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reed pen; such as the ancients often used。 I must not 
forget to mention that in some remote age this 
wonderful fragment had been broken in two; and 
rejoined by means of cement and eight long rivets。 
Also there were numerous inscriptions on the inner 
side; but these were of the most erratic character; 
and had clearly been made by different hands and in 
many different ages; and of them; together with the 
writings on the parchments; I shall have to speak 

〃Is there anything more?〃 asked Leo; in a kind of 
excited whisper。

I groped about; and produced something hard; done up 
in a little linen bag。 Out of the bag we took first a 
very beautiful miniature done upon ivory; and; 
secondly; a small chocolate colored composition 
scarabaeus; marked thus:

'graphic omitted'

symbols which; we have since ascertained; mean 〃Suten 
se Ra^;〃 which is; being translated; the 〃Royal Son of 
Ra^ or the Sun。〃 The miniature was a picture of Leo's 
Greek mother; a lovely; dark…eyed creature。 On the 
back of it was written in poor Vincey's handwriting; 
〃My beloved wife。〃 

〃That is all;〃 I said。

〃Very well;〃 answered Leo; putting down the miniature; 
at which he had been gazing affectionately; 〃and now 
let us read the letter;〃 and without further ado he 
broke the seal; and read aloud as follows:

〃MY SON LEOWhen you open this; if you ever live to 
do so; you will have attained to manhood; and I shall 
have been long enough dead to be absolutely forgotten 
by nearly all who knew me。 Yet in reading it remember 
that I have been; and for anything you know may still 
be; and that in it; through this link of pen and 
paper; I stretch out my hand to you across the gulf of 
death; and my voice speaks to you from the unutterable 
silence of the grave。 Though I am dead; and no memory 
of me remains in your mind; yet am I with you in this 
hour that you read。 Since your birth to this day I 
have scarcely seen your face。 Forgive me this。 Your 
life supplanted the life of one whom I loved better 
than women are often loved; and the bitterness of it 
endureth yet。 Had I lived I should in time have 
conquered this foolish feeling; but I am not destined 
to live。 My sufferings; physical and mental; are more 
than I can bear; and when such small arrangements as I 
have to make for your future well…being are completed 
it is my intention to put a period to them。 May God 
forgive me if I do wrong。 At the best I could not live 
more than another year。〃

〃So he killed himself;〃 I exclaimed。 〃I thought so。〃

〃And now;〃 Leo went on; without replying; 〃enough of 
myself。 What has to be said belongs to you who live; 
not to me; who am dead; and almost as much forgotten 
as though I had never been。 Holly; my friend (to whom; 
if he will accept the trust; it is my intention to 
confide you); will have told you something of the 
extraordinary antiquity of your race。 In the contents 
of this casket you will find sufficient to prove it。 
The strange legend that you will find inscribed by 
your remote ancestress upon the potsherd was 
communicated to me by my father on his deathbed; and 
took a strong hold upon…my imagination。 When I was 
only nineteen years of age I determined; as; to his 
misfortune; did one of ancestors about the time of 
Elizabeth; to investigate its truth。 Into all that 
befell me I cannot enter now。

But this I saw with my own eyes。 On the coast of 
Africa; in a hitherto unexplored region; some distance 
to the north of where the Zambesi falls into the sea; 
there is a headland; at the extremity of which a peak 
towers up; shaped like the head of a negro; similar to 
that of which the writing speaks。 I landed there; and 
learned from a wandering native; who had been cast out 
by his people because of some crime which he had 
committed; that far inland are great mountains; shaped 
like cups; and caves surrounded by measureless swamps。 
I learned also that the people there speak a dialect 
of Arabic; and are ruled over by a _i_ beautiful white 
woman _i_ who is seldom seen by them; but who is 
reported to have power over all things living and 
dead。 Two days after I had ascertained this the man 
died of fever contracted in crossing the swamps; and I 
was forced; by want of provisions and by symptoms of 
an illness which afterwards prostrated me; to take to 
my dhow again。

