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classic mystery and detective stories-第53节

小说: classic mystery and detective stories 字数: 每页4000字

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price does not suit me。  I only happen to have thirty…four and

sixpence in my pocket; of which I want a shilling for the waiter;

and eighteen pence for my cab。  You rich foreigners and SWELLS may

spend what you like〃 (I had him there: for my friend's dress was as

shabby as an old…clothes man's); 〃but a man with a family; Mr。

Whatd'you…call'im; cannot afford to spend seven or eight hundred a

year on his dinner alone。〃

〃Bah!〃 he said。  〃Nunkey pays for all; as you say。  I will what you

call stant the dinner; if you are SO POOR!〃 and again he gave that

disagreeable grin; and placed an odious crook…nailed and by no

means clean finger to his nose。  But I was not so afraid of him

now; for we were in a public place; and the three glasses of port

wine had; you see; given me courage。

〃What a pretty snuff…box!〃 he remarked; as I handed him mine; which

I am still old…fashioned enough to carry。  It is a pretty old gold

box enough; but valuable to me especially as a relic of an old; old

relative; whom I can just remember as a child; when she was very

kind to me。  〃Yes; a pretty box。  I can remember when many ladies

most ladies; carried a boxnay; two boxestabatiere and

bonbonniere。  What lady carries snuff…box now; hey?  Suppose your

astonishment if a lady in an assembly were to offer you a prise?  I

can remember a lady with such a box as this; with a tour; as we

used to call it then; with paniers; with a tortoise…shell cane;

with the prettiest little high…heeled velvet shoes in the world!

ah! that was a time; that was a time!  Ah; Eliza; Eliza; I have

thee now in my mind's eye!  At Bungay on the Waveney; did I not

walk with thee; Eliza?  Aha; did I not love thee?  Did I not walk

with thee then?  Do I not see thee still?〃

This was passing strange。  My ancestressbut there is no need to

publish her revered namedid indeed live at Bungay St。 Mary's;

where she lies buried。  She used to walk with a tortoise…shell

cane。  She used to wear little black velvet shoes; with the

prettiest high heels in the world。

〃Did youdid youknow; then; my great…gr…nd…m…ther?〃 I said。

He pulled up his coat sleeve〃Is that her name?〃 he said。


There; I declare; was the very name of the kind old creature

written in red on his arm。

〃YOU knew her old;〃 he said; divining my thoughts (with his strange

knack); 〃I knew her young and lovely。  I danced with her at the

Bury ball。  Did I not; dear; dear Miss ?〃

As I live; he here mentioned dear gr…nny's MAIDEN name。  Her maiden

name was 。  Her honored married name was 。

〃She married your great…gr…ndf…th…r the year Poseidon won the

Newmarket Plate;〃 Mr。 Pinto dryly remarked。

Merciful powers!  I remember; over the old shagreen knife and spoon

case on the sideboard in my gr…nny's parlor; a print by Stubbs of

that very horse。  My grandsire; in a red coat; and his fair hair

flowing over his shoulders; was over the mantelpiece; and Poseidon

won the Newmarket Cup in the year 1783!

〃Yes; you are right。  I danced a minuet with her at Bury that very

night; before I lost my poor leg。  And I quarreled with your

grandf; ha!〃

As he said 〃Ha!〃 there came three quiet little taps on the table

it is the middle table in the 〃Gray's…Inn CoffeeHouse;〃 under the

bust of the late Duke of W…ll…ngt…n。

〃I fired in the air;〃 he continued; 〃did I not?〃 (Tap; tap; tap。)

〃Your grandfather hit me in the leg。  He married three months

afterwards。  'Captain Brown;' I said 'who could see Miss Sm…th

without loving her?'  She is there!  She is there!〃 (Tap; tap;

tap。)  〃Yes; my first love〃

But here there came tap; tap; which everybody knows means 〃No。〃

〃I forgot;〃 he said; with a faint blush stealing over his wan

features; 〃she was not my first love。  In Germin my own country

there WAS a young woman〃

Tap; tap; tap。  There was here quite a lively little treble knock;

