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black rock-第7节

小说: black rock 字数: 每页4000字

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Punch did in the most gracious manner; and again with cheers for
Punch's master they trooped tumultuously into the tent。

We had only well begun when Baptiste came in quietly but hurriedly
and whispered to me

'M'sieu Craig; he's gone to Slavin's; and would lak you and M'sieu
Graeme would follow queek。  Sandy he's take one leel drink up at de
stable; and he's go mad lak one diable。'

I sent him for Graeme; who was presiding at dinner; and set off for
Slavin's at a run。  There I found Mr。 Craig and Nelson holding
Sandy; more than half drunk; back from Slavin; who; stripped to the
shirt; was coolly waiting with a taunting smile。

'Let me go; Mr。 Craig;' Sandy was saying; 'I am a good Presbyterian。
He is a Papist thief; and he has my money; and I will have it out
of the soul of him。'

'Let him go; preacher;' sneered Slavin; 'I'll cool him off for yez。
But ye'd better hold him if yez wants his mug left on to him。'

'Let him go!' Keefe was shouting。

'Hands off!' Blaney was echoing。

I pushed my way in。  'What's up?' I cried。

'Mr。 Connor;' said Sandy solemnly; 'it is a gentleman you are;
though your name is against you; and I am a good Presbyterian;
and I can give you the Commandments and Reasons annexed to them;
but yon's a thief; a Papist thief; and I am justified in getting my
money out of his soul。'

'But;' I remonstrated; 'you won't get it in this way。'

'He has my money;' reiterated Sandy。

'He is a blank liar; and he's afraid to take it up;' said Slavin;
in a low; cool tone。

With a roar Sandy broke away and rushed at him; but; without moving
from his tracks; Slavin met him with a straight left…hander and
laid him flat。

'Hooray;' yelled Blaney; 'Ireland for ever!' and; seizing the iron
poker; swung it around his head; crying; 'Back; or; by the holy
Moses; I'll kill the first man that interferes wid the game。'

'Give it to him!' Keefe said savagely。

Sandy rose slowly; gazing round stupidly。

'He don't know what hit him;' laughed Keefe。

This roused the Highlander; and saying; 'I'll settle you afterwards;
Mister Keefe;' he rushed in again at Slavin。  Again Slavin met him
again with his left; staggered him; and; before he fell; took a step
forward and delivered a terrific right…hand blow on his jaw。  Poor
Sandy went down in a heap amid the yells of Blaney; Keefe; and some
others of the gang。  I was in despair when in came Baptiste and

One look at Sandy; and Baptiste tore off his coat and cap;
slammed them on the floor; danced on them; and with a long…drawn
'sap…r…r…r…rie;' rushed at Slavin。  But Graeme caught him by the
back of the neck; saying; 'Hold on; little man;' and turning to
Slavin; pointed to Sandy; who was reviving under Nelson's care;
and said; 'What's this for?'

'Ask him;' said Slavin insolently。  'He knows。'

'What is it; Nelson?'

Nelson explained that Sandy; after drinking some at the stable and
a glass at the Black Rock Hotel; had come down here with Keefe and
the others; had lost his money; and was accusing Slavin of robbing

'Did you furnish him with liquor?' said Graeme sternly。

'It is none of your business;' replied Slavin; with an oath。

'I shall make it my business。  It is not the first time my men have
lost money in this saloon。'

'You lie;' said Slavin; with deliberate emphasis。

'Slavin;' said Graeme quietly; 'it's a pity you said that; because;
unless you apologise in one minute; I shall make you sorry。'

'Apologise?' roared Slavin; 'apologise to you?' calling him a vile

Graeme grew white; and said even more slowly; 'Now you'll have to
take it; no apology will do。'

He slowly stripped off coat and vest。  Mr。 Craig interposed;
begging Graeme to let the matter pass。  'Surely he is not worth

'Mr。 Craig;' said Graeme; with an easy smile; 'you don't
understand。  No man can call me that name and walk around
afterwards feeling well。'

Then; turning to Slavin; he said; 'Now; if you want a minute's
rest; I can wait。'

Slavin; with a curse; bade him come。

'Blaney;' said Graeme sharply; 'you get back。'  Blaney promptly
stepped back to Keefe's side。  'Nelson; you and Baptiste can see
that they stay there。'  The old man nodded and looked at Craig; who
simply said; 'Do the best you can。'

