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the little duke-第5节

小说: the little duke 字数: 每页4000字

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ever drawn; save in the cause of the poor and distressed?  Wouldst thou rob Him; to whose service thy life has been pledged; and devote thyself to that of His foe?  Is this what thou hast learnt from thy blessed father?〃

Richard made no answer; but he covered his face with his hands; to hide the tears which were fast streaming。

〃Lord Abbot; Lord Abbot; this passes!〃 exclaimed Bernard the Dane。 〃Our young Lord is no monk; and we will not see each spark of noble and knightly spirit quenched as soon as it shows itself。〃

〃Count of Harcourt;〃 said Abbot Martin; 〃are these the words of a savage Pagan; or of one who has been washed in yonder blessed font? Never; while I have power; shalt thou darken the child's soul with thy foul thirst of revenge; insult the presence of thy master with the crime he so abhorred; nor the temple of Him who came to pardon; with thy hatred。  Well do I know; ye Barons of Normandy; that each drop of your blood would willingly be given; could it bring back our departed Duke; or guard his orphan child; but; if ye have loved the father; do his biddinglay aside that accursed spirit of hatred and vengeance; if ye love the child; seek not to injure his soul more deeply than even his bitterest foe; were it Arnulf himself; hath power to hurt him。〃

The Barons were silenced; whatever their thoughts might be; and Abbot Martin turned to Richard; whose tears were still dropping fast through his fingers; as the thought of those last words of his father returned more clearly upon him。  The Abbot laid his hand on his head; and spoke gently to him。  〃These are tears of a softened heart; I trust;〃 said he。  〃I well believe that thou didst scarce know what thou wert saying。〃

〃Forgive me!〃 said Richard; as well as he could speak。

〃See there;〃 said the priest; pointing to the large Cross over the Altar; 〃thou knowest the meaning of that sacred sign?〃

Richard bowed his head in assent and reverence。

〃It speaks of forgiveness;〃 continued the Abbot。  〃And knowest thou who gave that pardon?  The Son forgave His murderers; the Father them who slew His Son。  And shalt thou call for vengeance?〃

〃But oh!〃 said Richard; looking up; 〃must that cruel; murderous traitor glory unpunished in his crime; while there lies〃 and again his voice was cut off by tears。

〃Vengeance shall surely overtake the sinner;〃 said Martin; 〃the vengeance of the Lord; and in His own good time; but it must not be of thy seeking。  Nay; Richard; thou art of all men the most bound to show love and mercy to Arnulf of Flanders。  Yes; when the hand of the Lord hath touched him; and bowed him down in punishment for his crime; it is then; that thou; whom he hath most deeply injured; shouldst stretch out thine hand to aid him; and receive him with pardon and peace。  If thou dost vow aught on the sword of thy blessed father; in the sanctuary of thy Redeemer; let it be a Christian vow。〃

Richard wept too bitterly to speak; and Bernard de Harcourt; taking his hand; led him away from the Church。


Duke William of the Long Sword was buried the next morning in high pomp and state; with many a prayer and psalm chanted over his grave。

When this was over; little Richard; who had all the time stood or knelt nearest the corpse; in one dull heavy dream of wonder and sorrow; was led back to the palace; and there his long; heavy; black garments were taken off; and he was dressed in his short scarlet tunic; his hair was carefully arranged; and then he came down again into the hall; where there was a great assembly of Barons; some in armour; some in long furred gowns; who had all been attending his father's burial。  Richard; as he was desired by Sir Eric de Centeville; took off his cap; and bowed low in reply to the reverences with which they all greeted his entrance; and he then slowly crossed the hall; and descended the steps from the door; while they formed into a procession behind him; according to their ranks the Duke of Brittany first; and then all the rest; down to the poorest knight who held his manor immediately from the Duke of Normandy。

