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the little duke-第14节

小说: the little duke 字数: 每页4000字

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e laboured to teach you。〃

So Richard told the beads of his rosaryblack polished wood; with amber at certain spaceshe repeated a prayer with every bead; and Osmond did the same; then the little Duke put himself into a narrow crib of richly carved walnut; while Osmond; having stuck his dagger so as to form an additional bolt to secure the door; and examined the hangings that no secret entrance might be concealed behind them; gathered a heap of rushes together; and lay down on them; wrapped in his mantle; across the doorway。  The Duke was soon asleep; but the Squire lay long awake; musing on the possible dangers that surrounded his charge; and on the best way of guarding against them。


Osmond de Centeville was soon convinced that no immediate peril threatened his young Duke at the Court of Laon。  Louis seemed to intend to fulfil his oaths to the Normans by allowing the child to be the companion of his own sons; and to be treated in every respect as became his rank。  Richard had his proper place at table; and all due attendance; he learnt; rode; and played with the Princes; and there was nothing to complain of; excepting the coldness and inattention with which the King and Queen treated him; by no means fulfilling the promise of being as parents to their orphan ward。  Gerberge; who had from the first dreaded his superior strength and his roughness with her puny boys; and who had been by no means won by his manners at their first meeting; was especially distant and severe with him; hardly ever speaking to him except with some rebuke; which; it must be confessed; Richard often deserved。

As to the boys; his constant companions; Richard was on very friendly terms with Carlo…man; a gentle; timid; weakly child。  Richard looked down upon him; but he was kind; as a generous…tempered boy could not fail to be; to one younger and weaker than himself。  He was so much kinder than Lothaire; that Carloman was fast growing very fond of him; and looked up to his strength and courage as something noble and marvellous。

It was very different with Lothaire; the person from whom; above all others; Richard would have most expected to meet with affection; as his father's god…son; a relationship which in those times was thought almost as near as kindred by blood。  Lothaire had been brought up by an indulgent mother; and by courtiers who never ceased flattering him; as the heir to the crown; and he had learnt to think that to give way to his naturally imperious and violent disposition was the way to prove his power and assert his rank。  He had always had his own way; and nothing had ever been done to check his faults; somewhat weakly health had made him fretful and timid; and a latent consciousness of this fearfulness made him all the more cruel; sometimes because he was frightened; sometimes because he fancied it manly。

He treated his little brother in a way which in these times boys would call bullying; and; as no one ever dared to oppose the King's eldest son; it was pretty much the same with every one else; except now and then some dumb creature; and then all Lothaire's cruelty was shown。  When his horse kicked; and ended by throwing him; he stood by; and caused it to be beaten till the poor creature's back streamed with blood; when his dog bit his hand in trying to seize the meat with which he was teazing it; he insisted on having it killed; and it was worse still when a falcon pecked one of his fingers。  It really hurt him a good deal; and; in a furious rage; he caused two nails to be heated red hot in the fire; intending to have them thrust into the poor bird's eyes。

〃I will not have it done!〃 exclaimed Richard; expecting to be obeyed as he was at home; but Lothaire only laughed scornfully; saying; 〃Do you think you are master here; Sir pirate?〃

〃I will not have it done!〃 repeated Richard。  〃Shame on you; shame on you; for thinking of such an unkingly deed。〃

〃Shame on me! Do you know to whom you speak; master savage?〃 cried Lothaire; red with passion。

〃I know who is the savage now!〃 said Richard。  〃Hold!〃 to the servant who was bringing the red…hot irons in a pair of tongs。

〃Hold?〃 exclaimed Lothaire。  〃No one commands here but I and my father。  Go on Charlotwhere is the bird?  Keep her fast; Giles。〃

〃Osmond。  You I can command〃

〃Come away; my Lord;〃 said Osmond; interrupting Richard's order; before it was issued。 〃We have no right to interfere here; and cannot hinder it。  Come away from such a foul sight。〃

