evolution and ethics and other essays-第41节
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high position in the Army。 When he left; a large public meeting;
presided over by a popular Methodist minister; passed a vote of
sympathy with him。〃
'284' Is this true or false?
2。 〃On Saturday last; about noon; Mr。 Sumner; the author of the
book; and Mr。 Fred Perry; the Salvation Army printer; accompanied by a
lawyer; went down to Messrs。 Imrie and Graham's establishment; and
asked for all the manuscript; stereotype plates; &c。; of the book。 Mr。
Sumner explained that the book had been sold to the Army; and; on a
cheque for the amount due being given; the printing material was
delivered up。〃
Did these paragraphs appear in the 〃Toronto Telegram〃 of April 24th;
1889; or did they not? Are the statements they contain true or false?
3。 〃Public interest in the fate or probable outcome of that mysterious
book called 'The New Papacy; or; Behind the Scenes in the Salvation
Army;' continues unabated; though the line of proceedings by the
publisher and his solicitor; Mr。 Smoke; of Watson; Thorne; Smoke; and
Masten; has not been altered since yesterday。 The book; no doubt; will
be issued in some form。 So far as known; only one complete copy
remains; and the whereabouts of this is a secret which will be
profoundly kept。 It is safe to say that if the Commissioner kept on
guessing until the next anniversary; he would not strike the secluded
'285' location of the one volume among five thousand which escaped;
when he and his assistant; Mr。 Fred Perry; believed they had cast
every vestige of the forbidden work into the fiery furnace。 On Tuesday
last; when the discovery was made that a copy of 'The New Papacy' was
in existence; Publisher Britnell; of Yonge Street; was at once the
suspected holder; and in a short time his book…store was the resort of
army agents sent to reconnoitre〃 (〃Toronto News;〃 April 28th; 1889)。
Is this a forgery; or is it not? Is it in substance true or false?
When Mr。 Trotter has answered these inquiries categorically; we may
proceed to discuss the question of interpolations in Mr。 Sumner's
I am; Sir; your obedient servant;
T。 H。 Huxley。
'On the 26th of December a letter; signed J。 T。 Cunningham; late Fellow of
University College; Oxford; called forth the following commentary。'
The 〃Times;〃 December 29th; 1890
Sir;If Mr。 Cunningham doubts the efficacy of the struggle for
existence; as a factor in social conditions; he should find fault with
Mr。 Booth and not with me。
〃I am labouring under no delusion as to the possibility of inaugurating
the millennium by my social specific。 In the struggle of life the
weakest will go to the wall; and there are so many weak。 The fittest
in tooth and claw will survive。 All that we can do is to soften the
lot of the unfit; and make their suffering less horrible than it is at
present〃 (〃In Darkest England;〃 p。 44)。
That is what Mr。 Cunningham would have found if he had read Mr。 Booth's
book with attention。 And; if he will bestow equal pains on my second
letter; he will discover that he has interpolated the word 〃wilfully〃
in his statement of my 〃argument;〃 which runs thus: 〃Shutting his eyes
to the necessary consequences of the struggle for life; the existence
of which he admits as fully as any Darwinian; Mr。 Booth tells men
whose evil case is one of those consequences that envy is a
corner…stone of our competitive system。〃 Mr。 '287' Cunningham's
physiological studies will have informed him that the process of
〃shutting the eyes;〃 in the literal sense of the words; is not always
wilful; and I propose to illustrate; by the crucial instance his own
letter furnishes; that the 〃shutting of the eyes〃 of the mind to the
obvious consequences of accepted propositions may also be involuntary。
At least; I hope so。
1。 〃Sooner or later;〃 says Mr。 Cunningham; 〃the population problem
will block the way once more。〃 What does this mean; except that
multiplication; excessive in relation to the contemporaneous means of
support; will create a severe competition for those means? And this
seems to me to be a pretty accurate 〃reflection of the conceptions of
Malthus〃 and the other poor benighted folks of a past generation at
whom Mr。 Cunningham sneers。
2。 By way of leaving no doubt upon this subject; Mr。 Cunningham
further tells us; 〃The struggle for existence is always going on; of
course; let us thank Darwin for making us realize it。〃 It is pleasant
to meet with a little gratitude to Darwin among the epigoni who are
