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twice-told tales- ethan brand-第5节

小说: twice-told tales- ethan brand 字数: 每页4000字

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not spoiled。 If I catch the fellow hereabouts again; I shall feel like

tossing him into the furnace!〃

   With his long pole in his hand; he ascended to the top of the kiln。

After a moment's pause; he called to his son。

   〃Come up here; Joe!〃 said he。

   So little Joe ran up the hillock; and stood by his father's side。

The marble was all burnt into perfect; snow…white lime。 But on its

surface; in the midst of the circle… snow…white too; and thoroughly

converted into lime… lay a human skeleton; in the attitude of a person

who; after long toil; lies down to long repose。 Within the ribs…

strange to say… was the shape of a human heart。

   〃Was the fellow's heart made of marble?〃 cried Bartram; in some

perplexity at this phenomenon。 〃At any rate; it is burnt into what

looks like special good lime; and; taking all the bones together; my

kiln is half a bushel the richer for him。〃

   So saying; the rude lime…burner lifted his pole; and; letting it

fall upon the skeleton; the relics of Ethan Brand were crumbled into


                        THE END

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