Thus; they proceeded; in slow and solemn order; till they came to the church of our Lady。  The clergy were there already; ranged in ranks on each side of the Choir; and the Bishops; in their mitres and rich robes; each with his pastoral staff in his hand; were standing round the Altar。  As the little Duke entered; there arose from all the voices in the Chancel the full; loud; clear chant of Te Deum Laudamus; echoing among the dark vaults of the roof。  To that sound; Richard walked up the Choir; to a large; heavy; crossed…legged; carved chair; raised on two steps; just before the steps of the Altar began; and there he stood; Bernard de Harcourt and Eric de Centeville on each side of him; and all his other vassals in due order; in the Choir。

After the beautiful chant of the hymn was ended; the service for the Holy Communion began。  When the time came for the offering; each noble gave gold or silver; and; lastly; Rainulf of Ferrieres came up to the step of the Altar with a cushion; on which was placed a circlet of gold; the ducal coronet; and another Baron; following him closely; carried a long; heavy sword; with a cross handle。  The Archbishop of Rouen received both coronet and sword; and laid them on the Altar。  Then the service proceeded。  At that time the rite of Confirmation was administered in infancy; and Richard; who had been confirmed by his godfather; the Archbishop of Rouen; immediately after his baptism; knelt in solemn awe to receive the other Holy Sacrament from his hands; as soon as all the clergy had communicated。 {8}

When the administration was over; Richard was led forward to the step of the Altar by Count Bernard; and Sir Eric; and the Archbishop; laying one hand upon both his; as he held them clasped together; demanded of him; in the name of God; and of the people of Normandy; whether he would be their good and true ruler; guard them from their foes; maintain truth; punish iniquity; and protect the Church。

〃I will!〃 answered Richard's young; trembling voice; 〃So help me God!〃 and he knelt; and kissed the book of the Holy Gospels; which the Archbishop offered him。

It was a great and awful oath; and he dreaded to think that he had taken it。  He still knelt; put both hands over his face; and whispered; 〃O God; my Father; help me to keep it。〃

The Archbishop waited till he rose; and then; turning him with his face to the people; said; 〃Richard; by the grace of God; I invest thee with the ducal mantle of Normandy!〃

Two of the Bishops then hung round his shoulders a crimson velvet mantle; furred with ermine; which; made as it was for a grown man; hung heavily on the poor child's shoulders; and lay in heaps on the ground。  The Archbishop then set the golden coronet on his long; flowing hair; where it hung so loosely on the little head; that Sir Eric was obliged to put his hand to it to hold it safe; and; lastly; the long; straight; two…handed sword was brought and placed in his hand; with another solemn bidding to use it ever in maintaining the right。  It should have been girded to his side; but the great sword was so much taller than the little Duke; that; as it stood upright by him; he was obliged to raise his arm to put it round the handle。

He then had to return to his throne; which was not done without some difficulty; encumbered as he was; but Osmond held up the train of his mantle; Sir Eric kept the coronet on his head; and he himself held fast and lovingly the sword; though the Count of Harcourt offered to carry it for him。  He was lifted up to his throne; and then came the paying him homage; Alan; Duke of Brittany; was the first to kneel before him; and with his hand between those of the Duke; he swore to be his man; to obey him; and pay him feudal service for his dukedom of Brittany。  In return; Richard swore to be his good Lord; and to protect him from all his foes。  Then followed Bernard the Dane; and many another; each repeating the same formulary; as their large rugged hands were clasped within those little soft fingers。  Many a kind and loving eye was bent in compassion on the orphan child; many a strong voice faltered with earnestness as it pronounced the vow; and many a brave; stalwart heart heaved with grief for the murdered father; and tears flowed down the war…worn cheeks which had met the fiercest storms of the northern ocean; as they bent before the young fatherless boy; whom they loved for the sake of his conquering grandfather; and his brave and pious father。  Few Normans were there whose hearts did not glow at the touch of those small hands; with a love almost of a parent; for their young Duke。

The ceremony of receiving homage lasted long and Richard; though interested and touched at first; grew very weary; the crown and mantle were so heavy; the faces succeeded each other like figures in an endless dream; and the constant repetition of the same words was very tedious。  He grew sleepy; he longed to jump up; to lean to the right or left; or to speak something besides that regular form。  He gave one great yawn; but it brought him such a frown from the stern face of Bernard; as quite to wake him for a few minutes; and make him sit upright; and

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