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lectures on evolution-第4节

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circumstantial evidence alone; for; from what I have said; you

will understand that I do not propose to discuss the question of

what testimonial evidence is to be adduced in favour of it。

If those whose business it is to judge are not at one as to the

authenticity of the only evidence of that kind which is offered;

nor as to the facts to which it bears witness; the discussion of

such evidence is superfluous。

But I may be permitted to regret this necessity of rejecting the

testimonial evidence the less; because the examination of the

circumstantial evidence leads to the conclusion; not only that

it is incompetent to justify the hypothesis; but that; so far as

it goes; it is contrary to the hypothesis。

The considerations upon which I base this conclusion are of the

simplest possible character。 The Miltonic hypothesis contains

assertions of a very definite character relating to the

succession of living forms。 It is stated that plants; for

example; made their appearance upon the third day; and not

before。 And you will understand that what the poet means by

plants are such plants as now live; the ancestors; in the

ordinary way of propagation of like by like; of the trees and

shrubs which flourish in the present world。 It must needs be so;

for; if they were different; either the existing plants have

been the result of a separate origination since that described

by Milton; of which we have no record; nor any ground for

supposition that such an occurrence has taken place; or else

they have arisen by a process of evolution from the

original stocks。

In the second place; it is clear that there was no animal life

before the fifth day; and that; on the fifth day; aquatic

animals and birds appeared。 And it is further clear that

terrestrial living things; other than birds; made their

appearance upon the sixth day and not before。 Hence; it follows

that; if; in the large mass of circumstantial evidence as to

what really has happened in the past history of the globe we

find indications of the existence of terrestrial animals; other

than birds; at a certain period; it is perfectly certain that

all that has taken place; since that time; must be referred to

the sixth day。

In the great Carboniferous formation; whence America derives so

vast a proportion of her actual and potential wealth; in the

beds of coal which have been formed from the vegetation of that

period; we find abundant evidence of the existence of

terrestrial animals。 They have been described; not only by

European but by your own naturalists。 There are to be found

numerous insects allied to our cockroaches。 There are to be

found spiders and scorpions of large size; the latter so similar

to existing scorpions that it requires the practised eye of the

naturalist to distinguish them。 Inasmuch as these animals can be

proved to have been alive in the Carboniferous epoch; it is

perfectly clear that; if the Miltonic account is to be accepted;

the huge mass of rocks extending from the middle of the

Palaeozoic formations to the uppermost members of the series;

must belong to the day which is termed by Milton the sixth。

But; further; it is expressly stated that aquatic animals took

their origin on the fifth day; and not before; hence; all

formations in which remains of aquatic animals can be proved to

exist; and which therefore testify that such animals lived at

the time when these formations were in course of deposition;

must have been deposited during or since the period which Milton

speaks of as the fifth day。 But there is absolutely no

fossiliferous formation in which the remains of aquatic animals

are absent。 The oldest fossils in the Silurian rocks are exuviae

of marine animals; and if the view which is entertained by

Principal Dawson and Dr。 Carpenter respecting the nature of the

Eozoon be well…founded; aquatic animals existed at a

period as far antecedent to the deposition of the coal as the

coal is from us; inasmuch as the Eozoon is met with in

those Laurentian strata which lie at the bottom of the series of

stratified rocks。 Hence it follows; plainly enough; that the

whole series of stratified rocks; if they are to be brought into

harmony with Milton; must be referred to the fifth and sixth

days; and that we cannot hope to find the slightest trace of the

products of the earlier days in the geological record。 When we

consider these simple facts; we see how absolutely futile are

the attempts that have been made to draw a parallel between the

story told by so much of the crust of the earth as is known to

us and the story which Milton tells。 The whole series of

fossiliferous stratified rocks must be referred to the last two

days; and neither the Carboniferous; nor any other; formation

can afford evidence of the work of the third day。

Not only is there this objection to any attempt to establish a

harmony between the Miltonic account and the facts recorded in

the fossiliferous rocks; but there is a further difficulty。

According to the Miltonic account; the order in which animals

should have made their appearance in the stratified rocks would

be thus: Fishes; including the great whales; and birds;

after them; all varieties of terrestrial animals except birds。

Nothing could be further from the facts as we find them; we know

of not the slightest evidence of the existence of birds before

the Jurassic; or perhaps the Triassic; formation;

while terrestrial animals; as we have just seen; occur in the

Carboniferous rocks。

If there were any harmony between the Miltonic account and the

circumstantial evidence; we ought to have abundant evidence of

the existence of birds in the Carboniferous; the Devonian; and

the Silurian rocks。 I need hardly say that this is not the case;

and that not a trace of birds makes its appearance until the far

later period which I have mentioned。

And again; if it be true that all varieties of fishes and the

great whales; and the like; made their appearance on the fifth

day; we ought to find the remains of these animals in the older

rocksin those which were deposited before the Carboniferous

epoch。 Fishes we do find; in considerable number and variety;

but the great whales are absent; and the fishes are not such as

now live。 Not one solitary species of fish now in existence is

to be found in the Devonian or Silurian formations。 Hence we are

introduced afresh to the dilemma which I have already placed

before you: either the animals which came into existence on the

fifth day were not such as those which are found at present; are

not the direct and immediate ancestors of those which now exist;

in which case; either fresh creations of which nothing is said;

or a process of evolution; must have occurred; or else the whole

story must be given up; as not only devoid of any circumstantial

evidence; but contrary to such evidence as exists。

I placed before you in a few words; some little time ago; a

statement of the sum and substance of Milton's hypothesis。

Let me now try to state as briefly; the effect of the

circumstantial evidence bearing upon the past history of the

earth which is furnished; without the possibility of mistake;

with no chance of error as to its chief features; by the

stratified rocks。 What we find is; that the great series of

formations represents a period of time of which our human

chronologies hardly afford us a unit of measure。 I will not

pretend to say how we ought to estimate this time; in millions

or in billions of years。 For my purpose; the determination of

its absolute duration is wholly unessential。 But that the time

was enormous there can be no question。

It results from the simplest methods of interpretation; that

leaving out of view certain patches of metamorphosed rocks; and

certain volcanic products; all that is now dry land has once

been at the bottom of the waters。 It is perfectly certain that;

at a comparatively recent period of the world's historythe

Cretaceous epochnone of the great physical features which at

present mark the surface of the globe existed。 It is certain

that the Rocky Mountains were not。 It is certain that the

Himalaya Mountains were not。 It is certain that the Alps and the

Pyrenees had no existence。 The evidence is of the plainest

possible character and is simply this:We find raised up on the

flanks of these mountains; elevated by the forces of upheaval

which have given rise to them; masses of Cretaceous rock which

formed the bottom of the sea before those mountains existed。

It is therefore clear that the elevatory forces which gave rise

to the mountains operated subsequently to the Cretaceous epoch;

and that the mountains themselves are largely made up of the

materials deposited in the sea which once occupied their place。

As we go back in time; we meet with constant alternations of sea

and land; of estuary and open ocean; and; in correspondence with

these al

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