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雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1-第76节

小说: 雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1 字数: 每页4000字

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  He said:
  Javert interrupted him:
  〃Call me Mr。 Inspector。〃
  〃Monsieur;〃 said Jean Valjean; 〃I should like to say a word to you in private。〃
  Say it aloud!〃 replied Javert; 〃people are in the habit of talking aloud to me。〃
  Jean Valjean went on in a lower tone:
  〃I have a request to make of you〃
  〃I tell you to speak loud。〃
  〃But you alone should hear it〃
  〃What difference does that make to me?
  I shall not listen。〃
  Jean Valjean turned towards him and said very rapidly and in a very low voice:
  〃Grant me three days' grace! three days in which to go and fetch the child of this unhappy woman。
  I will pay whatever is necessary。 You shall acpany me if you choose。〃
  〃You are making sport of me!〃 cried Javert。
  〃e now; I did not think you such a fool!
  You ask me to give you three days in which to run away!
  You say that it is for the purpose of fetching that creature's child!
  That's good!
  That's really capital!〃
  Fantine was seized with a fit of trembling。
  〃My child!〃 she cried; 〃to go and fetch my child!
  She is not here; then!
  Answer me; sister; where is Cosette?
  I want my child! Monsieur Madeleine!
  Monsieur le Maire!〃
  Javert stamped his foot。
  〃And now there's the other one!
  Will you hold your tongue; you hussy? It's a pretty sort of a place where convicts are magistrates; and where women of the town are cared for like countesses!
  But we are going to change all that; it is high time!〃
  He stared intently at Fantine; and added; once more taking into his grasp Jean Valjean's cravat; shirt and collar:
  〃I tell you that there is no Monsieur Madeleine and that there is no Monsieur le Maire。
  There is a thief; a brigand; a convict named Jean Valjean!
  And I have him in my grasp!
  That's what there is!〃
  Fantine raised herself in bed with a bound; supporting herself on her stiffened arms and on both hands:
  she gazed at Jean Valjean; she gazed at Javert; she gazed at the nun; she opened her mouth as though to speak; a rattle proceeded from the depths of her throat; her teeth chattered; she stretched out her arms in her agony; opening her hands convulsively; and fumbling about her like a drowning person; then suddenly fell back on her pillow。
  Her head struck the head…board of the bed and fell forwards on her breast; with gaping mouth and staring; sightless eyes。
  She was dead。
  Jean Valjean laid his hand upon the detaining hand of Javert; and opened it as he would have opened the hand of a baby; then he said to Javert:
  〃You have murdered that woman。〃
  〃Let's have an end of this!〃 shouted Javert; in a fury; 〃I am not here to listen to argument。
  Let us economize all that; the guard is below; march on instantly; or you'll get the thumb…screws!〃
  In the corner of the room stood an old iron bedstead; which was in a decidedly decrepit state; and which served the sisters as a camp…bed when they were watching with the sick。
  Jean Valjean stepped up to this bed; in a twinkling wrenched off the head…piece; which was already in a dilapidated condition; an easy matter to muscles like his; grasped the principal rod like a bludgeon; and glanced at Javert。 Javert retreated towards the door。
  Jean Valjean; armed with his bar of iron; walked slowly up to Fantine's couch。
  When he arrived there he turned and said to Javert; in a voice that was barely audible:
  〃I advise you not to disturb me at this moment。〃
  One thing is certain; and that is; that Javert trembled。
  It did occur to him to summon the guard; but Jean Valjean might avail himself of that moment to effect his escape; so he remained; grasped his cane by the small end; and leaned against the door…post; without removing his eyes from Jean Valjean。
  Jean Valjean rested his elbow on the knob at the head of the bed; and his brow on his hand; and began to contemplate the motionless body of Fantine; which lay extended there。
  He remained thus; mute; absorbed; evidently with no further thought of anything connected with this life。
  Upon his face and in his attitude there was nothing but inexpressible pity。
  After a few moments of this meditation he bent towards Fantine; and spoke to her in a low voice。
  What did he say to her?
  What could this man; who was reproved; say to that woman; who was dead?
  What words were those?
  No one on earth heard them。
  Did the dead woman hear them?
  There are some touching illusions which are; perhaps; sublime realities。 The point as to which there exists no doubt is; that Sister Simplice; the sole witness of the incident; often said that at the moment that Jean Valjean whispered in Fantine's ear; she distinctly beheld an ineffable smile dawn on those pale lips; and in those dim eyes; filled with the amazement of the tomb。
  Jean Valjean took Fantine's head in both his hands; and arranged it on the pillow as a mother might have done for her child; then he tied the string of her chemise; and smoothed her hair back under her cap。 That done; he closed her eyes。
  Fantine's face seemed strangely illuminated at that moment。
  Death; that signifies entrance into the great light。
  Fantine's hand was hanging over the side of the bed。
  Jean Valjean knelt down before that hand; lifted it gently; and kissed it。
  Then he rose; and turned to Javert。
  〃Now;〃 said he; 〃I am at your disposal。〃

