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evolution and ethics and other essays-第5节

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agents; with a view to his ideal of a successful colony; just as the
gardener selects his plants with a view to his ideal of useful or
beautiful products。

In the second place; in order that no struggle for the means of
existence between these human agents should weaken the efficiency of
the corporate whole in the battle with the state of nature; he would
make arrangements by which each would be provided with those means;
and would be relieved from the fear of being deprived of them by his
stronger or more cunning fellows。  Laws; sanctioned by the combined
force of the colony; would restrain the self…assertion of each man
within the limits required for the maintenance of peace。 In other
words; the cosmic struggle for existence; as between man and man;
would be rigorously suppressed; and selection; by its means; would be
as completely excluded as it is from the garden。

At the same time; the obstacles to the full development of the
capacities of the colonists by other conditions of the state of nature
than those already mentioned; would be removed by the creation of
artificial conditions of existence of a more favourable character:
Protection against extremes of heat and cold would '19' be afforded by
houses and clothing; drainage and irrigation works would antagonise
the effects of excessive rain and excessive drought; roads; bridges;
canals; carriages; and ships would overcome the natural obstacles to
locomotion and transport; mechanical engines would supplement the
natural strength of men and of their draught animals; hygienic
precautions would check; or remove; the natural causes of disease。
With every step of this progress in civilization; the colonists would
become more and more independent of the state of nature; more and
more; their lives would be conditioned by a state of art。 In order to
attain his ends; the administrator would have to avail himself of the
courage; industry; and co…operative intelligence of the settlers; and
it is plain that the interest of the community would be best served by
increasing the proportion of persons who possess such qualities; and
diminishing that of persons devoid of them。 In other words; by
selection directed towards an ideal。

Thus the administrator might look to the establishment of an earthly
paradise; a true garden of Eden; in which all things should work
together towards the well…being of the gardeners: within which the
cosmic process; the coarse struggle for existence of the state of
nature; should be abolished; in which that state should be replaced by
a state of art; '20' where every plant and every lower animal should
be adapted to human wants; and would perish if human supervision and
protection were withdrawn; where men themselves should have been
selected; with a view to their efficiency as organs for the
performance of the functions of a perfected society。 And this ideal
polity would have been brought about; not by gradually adjusting the
men to the conditions around them; but by creating artificial
conditions for them; not by allowing the free play of the struggle for
existence; but by excluding that struggle; and by substituting
selection directed towards the administrator's ideal for the selection
it exercises。


But the Eden would have its serpent; and a very subtle beast too。 Man
shares with the rest of the living world the mighty instinct of
reproduction and its consequence; the tendency to multiply with great
rapidity。 The better the measures of the administrator achieved their
object; the more completely the destructive agencies of the state of
nature were defeated; the less would that multiplication be checked。

On the other hand; within the colony; the enforcement of peace; which
deprives every man of the power to take away the means of existence
from another; simply because he is the stronger; '21' would have put
an end to the struggle for existence between the colonists; and the
competition for the commodities of existence; which would alone
remain; is no check upon population。

Thus; as soon as the colonists began to multiply; the administrator
would have to face the tendency to the reintroduction of the cosmic
struggle into his artificial fabric; in consequence of the
competition; not merely for the commodities; but for the means of
existence。 When the colony reached the limit of possible expansion;
the surplus population must be disposed of somehow; or the fierce
struggle for existence must recommence and destroy that peace; which
is the fundamental condition of the maintenance of the state of art
against the state of nature。

Supposing the administrator to be guided by purely scientific
considerations; he would; like the gardener; meet this most serious
difficulty by systematic extirpation; or exclusion; of the superfluous。
The hopelessly diseased; the infirm aged; the weak or deformed in body
or in mind; the excess of infants born; would be put away; as the
gardener pulls up defective and superfluous plants; or the breeder
destroys undesirable cattle。 Only the strong and the healthy;
carefully matched; with a view to the progeny best adapted to the
purposes of the administrator; would be permitted to perpetuate their



Of the more thoroughgoing of the multitudinous attempts to apply the
principles of cosmic evolution; or what are supposed to be such; to
social and political problems; which have appeared of late years; a
considerable proportion appear to me to be based upon the notion that
human society is competent to furnish; from its own resources; an
administrator of the kind I have imagined。 The pigeons; in short; are
to be their own Sir John Sebright。* A despotic government; whether
individual or collective; is to be endowed with the preternatural
intelligence; and with what; I am afraid; many will consider the
preternatural ruthlessness; required for the purpose of carrying out
the principle of improvement by selection; with the somewhat drastic
thoroughness upon which the success of the method depends。  Experience
certainly does not justify us in limiting the ruthlessness of
individual 〃saviours of society〃; and; on the well…known grounds of
the aphorism which denies both body and soul to corporations; it seems
probable (indeed the belief is not without support in history) that a
collective despotism; a mob got to believe in its own divine right by
demagogic missionaries; would be capable of more thorough '23' work in
this direction than any single tyrant; puffed up with the same
illusion; has ever achieved。  But intelligence is another affair。 The
fact that 〃saviours of society〃 take to that trade is evidence enough
that they have none to spare。 And such as they possess is generally
sold to the capitalists of physical force on whose resources they
depend。 However; I doubt whether even the keenest judge of character;
if he had before him a hundred boys and girls under fourteen; could
pick out; with the least chance of success; those who should be kept;
as certain to be serviceable members of the polity; and those who
should be chloroformed; as equally sure to be stupid; idle; or
vicious。 The 〃points〃 of a good or of a bad citizen are really far
harder to discern than those of a puppy or a short…horn calf; many do
not show themselves before the practical difficulties of life
stimulate manhood to full exertion。 And by that time the mischief is
done。 The evil stock; if it be one; has had time to multiply; and
selection is nullified。

    * Not that the conception of such a society is necessarily based
    upon the idea of evolution。 The Platonic state testifies to the


I have other reasons for fearing that this logical ideal of
evolutionary regimentationthis pigeon…fanciers' polityis
unattainable。 In the absence of any such a severely scientific
administrator as we have been dreaming of; human society '24' is kept
together by bonds of such a singular character; that the attempt to
perfect society after his fashion would run serious risk of loosening
them。 Social organization is not peculiar to men。 Other societies;
such as those constituted by bees and ants; have also arisen out of
the advantage of co…operation in the struggle for existence; and their
resemblances to; and their differences from; human society are alike
instructive。 The society formed by the hive bee fulfils the ideal of
the communistic aphorism 〃to each according to his needs; from each
according to his capacity。〃 Within it; the struggle for existence is
strictly limited。  Queen; drones; and workers have each their allotted
sufficiency of food; each performs the function assigned to it in the
economy of the hive; and all contribute to the success of the whole
cooperative society in its competition with rival collectors of nectar
and pollen and with other enemies; in the state of nature without。 In
the same sense as the garden; or the colony; is a work of human art;
the bee polity is a work of apiarian art; brought about by the cosmic
process; working through the organization of the hymenopterous type。

Now this society is the direct pro

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