evolution and ethics and other essays-第46节
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I believe that it is the privilege of all God's people to be
〃wholly sanctified;〃 and that 〃their whole spirit and soul and body〃
may 〃be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ。〃
That is to say; I believe that after conversion there remain in the
heart of the believer inclinations to evil; or roots of bitterness;
which; unless overpowered by Divine grace; produce actual sin; but
these evil tendencies can be entirely taken away by the Spirit of God;
and the whole heart thus cleansed from anything contrary to the will
of God; or entirely sanctified; will then produce the fruit of the
Spirit only。 And I believe that persons thus entirely sanctified may;
by the power of God; be kept unblamable and unreprovable before Him。
I believe in the immortality of the soul; in the resurrection of
the body; in the general judgment at the end of the world; in the
eternal happiness of the righteous; and in the everlasting punishment
of the wicked。
THEREFORE; I do here; and now; and for ever; renounce the world with
all its sinful pleasures; companionship treasures; and objects; and
declare my full determination boldly to show myself a Soldier of Jesus
Christ in all places and companies; no matter what I may have to
suffer; do; or lose; by so doing。
I do here and now declare that I will abstain from the use of all
intoxicating liquors; and also from the habitual use of opium;
laudanum; morphia; and all other baneful drugs; except when in illness
such drugs shall be ordered for me by a doctor。
I do here and now declare that I will abstain from '323' the use of
all low or profane language; from the taking of the name of God in
vain; and from all impurity; or from taking part in any unclean
conversation or the reading of any obscene book or paper at any time;
in any company; or in any place。
I do here declare that I will not allow myself in any falsehood;
deceit; misrepresentation; or dishonesty; neither will I practise any
fraudulent conduct; either in my business; my home; or in any other
relation in which I may stand to my fellow men; but that I will deal
truthfully; fairly; honourably; and kindly with all those who may
employ me or whom I may myself employ。
I do here declare that I will never treat any woman; child; or
other person; whose life; comfort; or happiness may be placed within
my power; in an oppressive; cruel; or cowardly manner; but that I will
protect such from evil and danger so far as I can; and promote; to the
utmost of my ability; their present welfare and eternal salvation。
I do here declare that I will spend all the time; strength; money;
and influence I can in supporting and carrying on this War; and that I
will endeavour to lead my family; friends; neighbours; and all others
whom I can influence; to do the same; believing that the sure and only
way to remedy all the evils in the world is by bringing men to submit
themselves to the government of the Lord Jesus Christ。
I do here declare that I will always obey the lawful orders of my
Officers; and that I will carry out to the utmost of my power all the
Orders and Regulations of The Army; and further; that I will be an
example of faithfulness to its principles; advance to the utmost of my
ability its operations; and never allow; where I can prevent it; any
injury to its interests or hindrance to its success。
'324' And I do here and now call upon all present to witness that I
enter into this undertaking and sign these Articles of War of my own
free will; feeling that the love of Christ who died to save me
requires from me this devotion of my life to His service for the
Salvation of the whole world; and therefore wish now to be enrolled as
a Soldier of the Salvation Army。
_____________CORPS______________ 18___
______________________________ Corps
___________________________ Division
_____________________ 18____
Name _____________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________
1。 What was your AGE last birthday? ___________________
What is the date of your birthday? _________________
2。 What is your height? __________________
3。 Are you free from bodily defect or disease? ____
4。 What serious illnesses have you had; and when? ________________________
5。 Have you ever had fits of any kind? __________________
If so how long; and what kind? ___________________________________________
6。 Do you consider your health good; and that you are strong enough for
the work of an officer? __________________________________________________
If not; or if you are doubtful; write a letter and explain the matter。
7。 Is your doctor's certificate a full and correct statement so far as you
know? ___________________________________________________________
8。 Are you; or have you ever been; married? ___________
9。 When and where CONVERTED? ____________________________
10。 What other Religious Societies have you belonged to? _________________
11。 Were you ever a Junior Soldier? _____________________
If so; how long? ________________________________________
12。 How long have you been enrolled as a SOLDIER? _______
and signed Articles of War? ____________________
13。 If you hold any office in your Corps; say what and how long held? ____
14。 Do you intend to live and die in the ranks of the Salvation Army? ____
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
15。 Have you ever been an open BACKSLIDER? ______________
If so; how long? ________________________________________
16。 Why? _________________________________________________________________
Date of your Restoration? ___________________
17。 Are you in DEBT? __________________
If so; how much? ______________________
18。 How long owing? ______________________________________________________
19。 Did you ever use Intoxicating Drink? _____________
If so; how long is it since you entirely gave up its use? ________________
20。 Did you ever use Tobacco or Snuff? _________
If so; how long is it since you gave up using either? ____________________
21。 What UNIFORM do you wear? ____________________________________________
22。 How long have you worn it? ___________________________________________
23。 Do you agree to dress in accordance with the direction of Headquarters?
24。 Can you provide your own uniform and 〃List of Necessaries〃 before
entering the Service? ____________________________________________________
25。 Are you in a Situation? _____________
If so; how long? ________________________
26。 Nature of duties; and salary _________________________________________
27。 Name and address of employer? ________________________________________
28。 If out; date of leaving last situation? _________________________
How long there? _____________________________________________________
29。 Why did you leave? ___________________________________________________
30。 Name and address of last employer? ___________________________________
31。 Can you start the SINGING? __________
32。 Can you play any musical instrument? _________________
If so; what? _____________________________________________________________
33。 Is this form filled up by you? ________________________
Can you read well at first sight? _________________________
34。 Can you write SHORTHAND? _________________________
If so; what speed and system? ____________________________________________
35。 Can you speak any language other than English? _______________________
If so; what? _____________________________________________________________
36。 Have you had any experience and success in the JUNIOR SOLDIERS' WAR? _
37。 If so; what? _________________________________________________________
38。 Are you willing to sell the 〃WAR CRY〃 on Sundays? ____________
39。 Do you engage not to publish any books; songs; or music except for the
benefit of the Salvation Army; and then only with the consent of
Headquarters? ________________
40。 Do you promise not to engage in any trade; profession; or other money…
making occupation; except for the benefit of the Salvation Army;