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proposed roads to freedom(通往自由之路)-第44节

小说: proposed roads to freedom(通往自由之路) 字数: 每页4000字

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and art; human relations; and the joy of life that Anarchism is strongest; 

and it is chiefly for the sake of these things that we included such more or 

less   Anarchist   proposals   as   the   ‘‘vagabond's   wage。''   It   is   by   its   effects 

outside economics and politics; at least as much as by effects inside them; 

that a social system should be judged。 And if Socialism ever comes; it is 

only   likely   to   prove   beneficent   if   non…   economic   goods   are   valued   and 

consciously pursued。 

     The world that we must seek is a world in which the creative spirit is 

alive; in which life is an adventure full of joy and hope; based rather upon 

the impulse to construct than upon the desire to retain what we possess or 

to seize what is possessed by others。 It must be a world in which affection 

has   free   play;   in   which  love   is   purged   of   the   instinct   for   domination;   in 

which      cruelty   and    envy    have   been    dispelled    by   happiness      and   the 

unfettered development of all the instincts that build up life and fill it with 

mental delights。 Such a world is possible; it waits only for men to wish to 

create it。 

     Meantime; the world in which we exist has other aims。 But it will pass 


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                             PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM 

away; burned up in the fire of its own hot passions; and from its ashes will 

spring   a   new   and   younger   world;   full   of   fresh   hope;   with   the   light   of 

morning in its eyes。 


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                            PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM 


     Academy; Royal; 107 Africa; 149; 165 Agriculture; 90 ff。 Alexander II; 

43    Allemane;     60   America;     xi;  31;   74  ff。;  125;   140;   210   American 

Federation of      Labor; 76 Anarchism; passim           defined; 33      and law; 33; 

51; 111 ff。; 198 ff。      and violence; 33; 52…4; 72; 121 ff。         and distribution; 

93 ff。    and wages; 96 ff。       anti…German; 46         attitude to syndicalism; 79 

congress   in Amsterdam;   79 Ants;   152 Army;   private;   120;  123 Art;   109; 

111; 138; 166 ff。; 203       and appreciation; 169; 181…6          and commercialism; 

181     and   freedom;   182   Artists;   103    under   State   Socialism;   174   Asia; 

149; 158; 210 Australia; 151 Authors; Guild of; 179 Autonomy; 133; 137; 


       Backwoods;       133   Bakunin;     x;  3649    biography;      3747     writings; 

4749     and   Marx;   38   ff。;  59   n。 and   Pan…Slavism;   41;   45    and   Dresden 

insurrection; 41      imprisonments; 41         anti…German; 45        and production; 

50   Bebel;   66   Benbow;   William;   71   n。   Bergson;   68   Bernstein;   27…29;   56 

Bevington;   53   Bismarck;   30   Books   under   Socialism;   178   Bornstedt;   39 

Bourgeoisie; 11 Bourses du Travail; 54; 63 Boycott; 68 Briand; 72 Bright; 

21   Brooks;   John   Graham;   75;   77n。   Brousse;   Paul;   60   Bureaucracy;   128; 

174 Button…hooks; 182 

       Cafiero; 48n。 Capital; 6; 10; 18…25 Capitalism; 2; 202             and war; 139 


     California;     181    Censor    of   plays;   107    Champion;       91   Charlton; 

Broughton;   19   Chewing…gum;   189   China;   137;   140   Christ;   187   Chuang 

Tzu; 33 Churches; 201 Civil Service; 128 Class war; xvi; 9 ff。; 27; 29; 81; 

66; 116 149 Clemenceau; 71 Cobden; 21   Cole; G。 I)。   H。; 89n。; 63;   64n。; 

73; 76; 81n。; 134; 190 Communism; 10 ff。                anarchist; 1; 38ff。; 60; 96n。; 

100n。;   106n。   Communist   Manifesto;   5;   9…18;   114;   148   Competitiveness; 

160 Concentration of Capital; Law             of; 8; 23…5 Confederation General du 

Travail; 63…65; 71; 74 Conquest of Bread; The; 80; 87 Constantine; 108; 

187 Creativeness; 186…7 Crime; 118 ff。 Cultivation; intensive; 89 Cultures 

maraicheres; 91 

       Darwin; 173 Deleon; 76 Democracy; 2; 30; 129 ff。; 148; 167 Deutche 


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                            PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM 

Jahrbuscher;       38    Devolution;      200     Disarmament;        153    Disraeli;    30 

Distribution; 99 ff。 Dubois; Felix; 62 Duelling; 123 

       Education;   169   ff。;   189;   193;   196   Edward   VI;   22   Empire   Knouto… 

Germanique;   48   Engels;   3;   6;   17;   38   Envy;   160…169   Evils      physical; 

188; 207…11       of character; 188; ~2…07         of power; 188 ff。 Evolution; 164 

     Fabians;     67   Fear;   186;   203    Feudalism;     10   Fields;    Factories    and 

