evolution and ethics and other essays-第1节
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Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays
by Thomas H。 Huxley
The Struggle for Existence in Human Society
Letters to the Times
Legal Opinions
The Articles of War of the Salvation Army
THE discourse on 〃Evolution and Ethics;〃 reprinted in the first half of
the present volume; was delivered before the University of Oxford; as
the second of the annual lectures founded by Mr。 Romanes: whose name I
may not write without deploring the untimely death; in the flower of
his age; of a friend endeared to me; as to so many others; by his
kindly nature; and justly valued by all his colleagues for his powers
of investigation and his zeal for the advancement of knowledge。 I well
remember; when Mr。 Romanes' early work came into my hands; as one of
the secretaries of the Royal Society; how much I rejoiced in the
accession to the ranks of the little army of workers in science of a
recruit so well qualified to take a high place among us。
It was at my friend's urgent request that I agreed to undertake the
lecture; should I be honoured with an official proposal to give it;
though I confess not without misgivings; if only on account of the
serious fatigue and hoarseness which public speaking has for some
years caused me; while I knew that it would be my fate to follow the
most accomplished and facile orator of our time; whose indomitable
youth is in no matter more manifest than in his penetrating and
musical voice。 A certain saying about comparisons intruded itself
somewhat importunately。
And even if I disregarded the weakness of my body in the matter of
voice; and that of my mind in the matter of vanity; there remained a
third difficulty。 For several reasons; my attention; during a number
of years; has been much directed to the bearing of modern scientific
thought on the problems of morals and of politics; and I did not care
to be diverted from that topic。 Moreover; I thought it the most
important and the worthiest which; at the present time; could engage
the attention even of an ancient and renowned University。
But it is a condition of the Romanes foundation that the lecturer
shall abstain from treating of either Religion or Politics; and it
appeared to me that; more than most; perhaps; I was bound to act; not
merely up to the letter; but in the spirit; of that prohibition。 Yet
Ethical Science is; on all sides; so entangled with Religion and
Politics that the lecturer who essays to touch the former without
coming into contact with either of the latter; needs all the dexterity
of an egg…dancer; and may even discover that his sense of clearness
and his sense of propriety come into conflict; by no means to the
advantage of the former。
I have little notion of the real magnitude of these difficulties when I
set about my task; but I am consoled for my pains and anxiety by
observing that none of the multitudinous criticisms with which I have
been favoured and; often; instructed; find fault with me on the score
of having strayed out of bounds。
Among my critics there are not a few to whom I feel deeply indebted for
the careful attention which they have given to the exposition thus
hampered; and further weakened; I am afraid; by my forgetfulness of a
maxim touching lectures of a popular character; which has descended to
me from that prince of lecturers; Mr。 Faraday。 He was once asked by a
beginner; called upon to address a highly select and cultivated
audience; what he might suppose his hearers to know already。 Whereupon
the past master of the art of exposition emphatically replied
To my shame as a retired veteran; who has all his life profited by
this great precept of lecturing strategy; I forgot all about it just
when it would have been most useful。 I was fatuous enough to imagine
that a number of propositions; which I thought established; and which;
in fact; I had advanced without challenge on former occasions; needed
no repetition。
I have endeavoured to repair my error by prefacing the lecture with
some matterchiefly elementary or recapitulatoryto which I have
given the title of 〃Prolegomena〃 I wish I could have hit upon a
heading of less pedantic aspect which would have served my purpose;
and if it be urged that the new building looks over large for the
edifice to which it is added; I can only plead the precedent of the
ancient architects; who always made the adytum the smallest part of
the temple。
If I had attempted to reply in full to the criticisms to which I have
referred; I know not what extent of ground would have been covered by
my pronaos。 All I have endeavoured to do; at present; is to remove
that which seems to have proved a stumbling…block to manynamely; the
apparent paradox that ethical nature; while born of cosmic nature; is
necessarily at enmity with its parent。 Unless the arguments set forth
in the Prolegomena; in the simplest language at my command; have some
flaw which I am unable to discern; this seeming paradox is a truth; as
great as it is plain; the recognition of which is fundamental for the
ethical philosopher。
We cannot do without our inheritance from the forefathers who were the
puppets of the cosmic process; the society which renounces it must be
destroyed from without。 Still less can we de with too much of it; the
society in which it dominates must be destroyed from within。
The motive of the drama of human life is the necessity; laid upon every
man who comes into the world; of discovering the mean between
self…assertion and self…restraint suited to his character and his
circumstances。 And the eternally tragic aspect of the drama lies in
this: that the problem set before us is one the elements of which can
be but imperfectly known; and of which even an approximately right
solution rarely presents itself; until that stern critic; aged
experience; has been furnished with ample justification for venting
his sarcastic humour upon the irreparable blunders we have already
I have reprinted the letters on the 〃Darkest England〃 scheme; published
in the 〃Times〃 of December; 1890; and January; 1891; and subsequently
issued; with additions; as a pamphlet; under the title of 〃Social
Diseases and Worse Remedies;〃 because; although the clever attempt to
rush the country on behalf of that scheme has been balked; Booth's
standing army remains afoot; retaining all the capacities for mischief
which are inherent in its constitution。 I am desirous that this fact
should be kept steadily in view; and that the moderation of the
clamour of the drums and trumpets should not lead us to forget the
existence of a force; which; in bad hands; may; at any time; be used
for bad purposes。
In 1892; a Committee was 〃formed for the purpose of investigating the
manner in which the moneys; subscribed in response to the appeal made
in the book entitled 'In Darkest England and the Way out;' have been
expended。〃 The members of this body were gentlemen in whose competency
and equity every one must have complete confidence; and in December;
1892; they published a report in which they declare that; 〃with the
exception of the sums expended on the 'barracks' at Hadleigh;〃 the
moneys in question have been 〃devoted only to the objects and expended
in the methods set out in that appeal; and to and in no others。〃
Nevertheless; their final conclusion runs as follows: 〃(4) That whilst
the invested property; real and personal; resulting from such Appeal
is so vested and controlled by the Trust of the Deed of January 30th;
1891; that any application of it to purposes other than those declared
in the deed by any 'General' of the Salvation Army would amount to a
breach of trust; and would subject him to the proceedings of a civil
and criminal character; before mentioned in the Report; ADEQUATE LEGAL
The passage I have italicised forms part of a document dated December
19th; 1892。 It follows; that; even after the Deed of January 30th;
1891; was executed; 〃adequate legal safeguards〃 〃to prevent the
misapplication of the property〃 did not exist。 What then was the state
of things; up to a week earlier; that is on January 22nd; 1891; when
my twelfth and last letter appeared in the 〃Times〃? A better
justification for what I have said about…the want of adequate security
for the proper administration of the funds intrusted to Mr。 Booth
could not be desired; unless it be that which is to be found in the
following passages of the Report (pp。 36 and 37):
〃It is possible that a 'General' may be forgetful of his duty; and
sell property and appropriate the proceeds to his own use; or to
meeting the general liabilities of the Salvation Army。 As matters now
stand; he; and he alone; would have control over such a sale。 Against
such possibilities it appears to the Committee to be reasonable that
some check should be imposed。〃
Once more let it be remembered that this opinion given under the hand
of Sir Henry James; was expressed by the Committee; with the T