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the little duke-第7节

小说: the little duke 字数: 每页4000字

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nroad of the Viscount du Cotentin; {10} at the time when you were born; Lord Richard。〃

〃But where does he live?  Shall I not see him again?〃

〃Montemar is on the bank of the Epte; in the domain that the French wrongfully claim from us。  He lives there with his mother; and if he be not yet returned; you shall see him presently。  Osmond; go you and seek out the lodgings of the young Montemar; and tell him the Duke would see him。〃

Richard had never had a playfellow of his own age; and his eagerness to see Alberic de Montemar was great。  He watched from the window; and at length beheld Osmond entering the court with a boy of ten years old by his side; and an old grey…headed Squire; with a golden chain to mark him as a Seneschal or Steward of the Castle; walking behind。

Richard ran to the door to meet them; holding out his hand eagerly。 Alberic uncovered his bright dark hair; bowed low and gracefully; but stood as if he did not exactly know what to do next。  Richard grew shy at the same moment; and the two boys stood looking at each other somewhat awkwardly。  It was easy to see that they were of different races; so unlike were the blue eyes; flaxen hair; and fair face of the young Duke; to the black flashing eyes and olive cheek of his French vassal; who; though two years older; was scarcely above him in height; and his slight figure; well…proportioned; active and agile as it was; did not give the same promise of strength as the round limbs and large…boned frame of Richard; which even now seemed likely to rival the gigantic stature of his grandfather; Earl Rollo; the Ganger。

For some minutes the little Duke and the young Baron stood surveying each other without a word; and old Sir Eric did not improve matters by saying; 〃Well; Lord Duke; here he is。  Have you no better greeting for him?〃

〃The children are shame…faced;〃 said Fru Astrida; seeing how they both coloured。  〃Is your Lady mother in good health; my young sir?〃

Alberic blushed more deeply; bowed to the old northern lady; and answered fast and low in French; 〃I cannot speak the Norman tongue。〃

Richard; glad to say something; interpreted Fru Astrida's speech; and Alberic readily made courteous reply that his mother was well; and he thanked the Dame de Centeville; a French title which sounded new to Fru Astrida's ears。  Then came the embarrassment again; and Fru Astrida at last said; 〃Take him out; Lord Richard; take him to see the horses in the stables; or the hounds; or what not。〃

Richard was not sorry to obey; so out they went into the court of Rollo's tower; and in the open air the shyness went off。  Richard showed his own pony; and Alberic asked if he could leap into the saddle without putting his foot in the stirrup。  No; Richard could not; indeed; even Osmond had never seen it done; for the feats of French chivalry had scarcely yet spread into Normandy。

〃Can you?〃 said Richard; 〃will you show us?〃

〃I know I can with my own pony;〃 said Alberic; 〃for Bertrand will not let me mount in any other way; but I will try with yours; if you desire it; my Lord。〃

So the pony was led out。  Alberic laid one hand on its mane; and vaulted on its back in a moment。  Both Osmond and Richard broke out loudly into admiration。  〃Oh; this is nothing!〃 said Alberic。 〃Bertrand says it is nothing。  Before he grew old and stiff he could spring into the saddle in this manner fully armed。  I ought to do this much better。〃

Richard begged to be shown how to perform the exploit; and Alberic repeated it; then Richard wanted to try; but the pony's patience would not endure any longer; and Alberic said he had learnt on a block of wood; and practised on the great wolf…hound。  They wandered about a little longer in the court; and then climbed up the spiral stone stairs to the battlements at the top of the tower; where they looked at the house…tops of Rouen close beneath; and the river Seine; broadening and glittering on one side in its course to the sea; and on the other narrowing to a blue ribbon; winding through the green expanse of fertile Normandy。  They threw the pebbles and bits of mortar down that they might hear them fall; and tried which could stand nearest to the edge of the battlement without being giddy。 Richard was pleased to find that he could go the nearest; and began to tell some of Fru Astrida's stories about the precipices of Norway; among which when she was a young girl she used to climb about and tend the cattle in the long light summer time。  When the two boys came down again into the hall to dinner; they felt as if they had known each other all their lives。  The dinner was laid out in full state; and Richard had; as before; to sit in the great throne…like chair with the old Count of Harcourt on one side; but; to his comfort; Fru Astrida was on the other。

