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the decameron(十日谈)-第6节

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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though hee might not compell him to do it; yet by a practise
shadowed with good reason to ensnare him。 And having sent for him;
entertained him very familiarly in his Court; and sitting downe by
him; thus began。
  Honest man; I have often heard it reported by many; that thou art
very skilfull; and in cases concerning God; thou goest beyond all
other of these times: wherefore; I would gladly bee informed by
thee; which of those three Lawes or Religions; thou takest to be
truest; that of the Jew; the other of the Sarazen; or that of the
Christian? The Jew; being a very wise man; plainely perceived; that
Saladine sought to entrap him in his answere; and so to raise some
quarrell against him。 For; if he commended any one of those Lawes
above the other; he knew that Saladine had what he aymed at。
Wherefore; bethinking himselfe to shape such an answere; as might no
way trouble or entangle him: summoning all his sences together; and
considering; that dallying with the Soldane might redound to his no
meane danger; thus he replied。
  My Lord; the question propounded by you; is faire and worthy; and to
answere my opinion truely thereof; doth necessarily require some
time of consideration; if it might stand with your liking to allow it:
but if not; let me first make entrance to my reply; with a pretty
tale; and well worth the hearing。 I have oftentimes heard it reported;
that (long since) there was a very wealthy man; who (among other
precious Jewels of his owne) had a goodly Ring of great valew; the
beauty and estimation whereof; made him earnestly desirous to leave it
as a perpetuall memory and honour to his successors。 Whereupon; he
willed and ordained; that he among his male children; with whom this
Ring (being left by the Father) should be found in custody after his
death; hee and none other; was to bee reputed his heire; and to be
honoured and reverenced by all the rest; as being the prime and
worthiest person。 That Sonne; to whom this Ring was left by him;
kept the same course to his posterity; dealing (in all respects) as
his predecessor had done; so that (in short time) the Ring (from
hand to hand) had many owners by Legacie。
  At length; came to the hand of one; who had three sonnes; all of
them goodly and vertuous persons; and verie obedient to their
Father: in which regard; he affected them all equally; without any
difference or partiall respect。 The custome of this Ring being
knowne to them; each one of them (coveting to beare esteeme above
the other) desired (as hee could best make his meanes) his Father;
that in regard he was now growne very old; he would leave that Ring to
him; whereby he should bee acknowledged for his heire。 The good man;
who loved no one of them more then the other; knew not how to make his
choise; nor to which of them he should leave the Ring: yet having past
his promise to them severally; he studied by what meanes to satisfie
them all three。 Wherefore; secretly having conferred with a curious
and excellent Goldsmith; hee caused two other Rings to bee made; so
really resembling the first made Ring; that himselfe (when he had them
in his hand) could not distinguish which was the right one。
  Lying upon his death…bed; and his Sonnes then plying him by their
best opportunities; he gave to each of them a Ring。 And they (after
his death) presuming severally upon their right to the inheritance and
honor; grew to great contradiction and square: each man producing then
his Ring; which were so truely all alike in resemblance; as no one
could know the right Ring from the other。 And therefore; suite in Law;
to distinguish the true heire to his Father; continued long time;
and so it dooth yet to this very day。 In like manner my good Lord;
concerning those three Lawes given by God the Father; to three such
people as you have propounded: each of them do imagine that they
have the heritage of God; and his true Law; and also duely to performe
his Commandements; but which of them do so indeede; the question (as
of the three Rings) is yet remaining。
  Saladine well perceyving; that the Jew was too cunning to bee caught
in his snare; and had answered so well; that to doe him further
violence; would redound unto his perpetuall dishonour; resolved to
reveale his neede and extremity; and try if hee would therein friendly
sted him。 Having disclosed the matter; and how he purposed to have
dealt with him; if he had not returned so wise an answere; the Jew
lent him so great a sum of money as hee demanded; and Saladine repayed
it againe to him justly; giving him other great gifts beside:
respecting him as his especiall friend; and maintaining him in very
honourable condition; neere unto his owne person。

