the golden age(署弼扮旗)-及15准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
all lies拭─asked Charlotte察bluntly。 Miss Smedley deprecated the use of
any such unladylike words in any connection at all。 ;These stories had
their origin察my dear察─she explained察 in a mistaken anthropomorphism in
the interpretation of nature。 But though we are now too well informed to
fall into similar errors察there are still many beautiful lessons to be learned
from these myths;
;But how can you learn anything察─ persisted Charlotte察 from what
doesn't exist拭─ And she left the table defiant察howbeit depressed。
;Don't you mind HER察─ I said察 consolingly察 how can she know
anything about it拭 Why察she can't even throw a stone properly ─
;Edward says they're all rot察too察─replied Charlotte察doubtfully。
Edward says everything's rot察─I explained察 now he thinks he's going
into the Army。 If a thing's in a book it MUST be true察so that settles it ─
Charlotte looked almost reassured。 The room was quieter now察 for
Edward had got the dragon down and was boring holes in him with a
purring sound Harold was ascending the steps of the Athenaeum with a
jaunty airsuggestive rather of the Junior Carlton。 Outside察the tall elm´
tops were hardly to be seen through the feathery storm。 ;The sky's a´
falling察─ quoted Charlotte察 softly察 I must go and tell the king。; The
quotation suggested a fairy story察and I offered to read to her察reaching out
for the book。 But the Wee Folk were under a cloud察sceptical hints had
embittered the chalice。 So I was fain to fetch Arthursecond favourite
with Charlotte for his dames riding errant察and an easy first with us boys
for his spear´splintering crash of tourney and hurtle against hopeless odds。
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Here again察however察I proved unfortunatewhat ill´luck made the book
open at the sorrowful history of Balin and Balan拭 And he vanished
anon察─I read此 and so he heard an horne blow察as it had been the death of a
beast。 `That blast' said Balin察 is blowen for me察for I am the prize察and
yet am I not dead。'; Charlotte began to cry此she knew the rest too well。 I
shut the book in despair。 Harold emerged from behind the arm´chair。
He was sucking his thumb a thing which members of the Reform are
seldom seen to do察 and he stared wide´ eyed at his tear stained sister。
Edward put off his histrionics察and rushed up to her as the consolera new
part for him。
;I know a jolly story察─ he began。 ;Aunt Eliza told it me。 It was
when she was somewhere over in that beastly abroad;he had once spent
a black month of misery at Dinan;and there was a fellow there who had
got two storks。 And one stork diedit was the she´stork。; ─What did it
die of拭─put in Harold。 ;And the other stork was quite sorry察and moped察
and went on察and got very miserable。 So they looked about and found a
duck察and introduced it to the stork。 The duck was a drake察but the stork
didn't mind察and they loved each other and were as jolly as could be。 By
and by another duck came alonga real she´duck this timeand when the
drake saw her he fell in love察and left the stork察and went and proposed to
the duck此for she was very beautiful。 But the poor stork who was left察he
said nothing at all to anybody察but just pined and pined and pined away察till
one morning he was found quite dead But the ducks lived happily ever
afterwards ─
This was Edward's idea of a jolly story Down again went the
corners of poor Charlotte's mouth。 Really Edward's stupid inability to
see the real point in anything was TOO annoying It was always so。
Years before察 it being necessary to prepare his youthful mind for a
domestic event that might lead to awkward questionings at a time when
there was little leisure to invent appropriate answers察 it was delicately
inquired of him whether he would like to have a little brother察or perhaps a
little sister拭 He considered the matter carefully in all its bearings察 and
finally declared for a Newfoundland pup。 Any boy more ;gleg at the
uptak; would have met his parents half´way察and eased their burden。 As
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it was察 the matter had to be approached all over again from a fresh
standpoint。 And now察 while Charlotte turned away sniffingly察 with a
hiccough that told of an overwrought soul察Edward察unconscious like Sir
Isaac's Diamond of the mischief he had done察wheeled round on Harold
with a shout。
;I want a live dragon察─he announced此 you've got to be my dragon ─
;Leave me go察 will you拭─ squealed Harold察 struggling stoutly。 ;I'm
playin' at something else。 How can I be a dragon and belong to all the
;But wouldn't you like to be a nice scaly dragon察 all green察─ said
Edward察trying persuasion察 with a curly tail and red eyes察and breathing
real smoke and fire拭─
Harold wavered an instant此 Pall´Mall was still strong in him。 The
next he was grovelling on the floor。 No saurian ever swung a tail so
scaly and so curly as his。 Clubland was a thousand years away。 With
horrific pants he emitted smokiest smoke and fiercest fire。
;Now I want a Princess察─ cried Edward察 clutching Charlotte
ecstatically察 and YOU can be the doctor察and heal me from the dragon's
deadly wound。;
Of all professions I held the sacred art of healing in worst horror and
contempt。 Cataclysmal memories of purge and draught crowded thick on
me察and with Charlottewho courted no barren honoursI made a break
for the door。 Edward did likewise察and the hostile forces clashed together
on the mat察 and for a brief space things were mixed and chaotic and
Arthurian。 The silvery sound of the luncheon´bell restored an instant
peace察 even in the teeth of clenched antagonisms like ours。 The Holy
Grail itself察 sliding athwart a sunbeam察─never so effectually stilled a riot
of warring passions into sweet and quiet accord。
Edward was standing ginger´beer like a gentleman察happening察as the
one that had last passed under the dentist's hands察to be the capitalist of the
flying hour。 As in all well´regulated families察the usual tariff obtained in
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The Golden Age
ourshalf´a´crown a tooth察one shilling only if the molar were a loose one。
This one察 unfortunatelyin spite of Edward's interested affectation of
agonyhad been shaky undisguised察but the event was good enough to run
to ginger´beer。 As financier察 however察 Edward had claimed exemption
from any servile duties of procurement察 and had swaggered about the
garden while I fetched from the village post´ office察 and Harold stole a
tumbler from the pantry。 Our preparations complete察we were sprawling
on the lawn察the staidest and most self respecting of the rabbits had been
let loose to grace the feast察 and was lopping demurely about the grass察
selecting the juiciest plantains察 while Selina察 as the eldest lady present察
was toying察 in her affected feminine way察 with the first full tumbler察
daintily fishing for bits of broken cork。
;Hurry up察can't you拭─growled our host察 what are you girls always so
beastly particular for拭─
;Martha says察─explained Harold thirsty too察but still just察 that if you
swallow a bit of cork察it swells察and it swells察and it swells inside you察till
;O bosh ─ said Edward察 draining the glass with a fine pretence of
indifference to consequences察but all the same as I noticed dodging the
floating cork´fragments with skill and judgment。