〃Of the adventures that befell me after this I need 
not now speak。 I was wrecked upon the coast of 
Madagascar; and rescued some months afterwards by an 
English ship that brought me to Aden; whence I started 
for England; intending to prosecute my search us soon 
as I had made sufficient preparations。 On my way I 
stopped in Greece; and there; for ' _i_ Omnia vincit 
amor _i_ ;' I met your beloved mother; and married 
her; and there you were born and she died。 Then it was 
that my last illness seized me; and I returned hither 
to die。 But still I hoped against hope; and set myself 
to work to learn Arabic; with the intention; should I 
ever get better; of returning to the coast of Africa; 
and solving the mystery of which the tradition has 
lived so many centuries in our family。 But I have not 
got better; and; so far as I am concerned; the story 
is at an end。

〃For you; however; my son; it is not at an end; and to 
you I hand on these the results; of my labor; together 
with the hereditary proofs of its origin。 It is my 
intention to provide that they shall not be put into 
your hands until you have reached an age when you will 
be able to judge for yourself whether or not you will 
choose to investigate what; if it is true; must be the 
greatest mystery in the world; or to put it by as an 
idle fable; originating in the first place in a 
woman's disordered brain。

〃I do not believe that it is a fable; I believe that 
if it can only be rediscovered there is a spot where 
the vital forces of the world visibly exist。 Life 
exists; why therefore should not the means of 
preserving it indefinitely exist also? But I have no 
wish to prejudice your mind about the matter。 Read and 
judge for yourself。 If you are inclined to undertake 
the search; I have so provided that you will not lack 
for means。 If; on the other hand; you are satisfied 
that the whole thing is a chimera; then; I adjure you; 
destroy the potsherd and the writings; and let a cause 
of troubling be removed from our race forever。 Perhaps 
that will be wisest。 The unknown is generally taken to 
be terrible; not as the proverb would infer; from the 
inherent superstition of man; but became it so often 
is terrible。 He who would tamper with the vast and 
secret forces that animate the world may well fall a 
victim to them。 And if the end were attained; if at 
last you emerged from the trial ever beautiful and 
ever young; defying time and evil; and lifted above 
the natural decay of flesh and intellect; who shall 
say that the awesome change would prove a happy one? 
Choose; my son; and may the Power who rules all 
things; and who says 'thus far shalt thou go; and thus 
much shalt thou learn'; direct the choice to your own 
happiness and the happiness of the world; which; in 
the event of your success; you would one day certainly 
rule by the pure force of accumulated experience。

Thus the letter; which was unsigned and undated; 
abruptly ended。

〃What do you make of that; Uncle Holly?〃 said Leo; 
with a sort of gasp; as he replaced it on the table。 
〃We have been looking for a mystery; and we certainly 
seem to have found one。〃

〃What do I make of it? Why; that your poor dear father 
was off his head; of course;〃 I answered; testily。 〃I 
guessed as much that night; twenty years ago; when he 
came into my room。 You see he evidently hurried his 
own end; poor man。 It is absolute balderdash。〃

〃That's it; sir!〃 said Job; solemnly。 Job was a most 
matter…of…fact specimen of a matter…of…fact class。

〃Well; let's see what the potsherd has to say; at any 
rate;〃 said Leo; taking up the translation in his 
father's writing; and commencing to read:

'I; Amenartas; of the Royal House of the Pharaohs of 
Egypt; wife of Kallikrates (the Beautiful in 
Strength); a Priest of Isis whom the gods cherish and 
the demons obey; being about to die; to my little son 
Tisisthenes (the Mighty Avenger)。 I fled with thy 
father from Egypt in the days of Nectanebes; causing 
him through love to break the vows that he had vowed。 
We fled southward; across the waters; and we wandered 
for twice twelve moons on the coast of Libya (Africa) 
that looks towards the rising sun; where by a river is 
a great rock carven like the head of an Ethiopian。 
Four days on the water from the mouth of a mighty 
river were we cast away; and some were drowned and 
some died of sickness。 But us wild men took through 
wastes and marshes; where the sea…fowl hid the sky; 
bearing us ten days' journey till we came to a hollow 
mountain; where a great city had been and fallen; and 
where there are caves of which no man hath seen the 
end; and they brought us to the Queen of the people 
who place pots upon the heads of strangers; who is a 
magician having a know

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