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the decameron(十日谈)-第136节

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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  Simonida; who had heard all this tempestuous conflict; perceiving
that her Husband had lockt the streete doore after him; and was gone
whether he pleased: unbolted the Chamber doore; lighted a waxe candle;
and went in to see her poore maide; whom she found to be most
pittifully misused。 She comforted her as well as she could; brought
her into her owne lodging Chamber; where washing her face and hurts in
very soveraigne waters; and rewarding her liberally with
Arriguccioes owne Gold; she held her selfe to be sufficiently
satisfyed。 So; leaving the maide in her lodging; and returning again
to her owne Chamber: she made up the bed in such former manner; as
if no body had lodged therein that night。 Then hanging up her Lampe
fresh fild with oyle; and clearly lighted; she deckt her selfe in so
decent sort; as if she had bin in no bed all that night。
  Then taking sowing worke in her hand; either shirts or bands of
her Husbands; hanging the Lampe by her; and sitting downe at the
stayres head; she fell to worke in very serious manner; as if shee had
undertaken some imposed taske。
  On the other side; Arriguccio had travelled so farre from his house;
till he came at last to the dwelling of Simonidaes brethren: where hee
knockt so soundly; that he was quickely heard; and (almost as
speedily) let in。 Simonidaes brethren; and her mother also; hearing of
Arriguccioes comming thither so late。 Rose from their beds; and each
of them having a Waxe Candle lighted; came presently to him; to
understand the cause of this his so unseasonable visitation。
Arriguccio; beginning at the originall of the matter; the thred
found tyed about his wives great toe; the fight and houshold
conflict after following: related every circumstance to them。 And
for the better proofe of his words; he shewed them the thred it selfe;
the lockes supposed of his wives haire; and adding withall; that
they might now dispose of Simonida as themselves pleased; because
she should remaine no longer in his house。
  The brethren to Simonida were exceedingly offended at this relation;
in regard they beleeved it for truth; and in this fury; commanded
Torches to be lighted; preparing to part thence with Arriguccio home
to his house; for the more sharpe reprehension of their Sister。
Which when their mother saw; she followed them weeping; first
entreating one; and then the other; not to be over rash in crediting
such a slander; but rather to consider the truth thereof advisedly:
because the Husband might be angry with his Wife upon some other
occasion; and having outraged her; made this the meanes in excuse of
himselfe。 Moreover she said; that she could not chuse but wonder
greatly; how this matter should thus come to passe: because she had
good knowledge of her daughter; during the whole course of her
education; faultlesse and blamelesse in every degree; with many
other good words of her beside; as proceeding from naturall
affection of a mother。
  Being come to the house of Arriguccio; entring in; and ascending
up the stayres: they heard Simonida sweetly singing at her working;
but pausing; upon hearing their rude trampling; shee demaunded; who
was there。 One of the angry brethren presently answered: Lewde woman
as thou art; thou shalt know soone enough who is heere: Our blessed
Lady be with us (quoth Simonida) and sweet Saint Frances helpe to
defend me; who dare use such unseemely speeches? Starting up and
meeting them on the staire head: Kinde brethren; (said she) is it you?
