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50 bab ballads-第13节

小说: 50 bab ballads 字数: 每页4000字

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In City Canoodle…Dum!〃

And GOWLER he answered sadly;

〃Oh; mine is a doleful tale!

They've treated me werry badly

In Lunnon; from where I hail。

I'm one of the Family Royal …

No common Jack Tar you see;

I'm WILLIAM THE FOURTH; far up in the North;

A King in my own countree!〃

Bang…bang!  How the tom…toms thundered!

Bang…bang!  How they thumped this gongs!

Bang…bang!  How the people wondered!

Bang…bang!  At it hammer and tongs!

Alliance with Kings of Europe

Is an honour Canoodlers seek;

Her monarchs don't stop with PEPPERMINT DROP

Every day in the week!

FRED told them that he was undone;

For his people all went insane;

And fired the Tower of London;

And Grinnidge's Naval Fane。

And some of them racked St。 James's;

And vented their rage upon

The Church of St。 Paul; the Fishmongers' Hall;

And the Angel at Islington。

CALAMITY POP implored him

In his capital to remain

Till those people of his restored him

To power and rank again。

CALAMITY POP he made him

A Prince of Canoodle…Dum;

With a couple of caves; some beautiful slaves;

And the run of the royal rum。

Pop gave him his only daughter;


FRED vowed that if over the water

He went; in an English ship;

He'd make her his Queen; … though truly

It is an unusual thing

For a Caribbee brat who's as black as your hat

To be wife of an English King。

And all the Canoodle…Dummers

They copied his rolling walk;

His method of draining rummers;

His emblematical talk。

For his dress and his graceful breeding;

His delicate taste in rum;

And his nautical way; were the talk of the day

In the Court of Canoodle…Dum。

CALAMITY POP most wisely

Determined in everything

To model his Court precisely

On that of the English King;

And ordered that every lady

And every lady's lord

Should masticate jacky (a kind of tobaccy);

And scatter its juice abroad。

They signified wonder roundly

At any astounding yarn;

By darning their dear eyes roundly

('T was all they had to darn)。

They 〃hoisted their slacks;〃 adjusting

Garments of plantain…leaves

With nautical twitches (as if they wore breeches;

Instead of a dress like EVE'S!)

They shivered their timbers proudly;

At a phantom forelock dragged;

And called for a hornpipe loudly

Whenever amusement flagged。

〃Hum!  Golly! him POP resemble;

Him Britisher sov'reign; hum!


De King of Canoodle…Dum!〃

The mariner's lively 〃Hollo!〃

Enlivened Canoodle's plain

(For blessings unnumbered follow

In Civilization's train)。

But Fortune; who loves a bathos;

A terrible ending planned;


Placed foot on Canoodle land!

That rebel; he seized KING GOWLER;

He threatened his royal brains;

And put him aboard the HOWLER;

And fastened him down with chains。

The HOWLER she weighed her anchor;

With FREDERICK nicely nailed;

And off to the North with WILLIAM THE FOURTH

These horrible pirates sailed。

CALAMITY said (with folly);

〃Hum! nebber want him again …

Him civilize all of us; golly!

CALAMITY suck him brain!〃

The people; however; were pained when

They saw him aboard his ship;

But none of them wept for their FREDDY; except



SOME time ago; in simple verse

I sang the story true


And all her happy crew。

I showed how any captain may

Attach his men to him;

If he but heeds their smallest needs;

And studies every whim。

Now mark how; by Draconic rule

And HAUTEUR ill…advised;

The noblest crew upon the Blue

May be demoralized。

When his ungrateful country placed

Kind REECE upon half…pay;

Without much claim SIR BERKELY came;

And took command one day。

SIR BERKELY was a martinet …

A stern unyielding soul …

Who ruled his ship by dint of whip

And horrible black…hole。

A sailor who was overcome

From having freely dined;

And chanced to reel when at the wheel;

He instantly confined!