〃Shame on you too; Osmond; to let such a deed be done without hindering it!〃 exclaimed Richard; breaking from him; and rushing on the man who carried the hot irons。  The French servants were not very willing to exert their strength against the Duke of Normandy; and Richard's onset; taking the man by surprise; made him drop the tongs。 Lothaire; both afraid and enraged; caught them up as a weapon of defence; and; hardly knowing what he did; struck full at Richard's face with the hot iron。  Happily it missed his eye; and the heat had a little abated; but; as it touched his cheek; it burnt him sufficiently to cause considerable pain。  With a cry of passion; he flew at Lothaire; shook him with all his might; and ended by throwing him at his length on the pavement。  But this was the last of Richard's exploits; for he was at the same moment captured by his Squire; and borne off; struggling and kicking as if Osmond had been his greatest foe; but the young Norman's arms were like iron round him; and he gave over his resistance sooner; because at that moment a whirring flapping sound was heard; and the poor hawk rose high; higher; over their heads in ever lessening circles; far away from her enemies。  The servant who held her; had relaxed his grasp in the consternation caused by Lothaire's fall; and she was mounting up and up; spying; it might be; her way to her native rocks in Iceland; with the yellow eyes which Richard had saved。

〃Safe! safe!〃 cried Richard; joyfully; ceasing his struggles。  〃Oh; how glad I am!  That young villain should never have hurt her。  Put me down; Osmond; what are you doing with me?〃

〃Saving you from yourno; I cannot call it folly;I would hardly have had you stand still to see suchbut let me see your face。〃

〃It is nothing。  I don't care now the hawk is safe;〃 said Richard; though he could hardly keep his lips in order; and was obliged to wink very hard with his eyes to keep the tears out; now that he had leisure to feel the smarting; but it would have been far beneath a Northman to complain; and he stood bearing it gallantly; and pinching his fingers tightly together; while Osmond knelt down to examine the hurt。  〃'Tis not much;〃 said he; talking to himself; 〃half bruise; half burnI wish my grandmother was herehowever; it can't last long!  'Tis right; you bear it like a little Berserkar; and it is no bad thing that you should have a scar to show; that they may not be able to say you did ALL the damage。〃

〃Will it always leave a mark?〃 said Richard。  〃I am afraid they will call me Richard of the scarred cheek; when we get back to Normandy。〃

〃Never mind; if they doit will not be a mark to be ashamed of; even if it does last; which I do not believe it will。〃

〃Oh; no; I am so glad the gallant falcon is out of his reach!〃 replied Richard; in a somewhat quivering voice。

〃Does it smart much?  Well; come and bathe it with cold wateror shall I take you to one of the Queen's women?〃

〃Nothe water;〃 said Richard; and to the fountain in the court they went; but Osmond had only just begun to splash the cheek with the half…frozen water; with a sort of rough kindness; afraid at once of teaching the Duke to be effeminate; and of not being as tender to him as Dame Astrida would have wished; when a messenger came in haste from the King; commanding the presence of the Duke of Normandy and his Squire。

Lothaire was standing between his father and mother on their throne… like seat; leaning against the Queen; who had her arm round him; his face was red and glazed with tears; and he still shook with subsiding sobs。  It was evident he was just recovering from a passionate crying fit。

〃How is this?〃 began the King; as Richard entered。  〃What means this conduct; my Lord of Normandy?  Know you what you have done in striking the heir of France?  I might imprison you this instant in a dungeon where you would never see the light of day。〃

〃Then Bernard de Harcourt would come and set me free;〃 fearlessly answered Richard。

〃Do you bandy words with me; child? Ask Prince Lothaire's pardon instantly; or you shall rue it。〃

〃I have done nothing to ask his pardon for。  It would have been cruel and cowardly in me to let him put out the poor hawk's eyes;〃 said Richard; with a Northman's stern contempt for pain; disdaining to mention his own burnt cheek; which indeed the King might have seen plainly enough。

〃Hawk's eyes!〃 repeated the King。  〃Speak the truth; Sir Duke; do not add slander to your other faults。〃

〃I have spoken the truthI always speak it!〃 cried Richard。 〃Whoever says otherwise lies in his throat。〃

Osmond here hastily interfered; and desired permission to tell the whole story。  The hawk was a valuable bird; and Louis's face darkened when he heard what Lothaire had 

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