It was a good fight。  Slavin had plenty of pluck; and for a time
forced the fighting; Graeme guarding easily and tapping him
aggravatingly about the nose and eyes; drawing blood; but not
disabling him。  Gradually there came a look of fear into Slavin's
eyes; and the beads stood upon his face。  He had met his master。

'Now; Slavin; you're beginning to be sorry; and now I am going to
show you what you are made of。'  Graeme made one or two lightning
passes; struck Slavin one; two; three terrific blows; and laid him
quite flat and senseless。  Keefe and Blaney both sprang forward;
but there was a savage kind of growl。

'Hold; there!'  It was old man Nelson looking along a pistol
barrel。  'You know me; Keefe;' he said。  'You won't do any murder
this time。'

Keefe turned green and yellow; and staggered back; while Slavin
slowly rose to his feet。

'Will you take some more?' said Graeme。  'You haven't got much; but
mind I have stopped playing with you。  Put up your gun; Nelson。  No
one will interfere now。'

Slavin hesitated; then rushed; but Graeme stepped to meet him; and
we saw Slavin's heels in the air as he fell back upon his neck and
shoulders and lay still; with his toes quivering。

'Bon!' yelled Baptiste。  'Bully boy!  Dat's de bon stuff。  Dat's
larn him one good lesson。'  But immediately he shrieked;
Gar…r…r…r…e a vous!'

He was too late; for there was a crash of breaking glass; and
Graeme fell to the floor with a long deep cut on the side of his
head。  Keefe had hurled a bottle with all too sure an aim; and had
fled。  I thought he was dead; but we carried him out; and in a few
minutes he groaned; opened his eyes; and sank again into

'Where can we take him?' I cried。

'To my shack;' said Mr。 Craig。

'Is there no place nearer?'

'Yes; Mrs。 Mavor's。  I shall run on to tell her。'

She met us at the door。  I had in mind to say some words of
apology; but when I looked upon her face I forgot my words; forgot
my business at her door; and stood simply looking。

'Come in!  Bring him in!  Please do not wait;' she said; and her
voice was sweet and soft and firm。

We laid him in a large room at the back of the shop over which Mrs。
Mavor lived。  Together we dressed the wound; her firm white
fingers; skilful as if with long training。  Before the dressing was
finished I sent Craig off; for the time had come for the Magic
Lantern in the church; and I knew how critical the moment was in
our fight。  'Go;' I said; 'he is coming to; and we do not need

In a few moments more Graeme revived; and; gazing about; asked;
'What's; all this about?' and then; recollecting; 'Ah! that brute
Keefe'; then seeing my anxious face he said carelessly; 'Awful
bore; ain't it?  Sorry to trouble you; old fellow。'

'You be hanged!' I said shortly; for his old sweet smile was
playing about his lips; and was almost too much for me。  'Mrs。
Mavor and I are in command; and you must keep perfectly still。'

'Mrs。 Mavor?' he said; in surprise。  She came forward; with a
slight flush on her face。

'I think you know me; Mr。 Graeme。'

'I have often seen you; and wished to know you。  I am sorry to
bring you this trouble。'

'You must not say so;' she replied; 'but let me do all for you that
I can。  And now the doctor says you are to lie still。'

'The doctor?  Oh! you mean Connor。  He is hardly there yet。  You
don't know each other。  Permit me to present Mr。 Connor; Mrs。

As she bowed slightly; her eyes looked into mine with serious gaze;
not inquiring; yet searching my soul。  As I looked into her eyes I
forgot everything about me; and when I recalled myself it seemed as
if I had been away in some far place。  It was not their colour or
their brightness; I do not yet know their colour; and I have often
looked into them; and they were not bright; but they were clear;
and one could look far down into them; and in their depths see a
glowing; steady light。  As I went to get some drugs from the Black
Rock doctor; I found myself wondering about that far…down light;
and about her voice; how it could get that sound from far away。

I found the doctor quite drunk; as indeed Mr。 Craig had warned; but
his drugs were good; and I got what I wanted and quickly returned。

While Graeme slept Mrs。 Mavor made me tea。  As the evening wore on
I told her the events of the day; dwelling admiringly upon Craig's
generalship。  She smiled at this。

'He got me too;' she said。  'Nixon was sent to me just before the
sports; and I don't think he will break down to…day; and I am so
thankful。'  And her eyes glowed。

'I am quite sure he won't;' I thought to myself; but I said no

After a long pause; she went on; 'I have promised Mr。 Craig to sing
to…night; if I am needed!' and then; after a moment's hesitation;
'It is two years since I have been able to singtwo years;' she
repeated; 'since'and then her brave voice trembled'my husband
was kill

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