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the decameron(十日谈)-第38节

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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she desired their Maister to let them alone。
 While thus the Children continued making much of the good olde man;
Lord Andrew Mandevile; Father to Sir Roger; came into the Hall; as
being so willed to doe by the Childrens Schoolemaster。 He being a
hastie…minded man; and one that ever…despised Gianetta before; but
much more since her marriage to his sonne; angerly said; Let them
alone with a mischeefe; and so befall them; their best company ought
to bee with beggers; for so they are bred and borne by the Mothers
side: and therefore it is no mervaile; if like will to like; a beggers
brats to keepe company with beggers。 The Count hearing these
contemptible wordes; was not a little greeved thereat; and although
his courage was greater then his poore condition would permit him to
expresse; yet; clouding all injuries with noble patience; hanging
downe his head; and shedding many a salt teare; endured this reproach;
as hee had done many; both before and after。
  But honourable Sir Roger; perceiving what delight his Children tooke
in the poore mans company; albeit he was offended at his Fathers harsh
words; by holding his wife in such base respect: yet favoured the
poore Count so much the more; and seeing him weepe; did greatly
compassionate his case; saying to the poore man; that if he would
accept of his service; he willingly would entertaine him。 Whereto
the Count replyed; that very gladly he would embrace his kinde
offer: but he was capeable of no other service; save onely to be an
horsekeeper; wherein he had imployed the most part of his time。
Heereupon; more for pleasure and pitty then any necessity of his
service; he was appointed to the keeping of an Horse; which was
onely for his Daughters saddle; and daily after he had done his
diligence about the Horse; he did nothing else but play with the
children。 While Fortune pleased thus to dally with the poore Count
D'Angiers; and his children; it came to passe; that the King of France
(after divers leagues of truces passed betweene him and the Germaines)
died; and next after him; his Son the Dolphin was crowned King; and it
was his wife that wrongfully caused the Counts banishment。 After
expiration of the last league with the Germains; the warres began to
grow much more fierce and sharpe; and the King of England; (upon
request made to him by his new brother of France) sent him very
honourable supplies of his people; under the conduct of Perotto; his
lately elected President of Wales; and Sir Roger Mandevile; Son to his
other Lord high Marshall; with whom also the poore Count went; and
continued a long while in the Campe as a common Souldier; where yet
like a valiant Gentleman (as indeed he was no lesse) both in advice
and actions; he accomplished many more notable matters; then was
expected to come from him。
  It so fell out; that in the continuance of this warre; the Queene of
France fell into a grievous sicknesse; and perceiving her selfe to
be at the point of death; shee became very penitently sorrowfull for
all her sinnes; earnestly desiring that shee might be confessed by the
Archbishop of Roane; who was reputed to be an holy and vercuous man。
In the repetition of her other offences; she revealed what great wrong
she had done to the Count D'Angiers; resting not so satisfied; with
disclosing the whole matter to him alone; but also confessed the
same before many other worthy persons; and of great honour; entreating
them to worke so with the King; that (if the Count were yet living; or
any of his Children) they might be restored to their former honour
  It was not long after; but the Queene left this life; and was most
royally enterred; when her confession being disclosed to the King;
after much sorrow for so injuriously wronging a man of so great valour
and honour: Proclamation was made throughout the Campe; and in many
other parts of France beside; that whosoever could produce the Count
D'Angiers; or any of his Children; should richly be rewarded for
each one of them; in regard he was innocent of the foule imputation;
by the Queenes owne confession; and for his wrongfull exile so long;
he should be exalted to his former honour with farre greater
favours; which the King franckely would bestow upon him。 When the
Count (who walked up and downe in the habite of a common servitor)
heard this Proclamation; forth…with hee went to his Master Sir Roger
Mandevile; requesting his speedy repaire to Lord Perotto; that being
both assembled together; he would acquaint them with a serious matter;
