the decameron(十日谈)-第69节
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because; by striving with my very uttermost endeavour; to shunne the
outrage of those implacable winds; I have laboured to go; not onely by
plaine and even pathes but likewise through the deepest vallies。 As
very easily may be seene and observed in the reading of these few
small Novels; which I have written not only in our vulgar Florentine
prose; without any ambitious title: but also in a most humble stile;
so low and gentle as possibly I could。 And although I have bene rudely
shaken; yea; almost halfe unrooted; by the extreame agitation of those
blustering winds; and torne in peeces by that base back…biter; Envy:
yet have I not (for all that) discontinued; or broken any part of mine
intended enterprize。 Wherefore; I can sufficiently witnesse (by mine
owne comprehension) the saying so much observed by the wise; to be
most true: That nothing is without Envy in this world; but misery
But what shall I say to them; who take so great compassion on my
povertie; as they advise me to get some thing; whereon to make my
living? Assuredly; I know not what to say in this case; except by
due consideration made with my selfe; how they would answer me; if
necessitie should drive me to crave kindnesse of them;
questionlesse; they would then say: Goe; seeke comfort among thy
fables and follies。
But now it is time (bright beauties) to returne whence we parted;
and to follow our former order begun; because it may seeme we have
wandered too farre。 By this time the Sun had chased the Starre…light
from the heavens; and the shadie moisture from the ground; when
Philostratus the King being risen; all the company arose likewise。
When being come into the goodly Garden; they spent the time in
varietie of sports; dining where they had supt the night before。 And
after that the Sunne was at his highest; and they had refreshed
their spirits with a little slumbering; they sate downe (according
to custome) about the faire Fountaine。 And then the King commanded
Madam Fiammettal that she should give beginning to the dayes Novels:
when she; without any longer delaying; began:
Tancrede; Prince of Salerne; caused the amorous friend of his
daughter to bee slaine; and sent her his heart in a cup of Gold: which
afterwards she steeped in an impoysoned water; and then drinking it;
so dyed。
Our King (most Noble and vertuous Ladies) hath this day given us a
subject; very rough and stearne to discourse on; and so much the
rather; if we consider; that we are come hither to be merry and
pleasant; where sad Tragicall reports are no way suteable; especially;
by reviving the teares of others; to bedew our owne cheekes withall。
Nor can any such argument be spoken of; without moving compassion both
in the reporters; and hearers。 But (perhaps) it was his Highnesse
pleasure; to moderate the delights which we have already had。 Or
whatsoever else hath provoked him thereto; seeing it is not lawfull
for me; to alter or contradict his appointment; I will recount an
accident very pittifull; or rather most unfortinate; and well worthy
to be graced with bur teares。
Tancrede; Prince of Salerne (which City; before the Consulles of
Rome held dominion in that part of Italy; stoode free; and thence
(perchance) tooke the moderne title of a Principality was a very
humane Lord; and of ingenious nature; if; in his elder yeeres; he
had not soiled his hands in the blood of Lovers; especially one of
them; being both neere and deere unto him。 So it fortuned; that during
the whole life time of this Prince; he had but one onely daughter
(albeit it had beene much better; if he had had at all) whom he so
choisely loved and esteemed; as never was any childe more deerely
affected of a Father: and so farre extended his over…curious respect
of her; as he would seldome admit her to be forth of his sight;
neither would he suffer her to marry; although she had outstept (by
divers yeeres) the age meete for marriage。
Neverthelesse; at length; he matched her with the Sonne to the
Duke of Capua; who lived no long while with her; but left her in a
widdowed estate; and then she returned home to her father againe。
This Lady; had all the most absolute perfections; both of favour and
feature; as could be wished in any woman; young; queintly disposed;
and of admirable understanding; more (perhappes) then was requisite in
so weake a body。 Continuing thus in Court with the King her Father;
who loved her beyond all his future hopes; like a Lady of great and
glorious magnificence; she lived in all delights and pleasure。 She
well perceiving; that her Father thus exceeding in his affection to
her; had no minde at all of re…marrying her; and holding it most
immodest in her; to solicite him with any such suite: concluded in her
mindes private consultations; to make choise of some one especiall
friend or favourite (if Fortune would prove so furtherous to her) whom
she might acquaint secretly; with her sober; honest; and familiar
purposes。 Her Fathers Court being much frequented; with plentifull
accesse of brave Gentlemen; and others of inferiour quality; as
commonly the Courts of
Kings and Princes are; whose carriage and demeanor she very
heedfully observed。 There was a young Gentleman among all the rest;
a servant to her Father; and named Cuiscardo; a man not derived from
any great descent by blood; yet much more Noble by vertue and
commandable behaviour; then appeared in any of the other; none pleased
her opinion; like as he did; so that by often noting his parts and
perfections; her affections being but a glowing sparke at first;
grew like a Bavin to take Rame; yet kept so closely as possibly she
could; as Ladies are warie enough in their love。
The young Gentleman; though poore; being neither blocke nor dullard;
perceived what he made no outward shew of; and understood himselfe
so sufficiently; that holding it no meane happinesse to be affected by
her; he thought it very base and cowardly in him; if he should not
expresse the like to her againe。 So loving mutually (yet secretly)
in this maner; and she coveting nothing more; then to have private
conference with him; yet not daring to trust any one with so important
a matter; at length she devised a new cunning stratageme; to
compasse her longing desire; and acquaint him with her private
purpose; which proved to be in this manner。 She wrote a Letter;
concerning what was the next day to be done; for their secret
meeting together; and conveying it within the joynt of an hollow Cane;
in jesting manner threw it to Guiscardo; saying; Let your man make use
of this; insteed of a paire of bellowes; when he meaneth to make
fire in your Chamber。 Guiscardo taking up the Cane; and considering
with himselfe; that neither was it given; or the wordes thus spoken;
but doubtlesse on some important occasion: went unto his lodging
with the Cane; where viewing it respectively; he found it to be cleft;
and opening it with his knife; found there the written Letter
After he had reade it; and well considered on the service therein
concerned; he was the most joyfull man of the world; and began to
contrive his aptest meanes; for meeting with his gracious Mistresse;
and according as she had given him direction。 In a corner of the Kings
Palace; it being seated on a rising hill; a cave had long beene made
in the body of the same hill; which received no light into it; but
by a small spiracle or vent…loope; made out ingeniously on the hils
side。 And because it had not beene a long time frequented; by the
accesse of any body; that vent…light was over…growne with briars and
bushes; which almost engirt it round about。 No one could descend
into this cave or vault; but only by a secret paire of staires;
answering to a lower Chamber of the Palace; and very neere to the
Princesse lodging; as being altogether at her command; by meanes of
a strong barred and defensible doore; whereby to mount or descend at
her pleasure。 And both the cave it selfe; as also the degrees
conducting downe into it; were now so quite worne out of memory (in
regard it had not beene visited by any one in long time before) as
no man remembred that there was any such thing。
But Love; from whose bright discerning eies; nothing can be so
closely concealed; but at the length it commeth to light; had made
this amorous Lady mindefull thereof; and because she would not be
discovered in her intention; many dayes together; her soule became
perplexed; by what meanes that strong doore might best be opened;
before she could compasse to performe it。 But after that she had found
out the way; and gone downe her selfe alone into the cave; observing
the loope…light and had made it commodious for her purpose; she gave
knowledge thereof to Guiscardo; to have him devise an apt course for
his descent; acquainting him truly with the height; and how farre it
was distant from the ground within。 After he had found the
souspirall in the hils side; and given it