   Javert deposited Jean Valjean in the city prison。
  The arrest of M。 Madeleine occasioned a sensation; or rather; an extraordinary motion in M。 sur M。 We are sorry that we cannot conceal the fact; that at the single word; 〃He was a convict;〃 nearly every one deserted him。
  In less than two hours all the good that he had done had been forgotten; and he was nothing but a 〃convict from the galleys。〃
  It is just to add that the details of what had taken place at Arras were not yet known。
  All day long conversations like the following were to be heard in all quarters of the town:
  〃You don't know?
  He was a liberated convict!〃
  〃The mayor。〃 〃Bah!
  M。 Madeleine?〃
  〃His name was not Madeleine at all; he had a frightful name; Bejean; Bojean; Boujean。〃
  〃Ah! Good God!〃
  〃He has been arrested。〃
  〃In prison; in the city prison; while waiting to be transferred。〃
  〃Until he is transferred!〃
  〃He is to be transferred!〃
  〃Where is he to be taken?〃
  〃He will be tried at the Assizes for a highway robbery which he mitted long ago。〃
  I suspected as much。 That man was too good; too perfect; too affected。
  He refused the cross; he bestowed sous on all the little scamps he came across。 I always thought there was some evil history back of all that。〃
  The 〃drawing…rooms〃 particularly abounded in remarks of this nature。
  One old lady; a subscriber to the Drapeau Blanc; made the following remark; the depth of which it is impossible to fathom:
  〃I am not sorry。
  It will be a lesson to the Bonapartists!〃
  It was thus that the phantom which had been called M。 Madeleine vanished from M。 sur M。 Only three or four persons in all the town remained faithful to his memory。
  The old portress who had served him was among the number。
  On the evening of that day the worthy old woman was sitting in her lodge; still in a thorough fright; and absorbed in sad reflections。 The factory had been closed all day; the carriage gate was bolted; the street was deserted。
  There was no one in the house but the two nuns; Sister Perpetue and Sister Simplice; who were watching beside the body of Fantine。
  Towards the hour when M。 Madeleine was accustomed to return home; the good portress rose mechanically; took from a drawer the key of M。 Madeleine's chamber; and the flat candlestick which he used every evening to go up to his quarters; then she hung the key on the nail whence he was accustomed to take it; and set the candlestick on one side; as though she was expecting him。
  Then she sat down again on her chair; and became absorbed in thought once more。 The poor; good old woman bad done all this without being conscious of it。
  It was only at the expiration of two hours that she roused herself from her revery; and exclaimed; 〃Hold!
  My good God Jesus! And I hung his key on the nail!〃
  At that moment the small window in the lodge opened; a hand passed through; seized the key and the candlestick; and lighted the taper at the candle which was burning there。
  The portress raised her eyes; and stood there with gaping mouth; and a shriek which she confined to her throat。
  She knew that hand; that arm; the sleeve of that coat。
  It was M。 Madeleine。
  It was several seconds before she could speak; she had a seizure; as she said herself; when she related the adventure afterwards。
  〃Good God; Monsieur le Maire;〃 she cried at last; 〃I thought you were〃
  She stopped; the conclusion of her sentence would have been lacking in respect towards the beginning。
  Jean Valj

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