concerning the late Proclamation published by the King。 Being by
themselves alone in the Tent; the Count spake in this manner to
Perotto。 Sir; S。 Roger Mandevile here; your equall competitor in
this military service; is the husband to your naturall sister;
having as yet never received any dowry with her; but her inherent
unblemishable vertue and honor。 Now because she may not stil remain
destitute of a competent Dowry: I desire that Sir Roger; and none
other; may enjoy the royall reward promised by the King。 You Lord
Perotto; whose true name is Lewes; manifest your selfe to be nobly
borne; and Sonne to the wrongfull banished Count D'Angiers: avouch
moreover; that Violenta; shadowed under the borrowed name of Gianetta;
is your owne Sister; and deliver me up as your Father; the long exiled
Count D'Angiers。 Perotto hearing this; beheld him more advisedly;
and began to know him: then; the tears flowing abundantly from his
eyes; he fell at his feete; and often embracing him; saide: My deere
and noble Father! a thousand times more deerely welcome to your
Sonne Lewes。
  Sir Roger Mandevile; hearing first what the Count had saide; and
seeing what Perotto afterward performed; became surprized with such
extraordinary joy and admiration; that he knew not how to carry
himselfe in this case。 Neverthelesse; giving credite to his words; and
being somewhat ashamed; that he had not used the Count in more
respective manner; and remembring beside; the unkinde language of
his furious Father to him: he kneeled downe; humbly craving pardon;
both for his Fathers rudenes and his owne; which was courteously
granted by the Count; embracing him lovingly in his armes。
  When they had a while discoursed their severall fortunes; sometime
in teares; and then againe in joy; Perotto and Sir Roger; would have
the Count to be garmented in better manner; but in no wise he would
suffer it; for it was his onely desire; that Sir Roger should bee
assured of the promised reward; by presenting him in the Kings
presence; and in the homely habit which he did weare; to touch him
with the more sensible shame; for his rash beleefe; and injurious
proceeding。 Then Sir Roger Mandevile; guiding the Count by the hand;
and Perotto following after; came before the King; offering to present
the Count and his children; if the reward promised in the Proclamation
might be performed。 The King immediately commanded; that a reward of
inestimable valew should be produced; desiring Sir Roger upon the
sight thereof; to make good his offer; for forthwith presenting the
Count and his children。 Which hee made no longer delay of; but turning
himselfe about; delivered the aged Count; by the title of his servant;
and presenting Perotto next; saide。 Sir; heere I deliver you the
Father and his Son; his Daughter who is my wife; cannot so
conveniently be here now; but shortly; by the permission of heaven;
your Majesty shall have a sight of her。
  When the King heard this; stedfastly he looked on the Count; and;
notwithstanding his wonderfull alteration; both from his wonted
feature and forme: yet; after he had very seriously viewed him; he
knew him perfectly; and the teares trickling downe his cheekes
partly with remorsefull shame; and joy also for his so happy recovery;
he tooke up the Count from kneeling; kissing; and embracing him very
kindely; welcomming Perotto in the selfe same manner。 Immediately also
he gave commaund; that the Count should be restored to his honors;
apparell; servants; horses; and furniture; answerable to his high
estate and calling; which was as speedily performed。 Moreover; the Kin
greatly honoured Sir Roger Mandevile; desiring to be made acquainted
with all their passed fortunes。
  When Sir Roger had received the royall reward; for thus surrendering
the Count and his Sonne; the Count calling him to him; saide。 Take
that Princely remuneration of my soveraigne Lord and King; and
commending me to your unkinde Father; tell him that your Children
are no beggars brats; neither basely borne by their Mothers side。
Sir Roger returning home with his bountifull reward; soone after
brought his Wife and Mother to Paris; and so did Perotto his Wife
where in great joy and triumph; they continued with while with the
noble Count; who had all his goods and honours restored to him; in
farre greater measure then ever they were before: his Sonnes in Law
returning home with their Wives into England; left the Count with
the King at Paris; where he spent the rest of his dayes in great
honour and felicity。

                     THE SECOND DAY; THE NINTH NOVELL


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