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idle ideas in 1905-第15节

小说: idle ideas in 1905 字数: 每页4000字

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abused; he has drawn in true colours。  I know you well; with your big
heart; your quick temper; your homely; human ways of thought。  You
yourself will never guess your worthhow much the world is better
for such as you!  You think of yourself as of a commonplace person;
useful only for the making of pastry; the darning of stockings; and
if a mannot a young man; with only dim half…opened eyes; but a man
whom life had made keen to see the beauty that lies hidden beneath
plain faceswere to kneel and kiss your red; coarse hand; you would
be much astonished。  But he would be a wise man; Peggotty; knowing
what things a man should take carelessly; and for what things he
should thank God; who has fashioned fairness in many forms。

Mr。 Wilkins Micawber; and you; most excellent of faithful wives; Mrs。
Emma Micawber; to you I also raise my hat。  How often has the example
of your philosophy saved me; when I; likewise; have suffered under
the temporary pressure of pecuniary liabilities; when the sun of my
prosperity; too; has sunk beneath the dark horizon of the worldin
short; when I; also; have found myself in a tight corner。  I have
asked myself what would the Micawbers have done in my place。  And I
have answered myself。  They would have sat down to a dish of lamb's
fry; cooked and breaded by the deft hands of Emma; followed by a brew
of punch; concocted by the beaming Wilkins; and have forgotten all
their troubles; for the time being。  Whereupon; seeing first that
sufficient small change was in my pocket; I have entered the nearest
restaurant; and have treated myself to a repast of such sumptuousness
as the aforesaid small change would command; emerging from that
restaurant stronger and more fit for battle。  And lo! the sun of my
prosperity has peeped at me from over the clouds with a sly wink; as
if to say 〃Cheer up; I am only round the corner。〃

Cheery; elastic Mr。 and Mrs。 Micawber; how would half the world face
their fate but by the help of a kindly; shallow nature such as yours?
I love to think that your sorrows can be drowned in nothing more
harmful than a bowl of punch。  Here's to you; Emma; and to you;
Wilkins; and to the twins!

May you and such childlike folk trip lightly over the stones upon
your path!  May something ever turn up for you; my dears!  May the
rain of life ever fall as April showers upon your simple bald head;

And you; sweet Dora; let me confess I love you; though sensible
friends deem you foolish。  Ah; silly Dora; fashioned by wise Mother
Nature who knows that weakness and helplessness are as a talisman
calling forth strength and tenderness in man; trouble yourself not
unduly about the oysters and the underdone mutton; little woman。
Good plain cooks at twenty pounds a year will see to these things for
us。  Your work is to teach us gentleness and kindness。  Lay your
foolish curls just here; child。  It is from such as you we learn
wisdom。  Foolish wise folk sneer at you。  Foolish wise folk would
pull up the laughing lilies; the needless roses from the garden;
would plant in their places only useful; wholesome cabbage。  But the
gardener; knowing better; plants the silly; short…lived flowers;
foolish wise folk asking for what purpose。

Gallant Traddles; of the strong heart and the unruly hair; Sophy;
dearest of girls; Betsy Trotwood; with your gentlemanly manners and
your woman's heart; you have come to me in shabby rooms; making the
dismal place seem bright。  In dark hours your kindly faces have
looked out at me from the shadows; your kindly voices have cheered

Little Em'ly and Agnes; it may be my bad taste; but I cannot share my
friend Dickens' enthusiasm for them。  Dickens' good women are all too
good for human nature's daily food。  Esther Summerson; Florence
Dombey; Little Nellyou have no faults to love you by。

Scott's women were likewise mere illuminated texts。  Scott only drew
one live heroineCatherine Seton。  His other women were merely the
prizes the hero had to win in the end; like the sucking pig or the
leg of mutton for which the yokel climbs the greasy pole。  That
Dickens could draw a woman to some likeness he proved by Bella
Wilfer; and Estella in 〃Great Expectations。〃  But real women have
never been popular in fiction。  Men readers prefer the false; and
women readers object to the truth。

From an artistic point of view; 〃David Copperfield〃 is undoubtedly
Dickens' best work。  Its humour is less boisterous; its pathos less
highly coloured。