And tars who; when an action raged;

Appeared alarmed or scared;

And those below who wished to go;

He very seldom spared。

E'en he who smote his officer

For punishment was booked;

And mutinies upon the seas

He rarely overlooked。

In short; the happy MANTELPIECE;

Where all had gone so well;

Beneath that fool SIR BERKELY'S rule

Became a floating hell。

When first SIR BERKELY came aboard

He read a speech to all;

And told them how he'd made a vow

To act on duty's call。

Then WILLIAM LEE; he up and said

(The Captain's coxswain he);

〃We've heard the speech your honour's made;

And werry pleased we be。

〃We won't pretend; my lad; as how

We're glad to lose our REECE;

Urbane; polite; he suited quite


〃But if your honour  gives your mind

To study all our ways;

With dance and song we'll jog along

As in those happy days。

〃I like your honour's looks; and feel

You're worthy of your sword。

Your hand; my lad … I'm doosid glad

To welcome you aboard!〃

SIR BERKELY looked amazed; as though

He didn't understand。

〃Don't shake your head;〃 good WILLIAM said;

〃It is an honest hand。

〃It's grasped a better hand than yourn …

Come; gov'nor; I insist!〃

The Captain stared … the coxswain glared …

The hand became a fist!

〃Down; upstart!〃 said the hardy salt;

But BERKELY dodged his aim;

And made him go in chains below:

The seamen murmured 〃Shame!〃

He stopped all songs at 12 p。m。;

Stopped hornpipes when at sea;

And swore his cot (or bunk) should not

Be used by aught than he。

He never joined their daily mess;

Nor asked them to his own;

But chaffed in gay and social way

The officers alone。

His First Lieutenant; PETER; was

As useless as could be;

A helpless stick; and always sick

When there was any sea。

This First Lieutenant proved to be

His foster…sister MAY;

Who went to sea for love of he

In masculine array。

And when he learnt the curious fact;

Did he emotion show;

Or dry her tears or end her fears

By marrying her?  No!

Or did he even try to soothe

This maiden in her teens?

Oh; no! … instead he made her wed

The Sergeant of Marines!

Of course such Spartan discipline

Would make an angel fret;

They drew a lot; and WILLIAM shot

This fearful martinet。

The Admiralty saw how ill

They'd treated CAPTAIN REECE;

He was restored once more aboard



I GO away this blessed day;

To sail across the sea; MATILDA!

My vessel starts for various parts

At twenty after three; MATILDA。

I hardly know where we may go;

Or if it's near or far; MATILDA;

For CAPTAIN HYDE does not confide

In any 'fore…mast tar; MATILDA!

Beneath my ban that mystic man


What right has he to keep from me

The Admiralty route; MATILDA?

Because; forsooth! I am a youth

Of common sailors' lot; MATILDA!

Am I a man on human plan

Designed; or am I not; MATILDA?

But there; my lass; we'll let that pass!

With anxious love I burn; MATILDA。

I want to know if we shall go

To church when I return; MATILDA?

Your eyes are red; you bow your head;

It's pretty clear you thirst; MATILDA;

To name the day … What's that you say?

… 〃You'll see me further first;〃 MATILDA?

I can't mistake the signs you make;

Although you barely speak; MATILDA;

Though pure and young; you thrust your tongue

Right in your pretty cheek; MATILDA!

My dear; I fear I hear you sneer …

I do … I'm sure I do; MATILDA!

With simple grace you make a face;

Ejaculating; 〃Ugh!〃 MATILDA。

Oh; pause to think before you drink

The dregs of Lethe's cup; MATILDA!

Remember; do; what I've gone through;

Before you give me up; MATILDA!

Recall again the mental pain

Of what I've had to do; MATILDA!

And be assured that I've endured

It; all along of you; MATILDA!

Do you forget; my blithesome pet;

How once with jealous rage; MATILDA;

I watched you walk and gaily talk

With some one thrice your age; MATILDA?

You squatted free upon his knee;

A sight that made me sad; MATILDA!

You pinched his cheek with friendly tweak;

Which almost drove me mad; MATILDA!

I knew him not; but hoped to spot

Some man you thought to wed; MATILDA!

I took a gun; my darling one;

And shot him through the head; MATILDA!

I'm made of stuff that's rough and gruff

Enough; I own; but; ah; MATILDA!

It DID annoy your sailor boy

To find it was your pa; MATILDA!

I've passed a life of toil and strife;

And disappointments deep; MATILDA;

I've lain awake with dental ache

Until I fell asleep; MATILDA!

At times again I've missed a train;

Or p'rhaps run short of tin; MATILDA;

And worn a boot on corns that shoot;


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