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the decameron(十日谈)-第66节

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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whereon if I should rely; and you faile me; it will be your owne
undoing as well as mine。 Speake then boldly; replied the old Lady; and
remaine constantly assured; that you shall no way be deceived by me。
Hereupon; the Countesse declared the whole course of her love; from
the very originall to the instant; revealing also what she was; and
the occasion of her comming thither; relating every thing so
perfectly; that the Lady verily beleeved her; by some reports which
she had formerly heard; and which mooved her the more to compassion。
Now; when all circumstances were at full discovered; thus spake the
  Among my other miseries and misfortunes; which hath halfe broken
my heart in the meere repetition; beside the sad and afflicting
sufferance; two things there are; which if I cannot compasse to
have; all hope is quite frustrate for ever; of gaining the grace of my
Lord and Husband。 Yet these two things may I obtaine by your helpe; if
all be true which I have heard; and you can therein best resolve
mee。 Since my comming to this City; it hath credibly bene told me;
that the Count my husband; is deeply in love with your daughter。 If
the Count (quoth the Ladie) love my daughter; and have a wife of his
owne; he must thinke; and so shall surely finde it; that his
greatnesse is no priviledge for him; whereby to worke dishonour upon
her poverty。 But indeede; some apparances there are; and such a matter
as you speake of; may be so presumed; yet so farre from a very thought
of entertaining in her or me; as whatsoever I am able to doe; to yeeld
you any comfort and content; you shall find me therein both willing
and ready: for I prize my daughters spotlesse poverty at as high a
rate; as he can doe the pride of his honour。
  Madame; quoth the Countesse; most heartily I thanke you。 But
before I presume any further on your kindnesse; let me first tell you;
what faithfully I intend to do for you; if I can bring my purpose to
effect。 I see that your daughter is beautifull; and of sufficient
yeeres for marriage; and is debarred thereof (as I have heard) onely
by lack of a competent dowry。 Wherefore Madame; in recompence of the
favour I expect from you; I will enrich her with so much ready money
as you shall thinke sufficient to match her in the degree of honour。
Poverty made the poore Lady; very well to like of such a bountifull
offer; and having a noble heart shee said: Great Countesse say;
wherein am I able to do you any service; as can deserve such a
gracious offer? If the action be honest; without blame or scandall
to my poore; yet undetected reputation; gladly I will do it; and it
being accomplished; let the requitall rest in your owne noble nature。
  Observe me then Madame; replied the Countesse。 It is most convenient
for my purpose; that by some trusty and faithfull messenger; you
should advertise the Count my husband; that your daughter is; and
shall be at his command: but that she may remaine absolutely
assured; that his love is constant to her; and above all other: shee
must entreat him; to send her (as a testimony thereof) the Ring
which he weareth upon his little finger; albeit shee hath heard;
that he loveth it deerly。 If he send the Ring; you shall give it me;
and afterward send him word; that your daughter is ready to accomplish
his pleasure; but; for the more safety and secrecie; he must repaire
hither to your house; where I being in bed insteed of your daughter;
faire Fortune may so favour mee; that (unknowne to him) I may conceive
with childe。 Upon which good successe; when time shall serve; having
the Ring on my finger; and a childe in my armes begotten by him; his
love and liking may be recovered; and (by your meanes) I continue with
my Husband; as every vertuous Wife ought to doe。
  The good old Lady imagined; that this was a matter somewhat
difficult; and might lay a blamefull imputation on her daughter。
Neverthelesse; considering; what an honest office it was in her; to
bee the meanes; whereby so worthy a Countesse should recover an
unkinde husband; led altogether by lust; and not a jot of cordiall
love; she knew the intent to be honest; the Countesse vertuous; and
her promise religious; and therefore undertooke to effect it。 Within
few dayes after; verie ingeniously; and according to the instructed
order; the Ring was obtayned; albeit much against the Counts will; and
the Countesse; in sted of the Ladies vertuous daughter; was embraced
by him in bed: the houre proving so auspicious; and juno being Lady of
