the mysterious stranger-第12节
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people and called them cowards and old women。 Then he turned and saw the
tight…rope; and said foolish people were daily wasting their money to see
a clumsy and ignorant varlet degrade that beautiful art; now they should
see the work of a master。 With that he made a spring into the air and
lit firm on his feet on the rope。 Then he hopped the whole length of it
back and forth on one foot; with his hands clasped over his eyes; and
next he began to throw somersaults; both backward and forward; and threw
The people murmured; for the astrologer was old; and always before had
been halting of movement and at times even lame; but he was nimble enough
now and went on with his antics in the liveliest manner。 Finally he
sprang lightly down and walked away; and passed up the road and around
the corner and disappeared。 Then that great; pale; silent; solid crowd
drew a deep breath and looked into one another's faces as if they said:
〃Was it real? Did you see it; or was it only Iand was I dreaming?〃
Then they broke into a low murmur of talking; and fell apart in couples;
and moved toward their homes; still talking in that awed way; with faces
close together and laying a hand on an arm and making other such gestures
as people make when they have been deeply impressed by something。
We boys followed behind our fathers; and listened; catching all we could
of what they said; and when they sat down in our house and continued
their talk they still had us for company。 They were in a sad mood; for
it was certain; they said; that disaster for the village must follow this
awful visitation of witches and devils。 Then my father remembered that
Father Adolf had been struck dumb at the moment of his denunciation。
〃They have not ventured to lay their hands upon an anointed servant of
God before;〃 he said; 〃and how they could have dared it this time I
cannot make out; for he wore his crucifix。 Isn't it so?〃
〃Yes;〃 said the others; 〃we saw it。〃
〃It is serious; friends; it is very serious。 Always before; we had a
protection。 It has failed。〃
The others shook; as with a sort of chill; and muttered those words over…
…〃It has failed。〃 〃God has forsaken us。〃
〃It is true;〃 said Seppi Wohlmeyer's father; 〃there is nowhere to look
for help。〃
〃The people will realize this;〃 said Nikolaus's father; the judge; 〃and
despair will take away their courage and their energies。 We have indeed
fallen upon evil times。〃
He sighed; and Wohlmeyer said; in a troubled voice: 〃The report of it all
will go about the country; and our village will be shunned as being under
the displeasure of God。 The Golden Stag will know hard times。〃
〃True; neighbor;〃 said my father; 〃all of us will sufferall in repute;
many in estate。 And; good God!〃
〃What is it?〃
〃That can cometo finish us!〃
〃Name itum Gottes Willen!〃
〃The Interdict!〃
It smote like a thunderclap; and they were like to swoon with the terror
of it。 Then the dread of this calamity roused their energies; and they
stopped brooding and began to consider ways to avert it。 They discussed
this; that; and the other way; and talked till the afternoon was far
spent; then confessed that at present they could arrive at no decision。
So they parted sorrowfully; with oppressed hearts which were filled with
While they were saying their parting words I slipped out and set my
course for Marget's house to see what was happening there。 I met many
people; but none of them greeted me。 It ought to have been surprising;
but it was not; for they were so distraught with fear and dread that they
were not in their right minds; I think; they were white and haggard; and
walked like persons in a dream; their eyes open but seeing nothing; their
lips moving but uttering nothing; and worriedly clasping and unclasping
their hands without knowing it。
At Marget's it was like a funeral。 She and Wilhelm sat together on the
sofa; but said nothing; and not even holding hands。 Both were steeped in
gloom; and Marget's eyes were red from the crying she had been doing。
She said:
〃I have been begging him to go; and come no more; and so save himself
alive。 I cannot bear to be his murderer。 This house is bewitched; and
no inmate will escape the fire。 But he will not go; and he will be lost
with the rest。〃
Wilhelm said he would not go; if there was danger for her; his place was
by her; and there he would remain。 Then she began to cry again; and it
was all so mournful that I wished I had stayed away。 There was a knock;
