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questionable amusements and worthy substitutes-第23节

小说: questionable amusements and worthy substitutes 字数: 每页4000字

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daily routine of care。  But how is one to do this with so many demands

made upon her?  For she is expected to be seamstress; laundress; maid;

cook; hostess; a companion to her husband; a trainer of her children; a

social being; and a helper in the Church。  If it is impossible or impracticable

for one to have a servant; she will find these few minutes for daily recreation

and study only in a wise choice of more important duties; and will allow the

less important ones to go undone。  Many housewives could well afford

to keep a helper。  It becomes a question which is of greater importance;

the life and health of the wife and mother; or the paltry wages of a servant?

We knew a family in Illinois who were quite able to keep help in the home;

but did not do so。  The mother made a slave of herself; in a few years

broke in health; and left a large family of small children to struggle alone

in the world。  The stepmother; who soon came into the home; could afford

one servant girl and part of the time two。  This is a common experience in

ill…managed homes。  Or this question arises; Which is of greater importance;

to make more money or to improve the moral tone of the home; to seek

to gratify the outer senses; or to seek to elevate the spiritual life of the

children and the parents?  In pleading for rest and study for the mother in

the home we plead for the highest interests of the entire family。  For how

can a wife be a companion to a husband when she is made irritable and

nervous from overwork and worry。  How can she be a true mother to her

children and neglect their mental and spiritual growth?

Napoleon once said:  〃What France wants is good mothers; and you may

be sure then that France will have good sons。〃  Thomas McCrie; an

eminent Scotch preacher; used to tell; with great feeling; of how his

mother; when he was starting out for school in the city; accompanied

him along the road a little way; and then leading him into the field where

she could be alone; prayed with him; that he might be kept from sin in

the city; and become a very useful man。  That moment was the turning

point in his life。  A few minutes a day spent with the eager; susceptible

child mind; will bring everlasting blessing upon the father and mother。


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