and when the old man said; 〃But I loved thee better than all the

world; Eliza;〃 the affirmative signal was briskly repeated。

And this I declare UPON MY HONOR。  There was; I have said; a bottle

of port wine before usI should say a decanter。  That decanter was

LIFTED UP; and out of it into our respective glasses two bumpers of

wine were poured。  I appeal to Mr。 Hart; the landlordI appeal to

James; the respectful and intelligent waiter; if this statement is

not true?  And when we had finished that magnum; and I saidfor I

did not now in the least doubt her presence〃Dear gr…nny; may we

have another magnum?〃 the table DISTINCTLY rapped 〃No。〃。

〃Now; my good sir;〃 Mr。 Pinto said; who really began to be affected

by the wine; 〃you understand the interest I have taken in you。  I

loved Eliza 〃 (of course I don't mention family names)。  〃I

knew you had that box which belonged to herI will give you what

you like for that box。  Name your price at once; and I pay you on

the spot。〃

〃Why; when you came out; you said you had not six…pence in your


〃Bah! give you anything you likefiftya hundreda tausend


〃Come; come;〃 said I; 〃the gold of the box may be worth nine

guineas; and the facon we will put at six more。〃

〃One tausend guineas!〃 he screeched。  〃One tausend and fifty pound

dere!〃 and he sank back in his chairno; by the way; on his bench;

for he was sitting with his back to one of the partitions of the

boxes; as I dare say James remembers。

〃DON'T go on in this way;〃 I continued rather weakly; for I did not

know whether I was in a dream。  〃If you offer me a thousand guineas

for this box I MUST take it。  Mustn't I; dear gr…nny?〃

The table most distinctly said 〃Yes〃; and putting out his claws to

seize the box; Mr。 Pinto plunged his hooked nose into it; and

eagerly inhaled some of my 47 with a dash of Hardman。

〃But stay; you old harpy!〃 I exclaimed; being now in a sort of

rage; and quite familiar with him。  〃Where is the money?  Where is

the check?〃

〃James; a piece of note paper and a receipt stamp!〃

〃This is all mighty well; sir;〃 I said; 〃but I don't know you; I

never saw you before。  I will trouble you to hand me that box back

again; or give me a check with some known signature。〃

〃Whose?  Ha; Ha; HA!〃

The room happened to be very dark。  Indeed all the waiters were

gone to supper; and there were only two gentlemen snoring in their

respective boxes。  I saw a hand come quivering down from the

ceilinga very pretty hand; on which was a ring with a coronet;

with a lion rampant gules for a crest。  I saw that hand take a dip

of ink and write across the paper。  Mr。 Pinto; then; taking a gray

receipt stamp out of his blue leather pocketbook; fastened it on to

the paper by the usual process; and the hand then wrote across the

receipt stamp; went across the table and shook hands with Pinto;

and then; as if waving him an adieu; vanished in the direction of

the ceiling。

There was the paper before me; wet with the ink。  There was the pen

which THE HAND had used。  Does anybody doubt me?  I have that pen

now;a cedar stick of a not uncommon sort; and holding one of

Gillott's pens。  It is in my inkstand now; I tell you。  Anybody may

see it。  The handwriting on the check; for such the document was;

was the writing of a female。  It ran thus:〃London; midnight;

March 31; 1862。  Pay the bearer one thousand and fifty pounds。

Rachel Sidonia。  To Messrs。 Sidonia; Pozzosanto and Co。; London。〃

〃Noblest and best of women!〃 said Pinto; kissing the sheet of paper

with much reverence。  〃My good Mr。 Roundabout; I suppose you do not

question THAT signature?〃

Indeed the house of Sidonia; Pozzosanto and Co。; is known to be one

of the richest in Europe; and as for the Countess Rachel; she was

known to be the chief manager of that enormously wealthy

establishment。  There was only one little difficulty; the Countess

Rachel died last October。

I pointed out this circumstance; and tossed over the paper to Pinto

with a sneer。

〃C'est a brandre ou a laisser;〃 he said with some heat。  〃You

literary men are all imbrudent; but I did not tink you such a fool

wie dis。  Your box is not worth twenty pound; and I offer you a

tausend because I know you want money to pay dat rascal Tom's

college bills。〃  (This strange man actually knew that my scapegrace

Tom had been a source of great expense and annoyance to me。)  〃You

see money costs me nothing; and you refuse to take it!  Once;

twice; will you take this check in exchange for your trumpery


What could I do?  My poor granny's legacy was valuable and dear to

me; but after all a thousand guineas are not to be had every day。

〃Be it a bargain;〃 said I。  〃Shall we have a glass of wine on it?〃

says Pinto; and to this proposal I also unwillingly acceded;

reminding him; by the way; that he had not yet told me the story of

the headless man。

〃Your poor gr…ndm…ther was right just now; when she said she was

not my first love

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