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idle ideas in 1905-第2节

小说: idle ideas in 1905 字数: 每页4000字

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certain celebrated authoress; she had changed her place at the last
moment so as to avoid sitting next to another lady novelist; whom she

One has to shift oneself; sometimes; on these occasions。  A newspaper
man came up to me last Ninth of November at the Mansion House。

〃Would you mind changing seats with me?〃 he asked。  〃It's a bit
awkward。  They've put me next to my first wife。〃

I had a troubled evening myself once long ago。  I accompanied a young
widow lady to a musical At Home; given by a lady who had more
acquaintances than she knew。  We met the butler at the top of the
stairs。  My friend spoke first:

〃Say Mrs。 Dash and〃

The butler did not wait for morehe was a youngish manbut shouted

〃Mr。 and Mrs。 Dash。〃

〃My dear! how very quiet you have kept!〃 cried our hostess delighted。
〃Do let me congratulate you。〃

The crush was too great and our hostess too distracted at the moment
for any explanations。  We were swept away; and both of us spent the
remainder of the evening feebly protesting our singleness。

If it had happened on the stage it would have taken us the whole play
to get out of it。  Stage people are not allowed to put things right
when mistakes are made with their identity。  If the light comedian is
expecting a plumber; the first man that comes into the drawing…room
has got to be a plumber。  He is not allowed to point out that he
never was a plumber; that he doesn't look like a plumber; that no one
not an idiot would mistake him for a plumber。  He has got to be shut
up in the bath…room and have water poured over him; just as if he
were a plumbera stage plumber; that is。  Not till right away at the
end of the last act is he permitted to remark that he happens to be
the new curate。

I sat out a play once at which most people laughed。  It made me sad。
A dear old lady entered towards the end of the first act。  We knew
she was the aunt。  Nobody can possibly mistake the stage auntexcept
the people on the stage。  They; of course; mistook her for a circus
rider; and shut her up in a cupboard。  It is what cupboards seem to
be reserved for on the stage。  Nothing is ever put in them excepting
the hero's relations。  When she wasn't in the cupboard she was in a
clothes basket; or tied up in a curtain。  All she need have done was
to hold on to something while remarking to the hero:

〃If you'll stop shouting and jumping about for just ten seconds; and
give me a chance to observe that I am your maiden aunt from
Devonshire; all this tomfoolery can be avoided。〃

That would have ended it。  As a matter of fact that did end it five
minutes past eleven。  It hadn't occurred to her to say it before。

In real life I never knew but of one case where a man suffered in
silence unpleasantness he could have ended with a word; and that was
the case of the late Corney Grain。  He had been engaged to give his
entertainment at a country house。  The lady was a nouvelle riche of
snobbish instincts。  She left instructions that Corney Grain when he
arrived was to dine with the servants。  The butler; who knew better;
apologised; but Corney was a man not easily disconcerted。  He dined
well; and after dinner rose and addressed the assembled company。

〃Well; now; my good friends;〃 said Corney; 〃if we have all finished;
and if you are all agreeable; I shall be pleased to present to you my
little show。〃

The servants cheered。  The piano was dispensed with。  Corney
contrived to amuse his audience very well for half…an…hour without
it。  At ten o'clock came down a message:  Would Mr。 Corney Grain come
up into the drawing…room。  Corney went。  The company in the drawing…
room were waiting; seated。

〃We are ready; Mr。 Grain;〃 remarked the hostess。

〃Ready for what?〃 demanded Corney。

〃For your entertainment;〃 answered the hostess。

〃But I have given it already;〃 explained Corney; 〃and my engagement
was for one performance only。〃

〃Given it!  Where?  When?〃

〃An hour ago; downstairs。〃

〃But this is nonsense;〃 exclaimed the hostess。

〃It seemed to me somewhat unusual;〃 Corney replied; 〃but it has
always been my privilege to dine with the company I am asked to
entertain。  I took it you had arranged a little treat for the