squabbling over the heritage he conquered for them; but Mr。
Cunningham's personal expression of that feeling is hasty。 For it is
obvious that he has not 〃realized〃 the significance of Darwin's
teachingindeed; I fail to discover in Mr。 Cunningham's letter any
sign that he has even 〃realized〃 what '288' he would be at。 If the
〃struggle for existence is always going on〃; and if; as I suppose will
be granted; industrial competition is one phase of that struggle; I
fail to see how my conclusion that it is sheer wickedness to tell
ignorant men that 〃envy〃 is a corner…stone of competition can be
Mr。 Cunningham has followed the lead of that polished and instructed
person; Mr。 Ben Tillett; in rebuking me for (as the associates say)
attacking Mr。 Booth's personal character。 Of course; when I was
writing; I did not doubt that this very handy; though not too clean;
weapon would be used by one or other of Mr。 Booth's supporters。 And my
action was finally decided by the following considerations: I happen
to be a member of one of the largest life insurance societies。 There
is a vacancy in the directory at present; for which half a dozen
gentlemen are candidates。 Now; I said to myself; supposing that one of
these gentlemen (whose pardon I humbly beg for starting the
hypothesis); say Mr。 A。; in his administrative capacity and as a man
of business; has been the subject of such observations as a Judge on
the Bench bestowed upon Mr。 Booth; is he a person for whom I can
properly vote? And; if I find; when I go to the meeting of the
policy…holders; that most of them know nothing of this and other
evidences of what; by the mildest judgment; must be termed Mr。 A。's
unfitness for administrative '289' responsibilities; am I to let them
remain in their ignorance? I leave the answer and its application to
men of sense and integrity。
The mention of Mr。 Cunningham's ally reminds me that I have omitted to
thank Mr。 Tillett for his very useful and instructive letter; and I
hasten to repair a neglect which I assure Mr。 Tillett was more
apparent than real。 Mr。 Tillett's letter is dated December 20th。 On
the 21st the following pregnant (however unconscious) commentary upon
it appeared in 〃Reynolds's Newspaper〃:…
〃I have always maintained that the Salvation Army is one of the
mightiest Socialistic agencies in the country; and now Professor
Huxley comes in to confirm that view。 How could it be otherwise? The
fantastic religious side of Salvationism will disappear in the course
of time; and what will be left? A large number of men and women who
have been organized; disciplined; and taught to look for something
better than their present condition; and who have become public
speakers and not afraid of ridicule。 There you have the raw materials
for a Socialist army。〃
Mr。 Ben Tillett evidently knows Latin enough to construe proximus
I trust that the public will not allow themselves to be led away by
the false issues which are '290' dangled before them。 A man really may
love his fellow…men; cherish any form of Christianity he pleases; and
hold not only that Darwinism is 〃tottering to its fall;〃 but; if he
pleases; the equally sane belief that it never existed; and yet may
feel it his duty to oppose; to the best of his capacity; despotic
Socialism in all its forms; and; more particularly; in its Boothian
I am; Sir; your obedient servant;
T。H。 Huxley。
'Persons who have not had the advantage of a classical education might
fairly complain of my use of the word epigoni。 To say truth; I had
been reading Droysen's 〃Geschichte des Hellenismus;〃 and the familiar
historical title slipped out unawares。 In replying to me; however; the
late 〃Fellow of University College;〃 Oxford; declares he had to look
the word out in a Lexicon。 I commend the fact to the notice of the
combatants over the desirability of retaining the present compulsory
modicum of Greek in our Universities。'
The 〃Times;〃 December 30th; 1890
Sir;I am much obliged to Messrs。 Ranger; Burton; and Matthews for
their prompt answer to my questions。 I presume it applies to all money
collected by the agency of the Salvation Army; though not specifically
given for the purposes of the 〃Christian Mission〃 named in the deed of
1878; to all sums raised by mortgage upon houses and land so given;
and; further; to funds subscribed for Mr。 Booth's various projects;
which have no apparent reference to the objects of the 〃Christian
Mission〃 as defined in the deed。 Otherwise; to use a phrase which has
become classical; 〃it does n