What; and my loving mother too? For sweet Saint Charities sake; what
may be the reason of your comming hither in this manner。 Shee being
set downe againe to her worke; so neatly apparelled; without any signe
of outrage offered her; her face unblemished; her haire comely
ordered; and differing wholly from the former speeches of her Husband:
the Brethren marvelled thereat not a little; and asswaging somewhat
the impetuous torrent of their rage; began to demaund in coole
blood; (as it were) from what ground her Husbands complaints
proceeded; and threatning her roughly; if she would not confesse the
truth intirely to them。
  Ave Maria (quoth Simonida; crossing her selfe) Alas deare
Brethren; I know not what you say; or meane; nor wherein my Husband
should bee offended; or make any complaint at all of me。 Arriguccio
hearing this looked on her like a man that had lost his Senses: for
well he remembred; how many cruell blowes he had given her on the
face; beside scratches of his nailes; and spurnes of his feet; as also
the cutting of her haire; the least shew of all which misusage; was
not now to be seene。 Her brethren likewise briefly told her; the whole
effect of her Husbands speeches; shewing her the thred; and in what
cruell manner he sware hee did beate her。 Simonida; turning then to
her Husband; and seeming as confounded with amazement; said。 How is
this Husband? what doe I heare? would you have me supposed (to your
owne shame and disgrace) to be a bad woman; and your selfe a cruell
curst man; when (on either side) there is no such matter? When were
you this night heere in the house with mee? Or when should you beate
mee; and I not feele nor know it? Beleeve me (sweete heart) all
these are meerely miracles to me。
  Now was Arriguccio ten times more mad in his minde; then before;
saying。 Divell; and no woman; did wee not this night goe both together
to bed? Did not I cut this thred from thy great toe; tyed it to
mine; and found the craftie compact betweene thee and thy Minnion? Did
not I follow and fight with him in the streets? Came I not backe
againe; and beate thee as a Strumpet should be? And are not these
the locks of haire; which I my selfe did cut from thy bead?
  Alas Sir (quoth she) where have you been? doe you know what you say?
you did not lodge in this house this night; neither did I see you
all the whole day and night; till now。
  But leaving this; and come to the matter now in question; because
I have no other testimony then mine owne words。 You say; that you
did beate me; and cut those lockes of haire from my head。 Alas Sir;
why should you slander your selfe? In all your life time you did never
strike me。 And to approve the truth of my speeches; doe you your
selfe; and all else heere present; looke on me advisedly; if any signe
of blow or beating is to be seene on me。 Nor were it an easie matter
for you to doe either to smite; or so much as lay your hand (in anger)
on me; it would cost dearer then you thinke for。 And whereas you
say; that you did cut those lockes of haire from my head; it is more
then either I know; or felt; nor are they in colour like to mine: but;
because my Mother and brethren shall be my witnesses therein; and
whether you did it without my knowledge; you shall all see; if they be
cut; or no。 So; taking off her head attyre; she displayed her hayre
over her shoulders; which had suffered no violence; neither seemed
to bee so much as uncivilly or rudely handled。
  When the mother and brethren saw this; they began to murmure against
Arriguccio; saying。 What thinke you of this Sir? you tell us of
strange matters which you have done; and all proving false; we
wonder how you can make good the rest。 Arriguccio looked wilde; and
confusedly; striving still to maintaine his accusation: but seeing
every thing to bee flatly against him; he durst not attempt to
speake one word。 Simonida tooke advantage of this distraction in
him; and turning to her brethren; saide。 I see now the marke whereat
he aymeth; to make me doe what I never meante: Namely; that I should
acquaint you with his vile qualities; and what a wretched life I leade
with him; which seeing hee will needes have me to reveale; beare
with me if I doe it upon compulsion。
  Mother and Brethren; I am verily perswaded; that those accidents
which he disclosed to you; hath doubtlesse (in the same manner)
happened to him; and you shall heare how。 Very true it is; that this
seeming honest man; to whom (in a lucklesse houre) you married me;
stileth himselfe by the name of a Merchant; coveting to be so
accounted and credited; as holy in outward appearance; as a
Religious Monke; and as demure in lookes; as the modestest Maide: like
a notorious common drunkard; is a Taverne hunter; where making his
luxurius matches; one while with one Whore; then againe with
another; hee causeth mee every night to sit tarrying for him; even
in the same sort as you found me: sometimes till midnight; and
otherwhiles till broad day light in the morning。
  And questionlesse; being in his wounted drunken humour; hee hath
lyen with one of his sweet Consorts; about whose toe he found the
thred; and finding her as false to him; as he hath alwayes been to me:
Did not onely beat her; but also cut the haire from her head。 And
having not yet recovered his sences; is verily perswaded; and cannot
be altered from it; but that hee performed all this villany to me。 And
if you doe but advisedly observe his countenance; he appeareth yet
to be more then halfe drunke。
  But whatsoever he hath said concerning me; I make no account at
all thereof; because he spake it in his drunkennesse; and as freely as
I forgive him; even so (good Mother and kinde Brethre

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