And Corney left to catch his train。

Another entertainer told me the following story; although a joke
against himself。  He and Corney Grain were sharing a cottage on the
river。  A man called early one morning to discuss affairs; and was
talking to Corney in the parlour; which was on the ground floor。  The
window was open。  The other entertainerthe man who told me the
storywas dressing in the room above。  Thinking he recognised the
voice of the visitor below; he leant out of his bedroom window to
hear better。  He leant too far; and dived head foremost into a bed of
flowers; his bare legsand only his bare legsshowing through the
open window of the parlour。

〃Good gracious!〃 exclaimed the visitor; turning at the moment and
seeing a pair of wriggling legs above the window sill; 〃who's that?〃

Corney fixed his eyeglass and strolled to the window。

〃Oh; it's only What's…his…name;〃 he explained。  〃Wonderful spirits。
Can be funny in the morning。〃


Pretty women are going to have a hard time of it later on。  Hitherto;
they have had things far too much their own way。  In the future there
are going to be no pretty girls; for the simple reason there will be
no plain girls against which to contrast them。  Of late I have done
some systematic reading of ladies' papers。  The plain girl submits to
a course of 〃treatment。〃  In eighteen months she bursts upon Society
an acknowledged beauty。  And it is all done by kindness。  One girl

〃Only a little while ago I used to look at myself in the glass and
cry。  Now I look at myself and laugh。〃

The letter is accompanied by two photographs of the young lady。  I
should have cried myself had I seen her as she was at first。  She was
a stumpy; flat…headed; squat…nosed; cross…eyed thing。  She did not
even look good。  One virtue she appears to have had; however。  It was
faith。  She believed what the label said; she did what the label told
her。  She is now a tall; ravishing young person; her only trouble
being; I should say; to know what to do with her hairit reaches to
her knees and must be a nuisance to her。  She would do better to give
some of it away。  Taking this young lady as a text; it means that the
girl who declines to be a dream of loveliness does so out of
obstinacy。  What the raw material may be does not appear to matter。
Provided no feature is absolutely missing; the result is one and the

Arrived at years of discretion; the maiden proceeds to choose the
style of beauty she prefers。  Will she be a Juno; a Venus; or a
Helen?  Will she have a Grecian nose; or one tip…tilted like the
petal of a rose?  Let her try the tip…tilted style first。  The
professor has an idea it is going to be fashionable。  If afterwards
she does not like it; there will be time to try the Grecian。  It is
difficult to decide these points without experiment。

Would the lady like a high or a low forehead?  Some ladies like to
look intelligent。  It is purely a matter of taste。  With the Grecian
nose; the low broad forehead perhaps goes better。  It is more
according to precedent。  On the other hand; the high brainy forehead
would be more original。  It is for the lady herself to select。

We come to the question of eyes。  The lady fancies a delicate blue;
not too pronounced a colourone of those useful shades that go with
almost everything。  At the same time there should be depth and
passion。  The professor understands exactly the sort of eye the lady
means。  But it will be expensive。  There is a cheap quality; the
professor does not recommend it。  True that it passes muster by
gaslight; but the sunlight shows it up。  It lacks tenderness; and at
the price you can hardly expect it to contain much hidden meaning。
The professor advises the melting; Oh…George…take…me…in…your…arms…
and…still…my…foolish…fears brand。  It costs a little more; but it
pays for itself in the end。

Perhaps it will be best; now the eye has been fixed upon; to discuss
the question of the hair。  The professor opens his book of patterns。
Maybe the lady is of a wilful disposition。  She loves to run laughing
through the woods during exceptionally rainy weather; or to gallop
across the downs without a hat; her fair ringlets streaming in the
wind; the old family coachman panting and expostulating in the rear。
If one may trust the popular novel; extremely satisfactory husbands
have often been secured in this way。  You naturally look at a girl
who is walking through a wood; laughing heartily apparently for no
other reason than because it is rainingwho rides at stretch gallop
without a hat。  If you have nothing else to do; you follow her。  It
is always on the cards that such a girl may do something really
amusing before she gets home。  Thus things begin。

To a girl of this kind; naturally curly hair is essential。  It must
be the sort of hair that looks better when it is soaking wet。  The
bottle of stuff that makes this particular hair to grow may be

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