the golden age(署弼扮旗)-及28准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
hiatuses and interpolations in the French tongue察 then the red flag was
flown察 the storm´cone hoisted察 and by a studious pretence of inattention
we were not long in plucking out the heart of the mystery。
To clinch our conclusion察 we descended suddenly and together on
Martha察 proceeding察 however察 not by simple inquiry as to facts察 that
would never have donebut by informing her that the air was full of
school and that we knew all about it察 and then challenging denial。
Martha was a trusty soul察but a bad witness for the defence察and we soon
had it all out of her。 The word had gone forth察 the school had been
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selected察the necessary sheets were hemming even now察and Edward was
the designated and appointed victim。
It had always been before us as an inevitable bourne察 this strange
unknown thing called school察and yetperhaps I should say consequently´
´we had never seriously set ourselves to consider what it really meant。
But now that the grim spectre loomed imminent察stretching lean hands for
one of our flock察it behoved us to face the situation察to take soundings in
this uncharted sea and find out whither we were drifting。 Unfortunately察
the data in our possession were absolutely insufficient察and we knew not
whither to turn for exact information。 Uncle Thomas could have told us
all about it察 of course察 he had been there himself察 once察 in the dim and
misty past。 But an unfortunate conviction察that Nature had intended him
for a humourist察tainted all his evidence察besides making it wearisome to
hear。 Again察of such among our contemporaries as we had approached察
the trumpets gave forth an uncertain sound。 According to some察it meant
larks察 revels察 emancipation察 and a foretaste of the bliss of manhood。
According to othersthe majority察 alasit was a private and peculiar
Hades察that could give the original institution points and a beating。 When
Edward was observed to be swaggering round with a jaunty air and his
chest stuck out察I knew that he was contemplating his future from the one
point of view。 When察on the contrary察he was subdued and unaggressive察
and sought the society of his sisters察I recognised that the other aspect was
in the ascendant。 ;You can always run away察 you know察─ I used to
remark consolingly on these latter occasions察and Edward would brighten
up wonderfully at the suggestion察while Charlotte melted into tears before
her vision of a brother with blistered feet and an empty belly察 passing
nights of frost 'neath the lee of windy haystacks。
It was to Edward察of course察that the situation was chiefly productive
of anxiety察 and yet the ensuing change in my own circumstances and
position furnished me also with food for grave reflexion。 Hitherto I had
acted mostly to orders。 Even when I had devised and counselled any
particular devilry察it had been carried out on Edward's approbation察andas
eldestat his special risk。 Henceforward I began to be anxious of the
bugbear Responsibility察 and to realise what a soul´throttling thing it is。
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True察my new position would have its compensations。
Edward had been masterful exceedingly察 imperious察 perhaps a little
narrow察 impassioned for hard facts察 and with scant sympathy for make´
believe。 I should now be free and untrammelled察in the conception and
carrying out of a scheme察 I could accept and reject to better artistic
It would察moreover察be needless to be a Radical any more。 Radical I
never was察really察by nature or by sympathy。 The part had been thrust on
me one day察 when Edward proposed to foist the House of Lords on our
small Republic。 The principles of the thing he set forth learnedly and
well察and it all sounded promising enough察till he went on to explain that察
for the present at least察 he proposed to be the House of Lords himself。
We others were to be the Commons。 There would be promotions察 of
course察he added察dependent on service and on fitness察and open to both
sexes察 and to me in especial he held out hopes of speedy advancement。
But in its initial stages the thing wouldn't work properly unless he were
first and only Lord。 Then I put my foot down promptly察and said it was
all rot察and I didn't see the good of any House of Lords at all。 ;Then you
must be a low Radical said Edward察with fine contempt。 The inference
seemed hardly necessary察 but what could I do拭 I accepted the situation察
and said firmly察Yes察I was a low Radical。 In this monstrous character I
had been obliged to masquerade ever since察but now I could throw it off察
and look the world in the face again。
And yet察 did this and other gains really out´balance my losses拭
Henceforth I should察it was true察be leader and chief察but I should also be
the buffer between the Olympians and my little clan。 To Edward this had
been nothing察he had withstood the impact of Olympus without flinching察
like Teneriffe or Atlas unremoved。 But was I equal to the task拭And
was there not rather a danger that for the sake of peace and quietness I
might be tempted to compromise察 compound察 and make terms拭 sinking
thus察 by successive lapses察 into the Blameless Prig拭 I don't mean察 of
course察that I thought out my thoughts to the exact point here set down。
In those fortunate days of old one was free from the hard necessity of
transmuting the vague idea into the mechanical inadequate medium of
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words。 But the feeling was there察that I might not possess the qualities of
character for so delicate a position。
The unnatural halo round Edward got more pronounced察 his own
demeanour more responsible and dignified察 with the arrival of his new
clothes。 When his trunk and play´box were sent in察 the approaching
cleavage between our brother察 who now belonged to the future察 and
ourselves察 still claimed by the past察 was accentuated indeed。 His name
was painted on each of them察in large letters察and after their arrival their
owner used to disappear mysteriously察and be found eventually wandering
round his luggage察murmuring to himself察 Edward察in a rapt察remote
sort of way。 It was a weakness察of course察and pointed to a soft spot in
his character察 but those who can remember the sensation of first seeing
their names in print will not think hardly of him。
As the short days sped by and the grim event cast its shadow longer
and longer across our threshold察an unnatural politeness察a civility scarce
canny察 began to pervade the air。 In those latter hours Edward himself
was frequently heard to say ;Please察 and also ;Would you mind fetchin'
that ball拭─ while Harold and I would sometimes actually find ourselves
trying to anticipate his wishes。 As for the girls察 they simply grovelled。
The Olympians察too察in their uncouth way察by gift of carnal delicacies and
such´like indulgence察 seemed anxious to demonstrate that they had
hitherto misjudged this one of us。 Altogether the situation grew strained
and false察and I think a general relief was felt when the end came。
We all trooped down to the station察of course察it is only in later years
that the farce of ;seeing people off; is seen in its true colours。 Edward
was the life and soul of the party察and if his gaiety struck one at times as
being a trifle ov