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up and caught the girl by either arm。 With an oath Leo 
sprang upon the nearest; and hurled him to the ground; 
and then stood over him with his face set; and his 
fist ready。

Again Ayesha laughed。 〃It was well thrown; my guest; 
thou hast a strong arm for one who so late was sick。 
But now out of thy courtesy I pray thee let that man 
live and do my bidding。 He shall not harm the girl; 
the night air grows chill; and I would welcome her in 
mine own place。 Surely she whom thou dost favor shall 
be favored of me also。〃

I took Leo by the arm; and pulled him from the 
prostrate mute; and he; half bewildered; obeyed the 
pressure。 Then we all set out for the cave across the 
plateau; where a pile of white human ashes was all 
that remained of the fire that had lit the dancing; 
for the dancers had vanished。

In due course we gained Ayesha's boudoirall too soon 
it seemed to me; having a sad presage of what was to 
come lying heavy on my heart。

Ayesha seated herself upon her cushions; and; having 
dismissed Job and Billali; by signs bade the mutes 
tend the lamps and retire。 all save one girl; who was 
her favorite personal attendant。 We three remained 
standing; the unfortunate Ustane a little to the left 
of the rest of us。

〃Now; O Holly;〃 Ayesha began; 〃how came it that thou; 
who didst hear my words bidding this evil…doer〃and 
she pointed to Ustane〃to go from hence…thou at whose 
prayer I did weakly spare her life…how came it; I say; 
that thou wast a sharer in what I saw to…night? 
Answer; and for thine own sake; I say; speak all the 
truth; for I am not minded to hear lies upon this 

〃It was by accident; O queen;〃 I answered。 〃I knew 
naught of it。〃

〃I do believe thee; O Holly;〃 she answered; coolly; 
〃and well it is for thee that I dothen does the 
whole guilt rest upon her。〃

〃I do not find any guilt therein;〃 broke in Leo。 〃She 
is not another man's wife; and it appears that she has 
married me according to the custom of this awful 
place; so who is the worse? Any way; madam;〃 he went 
on; 〃whatever she has done I have done too; so if she 
is to be punished let me be punished also; and I tell 
thee;〃 he went on; working himself up into a fury; 
〃that if thou biddest one of those deaf…and…dumb 
villains to touch her again; I will tear him to 
pieces!〃 And he looked as though he meant it。

Ayesha listened in icy silence; and made no remark。 
When he had finished; however; she addressed Ustane。

〃Hast thou aught to say; woman? Thou silly straw; thou 
feather; who didst think to float towards thy 
passion's petty ends; even against the great wind of 
my will! Tell me; for I fain would understand。 Why 
didst thou this thing?〃 

And then I think I saw the most tremendous exhibition 
of moral courage and intrepidity that it is possible 
to conceive。 For the poor; doomed girl; knowing what 
she had to expect at the hands of her terrible queen; 
knowing; too; from bitter experience how great was her 
adversary's power; yet gathered herself together; and 
out of the very depths of her despair drew materials 
to defy her。

〃I did it; O _i_ She _i_ ;〃 she answered; drawing 
herself up to the full of her stately height; and 
throwing back the leopard skin from her head; 〃because 
my love is stronger than the grave。 I did it because 
my life without this man whom my heart chose would be 
but a living death。 Therefore did I risk my life; and 
now that I know that it is forfeit to thine anger; yet 
am I glad that I did risk it; and pay it away in the 
risking; ay; because he embraced me once; and told me 
that he loved me yet。〃

Here Ayesha half rose from her couch; and then sank 
down again。

〃I have no magic;〃 went on Ustane; her rich voice 
ringing strong and full; 〃and I am not a queen; nor do 
I live forever; but a woman's heart is heavy to sink 
through waters; however deep; O queen! and a woman's 
eyes are quick to see; even through thy veil; O queen!

〃Listen: I know it; thou dost love this man thyself; 
and therefore wouldst thou destroy me who stand across 
thy path。 Ay; I dieI die; and go into the darkness; 
nor know I whither I go。 But this I know。 There is a 
light shining in my breast; and by that light; as by a 
lamp; I see the truth; and the future that I shall not 
share unroll itself before me like a scroll。 When 
first I knew my lord;〃 and she pointed to Leo; 〃I knew 
also that death would be the bridal gift he gave me
it rushed upon me of a sudden; but I turned not back; 
being ready to pay the price; and; behold; death is 
here! And now; even as I knew that; so do I; standing 
on the steps of doom; know that thou shalt not reap 
the profits of thy crime。 Mine he is; and; though thy 
beauty shine like a sun among the stars; mine shall he 
remain for thee。 Never here in this life shall he look 
thee in the eyes and call thee spouse。 Thou too art 
doomed; I see〃 and her voice rang like the cry of an 
inspired prophetess; 〃ah; I see〃