After the dinner; Alberic de Montemar rose to take his leave; as he was to ride half way to his home that afternoon。  Count Bernard; who all dinner time had been watching him intently from under his shaggy eye…brows; at this moment turned to Richard; whom he hardly ever addressed; and said to him; 〃Hark ye; my Lord; what should you say to have him yonder for a comrade?〃

〃To stay with me?〃 cried Richard; eagerly。  〃Oh; thanks; Sir Count; and may he stay?〃

〃You are Lord here。〃

〃Oh; Alberic!〃 cried Richard; jumping out of his chair of state; and running up to him; 〃will you not stay with me; and be my brother and comrade?〃

Alberic looked down hesitating。

〃Oh; say that you will!  I will give you horses; and hawks; and hounds; and I will love youalmost as well as Osmond。  Oh; stay with me; Alberic。〃

〃I must obey you; my Lord;〃 said Alberic; 〃but〃

〃Come; young Frenchman; out with it;〃 said Bernard;〃no buts!  Speak honestly; and at once; like a Norman; if you can。〃

This rough speech seemed to restore the little Baron's self… possession; and he looked up bright and bold at the rugged face of the old Dane; while he said; 〃I had rather not stay here。〃

〃Ha! not do service to your Lord?〃

〃I would serve him with all my heart; but I do not want to stay here。 I love the Castle of Montemar better; and my mother has no one but me。〃

〃Brave and true; Sir Frenchman;〃 said the old Count; laying his great hand on Alberic's head; and looking better pleased than Richard thought his grim features could have appeared。  Then turning to Bertrand; Alberic's Seneschal; he said; 〃Bear the Count de Harcourt's greetings to the noble Dame de Montemar; and say to her that her son is of a free bold spirit; and if she would have him bred up with my Lord Duke; as his comrade and brother in arms; he will find a ready welcome。〃

〃So; Alberic; you will come back; perhaps?〃 said Richard。

〃That must be as my mother pleases;〃 answered Alberic bluntly; and with all due civilities he and his Seneschal departed。

Four or five times a day did Richard ask Osmond and Fru Astrida if they thought Alberic would return; and it was a great satisfaction to him to find that every one agreed that it would be very foolish in the Dame de Montemar to refuse so good an offer; only Fru Astrida could not quite believe she would part with her son。  Still no Baron de Montemar arrived; and the little Duke was beginning to think less about his hopes; when one evening; as he was returning from a ride with Sir Eric and Osmond; he saw four horsemen coming towards them; and a little boy in front。

〃It is Alberic himself; I am sure of it!〃 he exclaimed; and so it proved; and while the Seneschal delivered his Lady's message to Sir Eric; Richard rode up and greeted the welcome guest。

〃Oh; I am very glad your mother has sent you!〃

〃She said she was not fit to bring up a young warrior of the marches;〃 said Alberic。

〃Were you very sorry to come?〃

〃I dare say I shall not mind it soon; and Bertrand is to come and fetch me home to visit her every three months; if you will let me go; my Lord。〃

Richard was extremely delighted; and thought he could never do enough to make Rouen pleasant to Alberic; who after the first day or two cheered up; missed his mother less; managed to talk something between French and Norman to Sir Eric and Fru Astrida; and became a very animated companion and friend。  In one respect Alberic was a better playfellow for the Duke than Osmond de Centeville; for Osmond; playing as a grown up man; not for his own amusement; but the child's; had left all the advantages of the game to Richard; who was growing not a little inclined to domineer。  This Alberic did not like; unless; as he said; 〃it was to be always Lord and vassal; and then he did not care for the game;〃 and he played with so little animation that Richard grew vexed。

〃I can't help it;〃 said Alberic; 〃if you take all the best chances to yourself; 'tis no sport for me。  I will do your bidding; as you are the Duke; but I cannot like it。〃

〃Never mind my being Duke; but play as we used to do。〃

〃Then let us play as I did with Bertrand's sons at Montemar。  I was their Baron; as you are my Duke; but my mother said there would be no sport unless we forgot all that at play。〃

〃Then so we will。  Come; begin again; Alberic; and you shall have the first turn。〃

However; Alberic was quite as courteous and respectful to the Duke when they were not at play;

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