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the decameron(十日谈)-第8节

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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should bee most heartily welcome。 Afterward; entring into further
consideration with her selfe; what the King might meane by his private
visitation; knowing her Husband to be from home; and it to bee no
meane barre to his apter entertainement: at last she discreetly
conceited (and therin was not deceived) that babling report of her
beauty and perfections; might thus occasion the Kings comming thither;
his journey lying else a quite contrary way。 Notwithstanding; being
a Princely Lady; and so loyal a wife as ever lived shee intended to
give him her best entertainement: summoning the chiefest Gentlemen
in the Country together; to take due order (by their advice) for
giving the King a gracious Welcome。 But concerning the dinner; and
diet for service to his Table; that remained onely at her own
  Sending presently abroad; and buying all the Hennes that the Country
affoorded; shee commaunded her Cookes; that onely of them (without any
other provision beside) they should prepare all the services that they
could devise。 On the morrow; the King came according to his promise;
and was most honourably welcomed by the Lady; who seemed in his eye
(far beyond the Knights speeches of her) the fairest creature that
ever he had seene before; whereat he mervailed not a little; extolling
her perfections to be peerelesse; which much the more enflamed his
affections; and (almost) made his desires impatient。 The King beeing
withdrawne into such Chambers; as orderly were prepared for him; and
as beseemed so great a Prince: the houre of dinner drawing on; the
King and the Lady Marquesse were seated at one Table; and his
attendants placed at other tables; answerable to their degrees of
  Plenty of dishes being served in; and the rarest Wines that the
Countrey yeelded; the King had more minde to the faire Lady Marques;
then any meate that stood on the Table。 Neverthelesse; observing
each service after other; and that all the Viands (though variously
cooked; and in divers kindes) were nothing else but Hennes onely; he
began to wonder; and so much the rather; because he knew the Country
to be of such quality; that it afforded all plenty both of Fowles
and Venison: beside; after the time of his comming was heard; they had
respite enough; both for hawking and hunting; and therefore it
encreased his marvell the more; that nothing was provided for him; but
Hennes onely: wherein to be the better resolved; turning a merry
countenance to the Lady; thus he spake。 Madam; are Hennes onely bred
in this Country; and no Cockes? The Lady Marquesse; very well
understanding his demand; which fitted her with an apt opportunity; to
thwart his idle hope; and defend her owne honour; boldly returned
the King this answere。 Not so my Lord; but women and wives;
howsoever they differ in garments and graces one from another; yet
notwithstanding; they are all heere as they bee in other places。
  When the King heard this reply; he knew well enough the occasion
of his Henne dinner; as also; what vertue lay couched under her
answere; perceiving apparantly; that wanton words would prove but in
vaine; and such a woman was not easily to be seduced; wherefore; as
hee grew enamored on her inconsiderately; so he found it best
fitting for his honour; to quench this heate with wisedome discreetly。
And so; without any more words; or further hope of speeding in so
unkingly a purpose; dinner being ended; by a sudden departing; he
smoothly shadowed the cause of his comming; and thanking her for the
honour shee had done him; commended her to her chaste disposition; and
posted away with speede to Gennes。

                     THE FIRST DAY; THE SIXT NOVELL


  An honest plaine meaning man; (simply and conscionably)
reprehended the malignity; hypocrisie; and misdemeanour of many
Religious persons。