Then came an answering cry of mingled rage and terror。 
I turned my head。 Ayesha had risen; and was standing 
with her outstretched hand pointing at Ustane; who had 
suddenly stopped speaking。 I gazed at the poor woman; 
and as I gazed there came upon her face that same 
woeful; fixed expression of terror that I had seen 
once before when she had broken out into her wild 
chant。 Her eyes grew large; her nostrils dilated; and 
her lips blanched。

Ayesha said nothing; she made no sound she only drew 
herself up; stretched out her arm; and; her tall; 
veiled frame quivering like an aspen leaf; appeared to 
look fixedly at her victim。 Even as she did so Ustane 
put her hands to her head; uttered one piercing 
scream; turned round twice; and then fell backward 
with a thudprone upon the floor。 Both Leo and myself 
rushed to hershe was stone deadblasted into death 
by some mysterious electric agency or overwhelming 
will…force whereof the dread _i_ She _i_ had command。

For a moment Leo did not quite realize what had 
happened。 But when he did his face was awful to see。 
With a savage oath he rose from beside the corpse and; 
turning; literally sprang at Ayesha。 But she was 
watching; and; seeing him come; stretched out her hand 
again; and he went staggering back towards me; and 
would have fallen; had I not caught him。 Afterwards he 
told me that he felt as though he had suddenly 
received a violent blow in the chest; and; what is 
more; utterly cowed; as if all the manhood had been 
taken out of him。

Then Ayesha spoke。 〃Forgive me; my guest;〃 she said; 
softly; addressing him; 〃if I have shocked thee with 
my justice。〃

〃Forgive thee; thou fiend!〃 roared poor Leo; wringing 
his hands in his rage and grief。 〃Forgive thee; thou 
murderess! By Heaven I will kill thee if I can! '

〃Nay; nay;〃 she answered; in the same soft voice; 
〃thou dost not understandthe time has come for thee 
to learn。 Thou art my love; my Kallikrates; my 
Beautiful; my Strong! For two thousand years; 
Kallikrates; have I waited for thee; and now at length 
thou hast come back to me; and as for this woman;〃 
pointing to the corpse; 〃she stood between me and 
thee; and therefore have I removed her; Kallikrates。〃

〃It is an accursed lie!〃 said Leo。 〃My name is not 
Kallikrates! I am Leo Vincey; my ancestor was 
Kallikratesat least; I believe he was。〃

〃Ah; thou sayest itthine ancestor was Kallikrates; 
and thou; even thou; art Kallikrates reborn; come 
backand mine own dear lord!〃

〃I am not Kallikrates; and as for being thy lord; or 
having aught to do with thee; I had sooner be the lord 
of a fiend from hell; for she would be better than 

〃Sayest thou sosayest thou so; Kallikrates? Nay; but 
thou hast not seen me for so long a time that no 
memory remains。 Yet I am very fair; Kallikrates!〃

〃I hate thee; murderess; and I have no wish to see 
thee。 What is it to me how fair thou art? I hate thee; 
I say。〃

〃Yet within a very little space shalt thou creep to my 
knee; and swear that thou dost love me;〃 answered 
Ayesha; with a sweet; mocking laugh。 〃Come; there is 
no time like the present time; here; before this dead 
girl who loved thee; let us put it to the proof。

〃Look now on me; Kallikrates!〃 and with a sudden 
motion she shook her gauzy covering from her; and 
stood forth in her low kirtle and her snaky zone; in 
her glorious; radiant beauty and her imperial grace; 
rising from her wrappings; as it were; like Venus from 
the wave; or Galatea from her marble; or a beatified 
spirit from the tomb; _i_ She _i_ stood forth; and 
fixed her deep and glowing eyes upon Leo's eyes; and I 
saw his clenched fists unclasp; and his set and 
quivering features relax beneath her gaze。 I saw his 
wonder and astonishment grow into admiration; and then 
into fascination; and the more he struggled the more I 
saw the power of her dread beauty fasten on him and 
take possession of his senses; drugging them; and 
drawing the hear out of him。 Did I not know the 
process? Had not I; who was twice his age; gone 
through it myself? Was I not going through it afresh 
even then; although her sweet and passionate gaze was 

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