyond sport
is apt to find their reminiscences monotonous; while to one another
they do not care to talk。  One gathers that they do not altogether
believe one another。

The foreigner is taking kindly to our sports; one hopes he will be
forewarned by our example and not overdo the thing。  At present; one
is bound to admit; he shows no sign of taking sport too seriously。
Football is gaining favour more and more throughout Europe。  But yet
the Frenchman has not got it out of his head that the coup to
practise is kicking the ball high into the air and catching it upon
his head。  He would rather catch the ball upon his head than score a
goal。  If he can manoeuvre the ball away into a corner; kick it up
into the air twice running; and each time catch it on his head; he
does not seem to care what happens after that。  Anybody can have the
ball; he has had his game and is happy。

They talk of introducing cricket into Belgium; I shall certainly try
to be present at the opening game。  I am afraid that; until he learns
from experience; the Belgian fielder will stop cricket balls with his
head。  That the head is the proper thing with which to play ball
appears to be in his blood。  My head is round; he argues; and hard;
just like the ball itself; what part of the human frame more fit and
proper with which to meet and stop a ball。

Golf has not yet caught on; but tennis is firmly established from St。
Petersburg to Bordeaux。  The German; with the thoroughness
characteristic of him; is working hard。  University professors; stout
majors; rising early in the morning; hire boys and practise back…
handers and half…volleys。  But to the Frenchman; as yet; it is a
game。  He plays it in a happy; merry fashion; that is shocking to
English eyes。

Your partner's service rather astonishes you。  An occasional yard or
so beyond the line happens to anyone; but this man's object appears
to be to break windows。  You feel you really must remonstrate; when
the joyous laughter an

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