One of Leech's pictures represents a cab…man calmly sleeping in the

〃Oh; poor dear; he's ill;〃 says a tender…hearted lady in the crowd。
〃Ill!〃 retorts a male bystander indignantly; 〃Ill! 'E's 'ad too much
of what I ain't 'ad enough of。〃

Dickens suffered from too little of what some of us have too much of…
…criticism。  His work met with too little resistance to call forth
his powers。  Too often his pathos sinks to bathos; and this not from
want of skill; but from want of care。  It is difficult to believe
that the popular writer who allowed his sentimentalityor rather the
public's sentimentalityto run away with him in such scenes as the
death of Paul Dombey and Little Nell was the artist who painted the
death of Sidney Carton and of Barkis; the willing。  The death of
Barkis; next to the passing of Colonel Newcome; is; to my thinking;
one of the most perfect pieces of pathos in English literature。  No
very deep emotion is concerned。  He is a commonplace old man;
clinging foolishly to a commonplace box。  His simple wife and the old
boatmen stand by; waiting calmly for the end。  There is no straining
after effect。  One feels death enter; dignifying all things; and
touched by that hand; foolish old Barkis grows great。

In Uriah Heap and Mrs。 Gummidge; Dickens draws types rather than
characters。  Pecksniff; Podsnap; Dolly Varden; Mr。 Bumble; Mrs。 Gamp;
Mark Tapley; Turveydrop; Mrs。 Jellybythese are not characters; they
are human characteristics personified。

We have to go back to Shakespeare to find a writer who; through
fiction; has so enriched the thought of the people。  Admit all
Dickens' faults twice over; we still have one of the greatest writers
of modern times。  Such people as these creations of Dickens never
lived; says your little critic。  Nor was Prometheus; type of the
spirit of man; nor was Niobe; mother of all mothers; a truthful
picture of the citizen one was likely to meet often during a
morning's stroll through Athens。  Nor grew there ever a wood like to
the Forest of Arden; though every Rosalind and Orlando knows the path
to glades having much resemblance thereto。

Steerforth; upon whom Dickens evidently prided himself; I must
confess; never laid hold of me。  He is a melodramatic young man。  The
worst I could have wished him would have been that he should marry
Rose Dartle and live with his mother。  It would have served him right
for being so attractive。  Old Peggotty and Ham are; of course;
impossible。  One must accept them also as types。  These Brothers
Cheeryble; these Kits; Joe Gargeries; Boffins; Garlands; John
Peerybingles; we will accept as types of the goodness that is in men…
…though in real life the amount of virtue that Dickens often wastes
upon a single individual would by more economically minded nature; be
made to serve for fifty。

To sum up; 〃David Copperfield〃 is a plain tale; simply told; and such
are all books that live。  Eccentricities of style; artistic trickery;
may please the critic of a day; but literature is a story that
interests us; boys and girls; men and women。  It is a sad book; and
that; again; gives it an added charm in these sad later days。
Humanity is nearing its old age; and we have come to love sadness; as
the friend who has been longest with us。  In the young days of our
vigour we were merry。  With Ulysses' boatmen; we took alike the
sunshine and the thunder with frolic welcome。  The red blood flowed
in our veins; and we laughed; and our tales were of strength and
hope。  Now we sit like old men; watching faces in the fire; and the
stories that we love are sad storieslike the stories we ourselves
have lived。


I ought to like Russia better than I do; if only for the sake of the
many good friends I am proud to possess amongst the Russians。  A
large square photograph I keep always on my mantel…piece; it helps me
to maintain my head at that degree of distention necessary for the
performance of all literary work。  It presents in the centre a
neatly…written address in excellent English that I frankly confess I
am never tired of reading; around which are ranged some hundreds of
names I am quite unable to read; but which; in spite of their strange
lettering; I know to be the names of good Russian men and women to
whom; a year or two ago; occurred the kindly idea of sending me as a
Christmas card this message of encouragement。  The individual Russian
is one of the most charming creatures living。  If he like you he does
not hesitate to let you know it; not only by every action possible;
but; by what perhaps is just as useful in this grey old world; by
generous; impulsive speech。

We Anglo…Saxons are apt to pride o

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