now; and Satan came in; fresh and cheery and beautiful; and brought that
winy atmosphere of his and changed the whole thing。 He never said a word
about what had been happening; nor about the awful fears which were
freezing the blood in the hearts of the community; but began to talk and
rattle on about all manner of gay and pleasant things; and next about
musican artful stroke which cleared away the remnant of Marget's
depression and brought her spirits and her interests broad awake。 She
had not heard any one talk so well and so knowingly on that subject
before; and she was so uplifted by it and so charmed that what she was
feeling lit up her face and came out in her words; and Wilhelm noticed it
and did not look as pleased as he ought to have done。 And next Satan
branched off into poetry; and recited some; and did it well; and Marget
was charmed again; and again Wilhelm was not as pleased as he ought to
have been; and this time Marget noticed it and was remorseful。
I fell asleep to pleasant music that nightthe patter of rain upon the
panes and the dull growling of distant thunder。 Away in the night Satan
came and roused me and said: 〃Come with me。 Where shall we go?〃
〃Anywhereso it is with you。〃
Then there was a fierce glare of sunlight; and he said; 〃This is China。〃
That was a grand surprise; and made me sort of drunk with vanity and
gladness to think I had come so farso much; much farther than anybody
else in our village; including Bartel Sperling; who had such a great
opinion of his travels。 We buzzed around over that empire for more than
half an hour; and saw the whole of it。 It was wonderful; the spectacles
we saw; and some were beautiful; others too horrible to think。 For
instanceHowever; I may go into that by and by; and also why Satan chose
China for this excursion instead of another place; it would interrupt my
tale to do it now。 Finally we stopped flitting and lit。
We sat upon a mountain commanding a vast landscape of mountain…range and
gorge and valley and plain and river; with cities and villages slumbering
in the sunlight; and a glimpse of blue sea on the farther verge。 It was
a tranquil and dreamy picture; beautiful to the eye and restful to the
spirit。 If we could only make a change like that whenever we wanted to;
the world would be easier to live in than it is; for change of scene
shifts the mind's burdens to the other shoulder and banishes old; shop…
worn wearinesses from mind and body both。
We talked together; and I had the idea of trying to reform Satan and
persuade him to lead a better life。 I told him about all those things he
had been doing; and begged him to be more considerate and stop making
people unhappy。 I said I knew he did not mean any harm; but that he
ought to stop and consider the possible consequences of a thing before
launching it in that impulsive and random way of his; then he would not
make so much trouble。 He was not hurt by this plain speech; he only
looked amused and surprised; and said:
〃What? I do random things? Indeed; I never do。 I stop and consider
possible consequences? Where is the need? I know what the consequences
are going to bealways。〃
〃Oh; Satan; then how could you do these things?〃
〃Well; I will tell you; and you must understand if you can。 You belong
to a singular race。 Every man is a suffering…machine and a happiness…
machine combined。 The two functions work together harmoniously; with a
fine and delicate precision; on the give…and…take principle。 For every
happiness turned out in the one department the other stands ready to
modify it with a sorrow or a painmaybe a dozen。 In most cases the
man's life is about equally divided between happiness and unhappiness。
When this is not the case the unhappiness predominatesalways; never the
other。 Sometimes a man's make and disposition are such that his misery…
machine is able to do nearly all the business。 Such a man goes through
life almost ignorant of what happiness is。 Everything he touches;
everything he does; brings a misfortune upon him。 You have seen such
people? To that kind of a person life is not an advantage; is it? It is
only a disaster。 Sometimes for an hour's happiness a man's machinery
makes him pay years of misery。 Don't you know that? It happens every
now and then。 I will give you a case or two presently。 Now the people
of your village are nothing to meyou know that; don't you?〃
I did not like to speak out too flatly; so I said I had suspected it。
〃Well; it is true that they are nothing to me。 It is not possible that
they should be。 The difference between them and me is abysmal;