the golden age(署弼扮旗)-及22准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
projection met the thrilling finger´tips察 unyielding the old bureau stood察
stoutly guarding its secret察if secret it really had。 I began to grow weary
and disheartened。 This was not the first time that Uncle Thomas had
proved shallow察 uninformed察 a guide into blind alleys where the echoes
mocked you。 Was it any good persisting longer拭 Was anything any
good whatever拭 In my mind I began to review past disappointments察and
life seemed one long record of failure and of non´arriral。 Disillusioned
and depressed察 I left my work and went to the window。 The light was
ebbing from the room察 and outside seemed to be collecting itself on the
horizon for its concentrated effort of sunset。 Far down the garden察Uncle
Thomas was holding Edward in the air reversed察 and smacking him。
Edward察 gurgling hysterically察 was striking blind fists in the direction
where he judged his uncle's stomach should rightly be察the contents of his
pocketsa motley showwere strewing the lawn。 Somehow察 though I
had been put through a similar performance an hour or two ago察myself察it
all seemed very far away and cut off from me。
Westwards the clouds were massing themselves in a low violet bank察
below them察to north and south察as far round as eye could reach察a narrow
streak of gold ran out and stretched away察 straight along the horizon。
Somewhere very far off察 a horn was being blown察 clear and thin察 it
sounded like the golden streak grown audible察while the gold seemed the
visible sound。 It pricked my ebbing courage察this blended strain of music
and colour察and I turned for a last effort察and Fortune thereupon察as if half´
ashamed of the unworthy game she had been playing with me察relented察
opening her clenched fist。 Hardly had I put my hand once more to the
obdurate wood察when with a sort of small sigh察almost a sobas it were
of relief察the secret drawer sprang open。
I drew it out and carried it to the window察to examine it in the failing
light。 Too hopeless had I gradually grown察in my dispiriting search察 to
expect very much察and yet at a glance I saw that my basket of glass lay in
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The Golden Age
fragments at my feet。 No ingots or dollars were here察to crown me the
little Monte Cristo of a week。 Outside察 the distant horn had ceased its
gnat´song察the gold was paling to primrose察and everything was lonely and
still。 Within察my confident little castles were tumbling down like card´
houses察 leaving me stripped of estate察 both real and personal察 and
dominated by the depressing reaction。
And yetas I looked again at the small collection that lay within that
drawer of disillusions察 some warmth crept back to my heart as I
recognised that a kindred spirit to my own had been at the making of it。
Two tarnished gilt buttonsnaval察 apparentlya portrait of a monarch
unknown to me察cut from some antique print and deftly coloured by hand
in just my own bold style of brush´worksome foreign copper coins察
thicker and clumsier of make than those I hoarded myselfand a list of
birds' eggs察with names of the places where they had been found。 Also察a
ferret's muzzle察and a twist of tarry string察still faintly aromatic。 It was a
real boy's hoard察then察that I had happened upon。 He too had found out
the secret drawer察this happy starred young person察and here he had stowed
away his treasures察one by one察and had cherished them secretly awhile察
and thenwhat拭 Well察one would never know now the reason why these
priceless possessions still lay here unreclaimed察but across the void stretch
of years I seemed to touch hands a moment with my little comrade of
seasons long since dead。
I restored the drawer察with its contents察to the trusty bureau察and heard
the spring click with a certain satisfaction。 Some other boy察 perhaps察
would some day release that spring again。 I trusted he would be equally
appreciative。 As I opened the door to go察I could hear from the nursery at
the end of the passage shouts and yells察 telling that the hunt was up。
Bears察apparently察or bandits察were on the evening bill of fare察judging by
the character of the noises。 In another minute I would be in the thick of it察
in all the warmth and light and laughter。 And yetwhat a long way off it
all seemed察both in space and time察to me yet lingering on the threshold of
that old´world chamber
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The eventful day had arrived at last察the day which察when first named察
had seemedlike all golden dates that promise anything definiteso
immeasurably remote。 When it was first announced察a fortnight before察
that Miss Smedley was really going察the resultant ecstasies had occupied a
full week察 during which we blindly revelled in the contemplation and
discussion of her past tyrannies察crimes察 malignities察in recalling to each
other this or that insult察dishonour察or physical assault察sullenly endured at
a time when deliverance was not even a small star on the horizon察and in
mapping out the golden days to come察with special new troubles of their
own察no doubt察since this is but a work´a´ day world察but at least free from
one familiar scourge。 The time that remained had been taken up by the
planning of practical expressions of the popular sentiment。 Under
Edward's masterly direction察arrangements had been made for a flag to be
run up over the hen´house at the very moment when the fly察 with Miss
Smedley's boxes on top and the grim oppressor herself inside察 began to
move off down the drive。 Three brass cannons察set on the brow of the
sunk´fence察were to proclaim our deathless sentiments in the ears of the
retreating foe此the dogs were to wear ribbons察and laterbut this depended
on our powers of evasiveness and dissimulationthere might be a small
bonfire察with a cracker or two察if the public funds could bear the unwonted
I was awakened by Harold digging me in the ribs察and ;She's going to´
day ─was the morning hymn that scattered the clouds of sleep。
Strange to say察it was with no corresponding jubilation of spirits that I
slowly realised the momentous fact。 Indeed察 as I dressed察 a dull
disagreeable feeling that I could not define grew within mesomething
like a physical bruise。 Harold was evidently feeling it too察 for after
repeating ;She's going to´ day ─ in a tone more befitting the Litany察 he
looked hard in my face for direction as to how the situation was to be
taken。 But I crossly bade him look sharp and say his prayers and not
bother me。 What could this gloom portend察that on a day of days like the
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present seemed to hang my heavens with black拭
Down at last and out in the sun察we found Edward before us察swinging
on a gate察and chanting a farm´yard ditty in which all the beasts appear in
due order察jargoning in their several tongues察and every verse begins with
the couplet
;Now察my lads察come with me察 Out in the morning early ─
The fateful exodus of the day had evidently slipped his memory
entirely。 I touched him on the shoulder。 ;She's going to´day ─ I said。
Edward's carol subsided like a water´tap turned off。 ;So she is ─ he
replied察and got down at once off the gate此and we returned to the house
without another word。
At breakfast Miss Smedley behaved in a most mean and uncalled´for
manner。 The right divine of governesses to govern wrong includes no
right to cry。 In thus usurping the prerogative of their victims察they ignore
the rules of the ring察 and hit below the belt。 Charlotte was