the ascendent; conjoyned with the witty Mercury; shee conceived of two
goodly Sonnes; and her deliverance agreed correspondently with the
just time。
 Thus the old Lady; not at this time onely; but at many other meetings
besides; gave the Countesse free possession of her husbands pleasures;
yet alwayes in such darke and concealed secrecie; as it was never
suspected; nor knowne by any but themselves; the Count lying with
his owne wife; and disappointed of her whom he more deerely loved。
Alwayes at his uprising in the mornings (which usually was before
the break of day; for preventing the least scruple of suspicion)
many familiar conferences passed betweene them; with the gifts of
divers faire: and costly jewels; all which the Countesse carefully
kept; and perceiving assuredly; that shee was conceived with childe;
shee would no longer bee troublesome to the good old Lady; but calling
her aside; spake thus to her。 Madame; I must needes give thankes to
heaven and you; because my desires are amply accomplished; and both
time and your deserts doe justly challenge; that I should
accordingly quite you before my departure。 It remaineth now in your
owne power; to make what demand you please of me; which yet I will not
give you by way of reward; because that would seeme to bee base and
mercenary: but onely whatsoever you shall receive of me; is in
honourable recompence of faire and vertuous deservings; such as any
honest and well…minded Lady in the like distresse; may with good
credit allow; and yet no prejudice to her reputation。
  Although poverty might well have tutored the Ladies tongue;
to…demand a liberall recompence for her paines; yet shee requested but
an 100 pounds; as a friendly helpe towards her daughters marriage; and
that with a bashfull blushing was uttered too; yet the Countesse
gave her five hundred pounds; besides so many rich and costly
jewels; as amounted to a farre greater summe。 So shee returned to
her wonted lodging; at the aged widdowes house; where first shee was
entertained at her comming to Florence; and the good old Lady; to
avoyde the Counts repairing to her house any more; departed thence
sodainly with her daughter; to divers friends of hers that dwelt in
the Country; whereat the Count was much discontented; albeit
afterward; he did never heare any more tidings of hir or her daughter;
who was worthily married; to her Mothers great comfort。
  Not long after; Count Bertrand was recalled home by his people:
and he having heard of his wives absence; went to Roussillion so
much the more willingly。 And the Countesse knowing her husbands
departure from Florence; as also his safe arrivall at his owne
dwelling; remained still in Florence; untill the time of her
deliverance; which was of two goodly Sonnes; lively resembling the
lookes of their Father; and all the perfect lineaments of his body。
Perswade your selves; she was not a little carefull of their
nursing; and when she saw the time answerable to her determination;
she tooke her journey (unknowne to any) and arrived with them at
Montpellier; where she rested her selfe for divers dayes; after so
long and wearisome a journey。
  Upon the day of all Saints; the Count kept a solemne Feastivall; for
the assembly of his Lords; Knights; Ladies; and Gentlewomen: upon
which Joviall day of generall rejoycing; the Countesse attired in
her wonted Pilgrimes weed; repaired thither; entring into the great
Hall where the Tables were readily covered for dinner。 Preassing
through the throng of people; with her two children in her armes; s
presumed unto the place where the Count sate; and falling on her knees
before him; the teares trickling abundantly downe her cheekes; thus
she spake。 Worthy Lord; I am thy poore; despised; and unfortunate
wife; who; that thou mightst returne home; and not be an exile from
thine owne abiding; have thus long gone begging through the world。 Yet
now at length; I hope thou wilt be so honourably…minded; as to
performe thine owne too strict imposed conditions; made to the two
Knights which I sent unto thee; and which (by thy command) I was
enjoyned to do。 Behold here in mine armes; not onely one Sonne by thee
begotten; but two Twins; and thy Ring beside。 High time is it now;
if men of honour respect their promises; and after so long and tedious
travell; I should at last be welcommed as thy true wife。
  The Count hearing this; stoode as confounded with admiration; for
full well he knew the Ring: and both the children were so perfectly
like him; as he was confirmed to be their Father by generall
judgement。 Upon his urging by what possible meanes this could be
brought to passe: the Countesse in presence of the whole as

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