                     THE FIRST DAY; THE FOURTH NOVELL


  A Monke having committed an offence; deserving to be very greevously
punished; freed himselfe from the paine to be inflicted on him; by
wittily reprehending his Abbot; with the very same fault。

  So ceased Madame Philotnena; after the conclusion of her Tale:
when Dioneus sitting next unto her; (without tarrying for any other
command from the Queene; knowing by the order formerly begun; that hee
was to follow in the same course) spake in this manner。
  Gracious Ladies; if I faile not in understanding your generall
intention; we are purposely assembled heere to tell Tales; and
especially such as may please our selves。 In which respect; because
nothing shold be done disorderly; I hold it lawfull for every one
(as our Queene decreed before her Dignity) to relate such a
Noveltie; as in their owne judgement may cause most contentment。
Wherefore having heard that by the good admonitions of Jehannot de
Chevigny; Abraham the Jew was advised to the salvation of his soule;
and Melchisedech (by his witty understanding) defended his riches from
the traines of Saladine: I now purpose to tell you in a few plaine
words; without feare of receiving any reprehension; how cunningly a
Monke compassed his deliverance; from a punishment intended towards
  There was in the Country of Lunigiana (which is not far distant from
our owne) a Monastery; which sometime was better furnished with
holinesse and Religion; then now adayes they are: wherein lived (among
divers other) a yong Novice Monke; whose hot and lusty disposition
(being in the vigour of his yeeres) was such; as neither Fasts nor
prayers had any great power over him。 It chanced on a fasting day
about high noon; when all the other Monkes were asleep in their
Dormitaries or Dorters; this frolicke Friar was walking alone in their
Church; which stoode in a very solitarie place; where ruminating on
many matters by himselfe; hee espyed a prettie handsome Wench (some
Husbandmans daughter in the Countrey; that had beene gathering
rootes and hearbes in the field) upon her knees before in Altar;
whom he had no sooner seene; but immediately hee felt effeminate
temptations; and such as ill fitted with his profession。
  Lascivious desire; and no religious devotion; made him draw neere
her; and whether under shrift (the onely cloake to compasse carnal
affections) or some other as close conference to as pernitious and
vile a purpose; I know not: but so farre he prevailed upon her
frailety; and such a bargaine passed betweene them; that from the
Church; he wonne her to his Chamber; before any person could
perceive it。 Now; while this yong lusty Monke (transported with
overfond affection) was more carelesse of his dalliance; then he
should have bene: the Lord Abbot being newly arisen from sleepe; and
walking softly about the Cloyster; came to the Monkes Dorter doore;
where hearing what noyse was made betweene them; and a feminine
voyce more strange then hee was wont to heare; he layed his eare close
to the Chamber doore; and plainly perceived; that a woman was
within。 Wherewith being much moved; he intended sodainly to make him
open the doore; but (upon better consideration) hee conceyved it farre
more fitting for him; to returne backe to his owne Chamber; and
tarry till the Monke should come forth。
  The Monke; though his delight with the Damosell was extraordinary;
yet feare and suspition followed upon it; for; in the very height of
all his wantonnesse; he heard a soft treading about the doore。 And
prying thorow a small crevice in the same dore; perceived apparantly;
that the Abbot himselfe stood listening there; and could not be
ignorant but that the Maide was with him in the Chamber。 As after
pleasure ensueth paine; for the veniall Monke knew well enough (though
wanton heate would not let him heede it before) that most greevous
punishment must bee inflicted on him; which made him sad beyond all
measure: Neverthelesse; without disclosing his dismay to the yong
Maiden; he began to consider with himselfe on many meanes; whereby
to find out one that might best fit his turne。 And suddenly
conceited an apt stratagem; which sorted to such effect as he would
have it: whereupon; seeming satisfied for that season; he tolde the

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