the golden age(署弼扮旗)-及16准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
floating cork´fragments with skill and judgment。
;O察it's all very well to say bosh察─replied Harold察nettled察 but every
one knows it's true but you。 Why察when Uncle Thomas was here last察and
they got up a bottle of wine for him察he took just one tiny sip out of his
glass察 and then he said察 Poo察 my goodness察 that's corked' And he
wouldn't touch it。 And they had to get a fresh bottle up。 The funny part
was察though察I looked in his glass afterwards察when it was brought out into
the passage察and there wasn't any cork in it at all So I drank it all off察
and it was very good ─
;You'd better be careful察young man ─said his elder brother察regarding
him severely。 ;D' you remember that night when the Mummers were
here察and they had mulled port察and you went round and emptied all the
glasses after they had gone away拭─
;Ow I did feel funny that night察─ chuckled Harold。 ;Thought the
house was comin' down察it jumped about so察and Martha had to carry me
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up to bed察'cos the stairs was goin' all waggity ─
We gazed searchingly at our graceless junior察but it was clear that he
viewed the matter in the light of a phenomenon rather than of a
A third bottle was by this time circling察and Selina察who had evidently
waited for it to reach her察took a most unfairly long pull察and then jumping
up and shaking out her frock察announced that she was going for a walk。
Then she fled like a hare察for it was the custom of our Family to meet with
physical coercion any independence of action in individuals。
;She's off with those Vicarage girls again察─ said Edward察 regarding
Selina's long black legs twinkling down the path。 ;She goes out with
them every day now察 and as soon as ever they start察 all their heads go
together and they chatter察chatter察chatter the whole blessed time I can't
make out what they find to talk about。 They never stop察 it's gabble察
gabble察gabble right along察like a nest of young rooks ─
;P'raps they talk about birds'´eggs察─I suggested sleepily the sun was
hot察the turf soft察the ginger´beer potent察 and about ships察and buffaloes察
and desert islands察and why rabbits have white tails察and whether they'd
sooner have a schooner or a cutter察and what they'll be when they're men
at least察I mean there's lots of things to talk about察if you WANT to talk。;
;Yes察 but they don't talk about those sort of things at all察─ persisted
Edward。 ;How CAN they拭 They don't KNOW anything察they can't DO
anythingexcept play the piano察 and nobody would want to talk about
THAT察and they don't care about anythinganything sensible察I mean。 So
what DO they talk about拭─
;I asked Martha once察─ put in Harold察 and she said察 Never YOU
mind察young ladies has lots of things to talk about that young gentlemen
can't understand。';
;I don't believe it察─Edward growled。
;Well察that's what she SAID察anyway察─rejoined Harold察indifferently。
The subject did not seem to him of first´class importance察 and it was
hindering the circulation of the ginger´ beer。
We heard the click of the front´gate。 Through a gap in the hedge we
could see the party setting off down the road。 Selina was in the middle此a
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Vicarage girl had her by either arm察their heads were together察as Edward
had described察and the clack of their tongues came down the breeze like
the busy pipe of starlings on a bright March morning。
;What DO they talk about察 Charlotte拭─ I inquired察 wishing to pacify
Edward。 ;You go out with them sometimes。;
;I don't know察─said poor Charlotte察dolefully。 ;They make me walk
behind察'cos they say I'm too little察and mustn't hear。 And I DO want to
so察─she added。
;When any lady comes to see Aunt Eliza察─said Harold察 they both talk
at once all the time。 And yet each of 'em seems to hear what the other
one's saying。 I can't make out how they do it。 Grown´up people are so
clever ─
;The Curate's the funniest man察─ I remarked。 ;He's always saying
things that have no sense in them at all察and then laughing at them as if
they were jokes。 Yesterday察when they asked him if he'd have some more
tea he said `Once more unto the breach察dear friends察once more' and then
sniggered all over。 I didn't see anything funny in that。 And then
somebody asked him about his button´hole and he said `'Tis but a little
faded flower' and exploded again。 I thought it very stupid。;
;O HIM察─said Edward contemptuously此 he can't help it察you know察
it's a sort of way he's got。 But it's these girls I can't make out。 If they've
anything really sensible to talk about察how is it nobody knows what it is拭
And if they haven'tand we know they CAN'T have察naturallywhy don't
they shut up their jaw拭 This old rabbit hereHE doesn't want to talk。
He's got something better to do。; And Edward aimed a ginger´beer cork
at the unruffled beast察who never budged。
;O but rabbits DO talk察─interposed Harold。 ;I've watched them often
in their hutch。 They put their heads together and their noses go up and
down察 just like Selina's and the Vicarage girls'。 Only of course I can t
hear what they're saying。;
;Well察 if they do察─ said Edward察 unwillingly察 I'll bet they don't talk
such rot as those girls do which was ungenerous察as well as unfair察for it
had not yet transpirednor has it to this dayWHAT Selina and her
friends talked about。
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The advent of strangers察of whatever sort察into our circle察had always
been a matter of grave dubiety and suspicion察indeed察it was generally a
signal for retreat into caves and fastnesses of the earth察 into unthreaded
copses or remote outlying cowsheds察 whence we were only to be
extricated by wily nursemaids察rendered familiar by experience with our
secret runs and refuges。 It was not surprising therefore that the heroes of
classic legend察when first we made their acquaintance察failed to win our
entire sympathy at once。 ;Confidence察─ says somebody察 is a plant of
slow growth察─and these stately dark´haired demi´gods察with names hard to
master and strange accoutrements察 had to win a citadel already strongly
garrisoned with a more familiar soldiery。 Their chill foreign goddesses
had no such direct appeal for us as the mocking malicious fairies and
witches of the North察we missed the pleasant alliance of the animalthe
fox who spread the bushiest of tails to convey us to the enchanted castle察
the frog in the well察the raven who croaked advice from the tree察andto
Harold especiallyit seemed entirely wrong that the hero should ever be
other than the youngest brother of three。 This belief察 indeed察 in the
special fortune that ever awaited the youngest brother察 as suchthe
;Borough´English; of Faeryhad been of baleful effect on Harold察
producing a certain self´conceit and perkiness that called for physical
correction。 But even in our admonishment we were on his side察and as
we distrustfully eyed these new arrivals察 old Saturn himself seemed
something of a parvenu。 Even strangers察 however察 if they be good
fellows at heart察 may develop into sworn comrades察 and these gay
swordsmen察 after all察 were of the right stuff。 Perseus察 with his cap of
darkness and his wonderful sandals察was not long in winging his way to
our hearts察 Apollo knocked at Admetus' gate in something of the right
fairy fashion察 Psyche brought with her an orthodox palace of magic察 as