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the little duke-第25节

小说: the little duke 字数: 每页4000字

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{7}  The Cathedral was afterwards built by Richard himself。

{8}  Sus le maistre autel del iglise Li unt sa feaute juree。

{9}  Une clef d'argent unt trovee A sun braiol estreit noee。 Tout la gent se merveillont Que cete clef signifiont。 * * * * Ni la cuoule e l'estamine En aveit il en un archete; Que disfermeront ceste clavete De sol itant ert tresorier Kar nul tresor n'vait plus cher。

The history of the adventures of Jumieges is literally true; as is Martin's refusal to admit the Duke to the cloister:…

Dun ne t'a Deus mis e pose Prince gardain de sainte iglise E cur tenir leial justise。

{10}  An attack; in which Riouf; Vicomte du Cotentin; placed Normandy in the utmost danger。  He was defeated on the banks of the Seine; in a field still called the 〃Pre de Battaille;〃 on the very day of Richard's birth; so that the Te Deum was sung at once for the victory and the birth of the heir of Normandy。

{11}  〃Biaus Segnors; vees chi vo segneur; je ne le vous voel tolir; mais je estoie venus en ceste ville; prendre consel a vous; comment je poroie vengier la mort son pere; qui me rapiela d'Engletiere。  Il me fist roi; il me fist avoir l'amour le roi d'Alemaigne; il leva mon fil de fons; il me fist toz les biens; et jou en renderai au fill le guerredon se je puis。〃MICHEL。

{12}  In a battle fought with Lothaire at Charmenil; Richard saved the life of Walter the huntsman; who had been with him from his youth。

{13}  At fourteen years of age; Richard was betrothed to Eumacette of Paris; then but eight years old。  In such esteem did Hugues la Blanc hold his son…in…law; that; on his death…bed; he committed his son Hugues Capet to his guardianship; though the Duke was then scarcely above twenty; proposing him as the model of wisdom and of chivalry。

{14}  〃Osmons; qui l'enfant enseognoit l'eu mena i jour en riviere; et quant il revint; la reine Gerberge dist que se il jamais l'enmenait fors des murs; elle li ferait les jeix crever。〃MICHEL。

{15}  〃Gules; two wings conjoined in lure; or;〃 is the original coat of St。 Maur; or Seymour; said to be derived from Osmond de Centeville; who assumed them in honour of his flight with Duke Richard。  His direct descendants in Normandy were the Marquises of Osmond; whose arms were gules; two wings ermine。  In 1789 there were two survivors of the line of Centeville; one a Canon of Notre Dame; the other a Chevalier de St。 Louis; who died childless。

{16}  Harald of Norway; who made a vow never to trim his hair till he had made himself sole king of the country。  The war lasted ten years; and he thus might well come to deserve the title of Horrid…locks; which was changed to that of Harfagre; or fair…haired; when he celebrated his final victory; by going into a bath at More; and committing his shaggy hair to be cut and arranged by his friend Jarl Rognwald; father of Rollo。

{17}  Richard obtained for Arnulf the restitution of Arras; and several other Flemish towns。  He died eight years afterwards; in 996; leaving several children; among whom his daughter Emma is connected with English history; by her marriage; first; with Ethelred the Unready; and secondly; with Knute; the grandson of his firm friend and ally; Harald Blue…tooth。   His son was Richard; called the Good; his grandson; Robert the Magnificent; his great…grandson; William the Conqueror; who brought the Norman race to England。  Few names in history shine with so consistent a lustre as that of Richard; at first the little Duke; afterwards Richard aux longues jambes; but always Richard sans peur。  This little sketch has only brought forward the perils of his childhood; but his early manhood was likewise full of adventures; in which he always proved himself brave; honourable; pious; and forbearing。  But for these our readers must search for themselves into early French history; where all they will find concerning our hero will only tend to exalt his character。


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