Workshops;   80;   87   ff。   Finance   and   war;   140   Finland;   144   Fourier;   4n。 

Franco…Prussian War; 46; 86; 69 Franklin; 100n。 Freedom; see Liberty 

       George; Lloyd; 186 German Communist League; 8 German Working 

Men's      Association;   8   Germany;   144   Giles;   Lionel;   36n。   God   and   the 

State; 48 Godwin; 207 Gompers; 76 Gospels; The; 187 Government; 111 

ff。;   198   ff。 representative;   117;   129      ff。;   137   ff。   Guesde;   Jules;   89…60 

Guild   Congress;   83;   Cal   ff。;   Guild   Socialism;   xi;   80   ff。;   133; 192;   211 

and the State; 82…4; 114;        184…5 Guillaume; James; 36n。; 37 

       Haywood;       77   Hegel;    4  Herd     instinct;  xv   Heubner;      41   History; 

materialistic     interpretation of; 7 Hobson; J。 A。; 144 Hodgskin; 5n。 Hulme; 

T。 E。; 29 Hypocrisy; 132 

       Idleness;  103   ff。   Independent   Labor   Party;   87   India;   188   Individual 

138     Industrial    Relations;     American       Commission         on;   78   Industrial 

Workers      of  the   World      (I。W。W。);    xi;  31;  74   International     alliance   of 

socialist    democracy; 44 International fraternity; 43 International Working 

Men's     Association; 6; 44 ff。; 69 Internationalism; 148; 150 

       Japan; 161 Jaures; 60 Jouhaux; 75 Joy of Life; 206 

       Keats; 173 Knowledge; 168 Kropotkin; 36; 46; 80…61; 87 ff。;                    96n。; 

100n。; 102; 106n。;        116 ff。; 179; 192 Kultur; 159 

       Labor;   integration   of;   99   Labor   Party;   57;   150   Lagardelle;   64   Law; 

111 ff。; 198 Levine; Louis; 69n。; 60n。 Liberal Party; 28; 30 Liberty; 111 ff。; 

192;     201    and    syndicalism;      85    and    anarchism;     108     and    creative 

impulse; 169;       172…81      and art; 182…3; 204       and human relations; 204 

       Liquor Traffic; 137 Livre; Federation du; 178 Lunatics; 119 Lynching; 


       Magistrates; 101 Majorities; divine right of; 130; 200 Malthus; 86 ff。; 

207 ff。 Manchesterism; 29 Marriage; 204 Marx; x; 1…31; 36; 60; 77; 148。 

164     biography;      3…7   doctrines;   7…31;    113    and   Bakunin;      38   ff。 and 


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                           PROPOSED ROADS TO FREEDOM 

International   Working       Men's   Association;   44   ff。;   89n。   Marzisme;   La 

decomposition        du;   29   Mazzini;    43   Millennium      by  force;          164 

Millerand;   60;   61   Milton;   173   Miners;   Western   Federation      of;   76;   78 

Money; 196 Monroe Doctrine; 140 Morning Star; 21 Morris; William; 176 

       Napoleon;   120     Napoleon    III;   46  Naquet;   Alfred;   98n。;  118n;   165 

National Guilds; 81n。 National Guilds League; 82 Nationalism; 17; 25; 28; 

32 Nations      relations of; 139 ff。    League of; 132; 200 Necessaries; free? 

109; 196 Neue Reinische Zeitung; 41 Nicholas; Tsar; 43 

       Opera   Singers;   196   Opium  Traffic;   137   Orage;   81n。   Owen;   Robert; 


       Pellico; Silvio; 42 Pelloutier; 54; 63 Permeation; 57 Persia; 158 Plato; 

vii Poets; 104 Poland; 37; 144 Population; 197n。 Possibilists; 60 Poverty; 

190 Power; love of; 111; 144; 160;           161 Press; 143 Production; methods 

of; 87 ff。 Proletariat; 11 ff。 Proportional Representation;            165 Proudhon; 

4n。; 38 Pugnacity; 147 Punishment; 123 ff。 

       Rarachol; 53 

       Ravenstone;     Piercy;  6n。   Reclue;   Elisee;   48n。  Revisionism;     27;  66 

Revolution      French;   7    Russian;   18;   67;   148;   164 Social;   6;   17;   70; 

113; 148; 164;      164    of 1848; 3; 6; 40 Ruge; 38 

       Sabotage;   66   Saint…Simon;   4n。   Sand;   George;   38;   41   Sarajevo;   32 

Scholarships; 170; 197 Science; 86; 109; 138 166 ff。;             189; 207     men of; 

207 Self…interest; 125 Sharing; free; 96 ff。; 195 Shelley; 173 Single Tax; 82 

Slavery; 190 Socialism; passim          defined; 1     English; 5     French; 4; 59 

German; 66       evolutionary; 27      State; 67; 107; 115; 128; 170;        174; 202; 

208    and distribution; 93 ff。       and art and science; 164 ff。        203    Guild; 

see   Guild   Socialism   Social

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