  Madam Aemilia sitting next to the gentle Lady Fiammetta;
perceiving the modest chastisement; which the vertuous Lady
Marquesse had given to the King of France; was generally graced by the
whole Assembly; began (after the Queene had thereto appointed her)
in these words。 Nor will I conceale the deserved reprehension; which
an honest simple lay…man; gave to a covetous holy Father; in very
few words; yet more to be commended; then derided。
  Not long since (worthy Ladies) there dwelt in our owne native
City; a Friar Minor; an Inquisitor after matters of Faith; who;
although he laboured greatly to seeme a sanctified man; and an earnest
affecter of Christian Religion; (as all of them appeare to be in
outward shew;) yet he was a much better Inquisitor after them that had
their purses plenteously stored with money; then of such as were
slenderly grounded in Faith。 By which diligent continued care in
him; he found out a man; more rich in purse; then understanding; and
yet not so defective in matters of faith; as misguided by his owne
simple speaking; and (perhaps) when his braine was well warmed with
wine; words fell more foolishly from him; then in better judgement
they could have done。
  Being on a day in company; (very little differing in quality from
him selfe) he chanced to say; that he had beene at such good wine;
as God himselfe did never drinke better。 Which words (by some
Sicophant then in presence) being carried to this curious
Inquisitor; and he well knowing; that the mans faculties were great;
and his bagges swolne up full with no meane abundance: Cum gladijs
et fustibus; With Booke; Bell; and Candle; he raysed an hoast of
execrations against him; and the Sumner cited him with a solemne
Processe to appeare before him; understanding sufficiently; that
this course would sooner fetch money from him; then amend any
misbeliefe in the man; for no further reformation did he seeke after。
  The man comming before him; hee demanded; if the accusation
intimated against him; was true or no? Whereto the honest man
answered; that he could not denie the speaking of such words; and
declared in what manner they were uttered。 Presently the Inquisitor;
most devoutly addicted to Saint John with the golden beard; saide;
What? Doest thou make our Lord a drinker; and a curious quaffer of
wines; as if he were a glutton; a belly…god; or a Taverne haunter;
as thou; and other drunkards are。 Being an hypocrite; as thou art;
thou thinkest this to be but a light matter; because it may seeme so
in thine owne opinion: but I tell thee plainely; that it deserveth
fire and faggot; if I should proceede in justice to inflict it on
thee: with these; and other such like threatning words; as also a very
stearne and angry countenance; he made the man beleeve himselfe to
be an Epicure; and that hee denied the eternity of the soule;
whereby he fell into such a trembling feare; as doubting indeede;
least he should be burned; that; to be more mercifully dealt withal;
he rounded him in the eare; and by secret meanes; so annointed his
hands with Saint Johns golden grease (a verie singular remedie against
the Disease Pestilentiall in covetous Priests; especially Friars
Minors; that dare touch no money) as the case became very quickly
  This soveraigne Unction was of such vertue (though Galen speakes not
a word thereof among all his cheefest Medicines) and so farre
prevailed; that the terrible threatning words of fire and faggot;
became meerly frozen up; and gracious language blew a more gentle
and calmer ayre; the Inquisitor delivering him an hallowed
Crucifixe; creating him a Soldier of the Crosse (because he had
payed Crosses good store for it;) and even as if he were to travell
under that Standard to the holy Land; so did hee appoint him a
home…paying pennance; namely; to visit him thrice every weeke in his
Chamber; and to annoint his hands with the selfe…same yellow
unguent; and afterward; to heare Masse of the holy Crosse; visiting
him also at dinner time; which being ended; to do nothing all the rest
of the day; but according as he directed him。
  The simple man; yet not so simple; but seeing that this weekely
greazing the Inquisitors hands; would in time graspe away all his
gold; grew weary of this annointing; and began to consider with
himselfe; how to stay the course of this chargeable penance。 And
comming one morning (according to his injunction) to heare Masse; in
the Gospell he observed these words; You shall receive an hundred
for one; and so possesse eternall life; which saying; he kept
perfectly in his memory: and as he was commanded; at dinner time; he
came to the Inquisitor; finding him (among his fellowes) seated at the
Table。 The Inquisitor presently demaunded of him; whether he had heard
Masse that morning; or no? Yes Sir; replyed the man very readily。 Hast
thou heard any thing therein (quoth the Inquisitor) whereof thou art
doubtfull; or desirst to be further informed? Surely Sir; answered the
plaine…meaning man; I make no doubt of any thing I have heard; but
do beleeve all constantly: onely one thing troubleth me much; and
maketh me very compassionate of you; and of all thes

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