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the decameron(十日谈)-第118节

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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and no more then she might。 So that; before they departed thence; by
comfortable advice proceeding from the Potestate: the Edict (being
reputed overcruell) was modified; and interpreted to concerne them
onely; who offered injurie to their Husbands for money。 By which
meanes Rinaldo standing as one confounded; for such a foolish and
unadvised enterprize; departed from the Auditorie: and the Ladie;
not a little joyfull to bee thus freed and delivered from the fire;
returned home with victorie to her owne house。

                    THE SIXT DAY; THE EIGHTH NOVELL


  Fresco da Celatico; counselled and advised his Neece Cesca: That
if such as deserved to be looked on; were offensive to her eyes; as
she had often told him; she should forbeare to looke on any。

  All the while as Philostratus was recounting his Novell; it
seemed; that the Ladies (who heard it) found themselves much mooved
thereat; as by the wanton blood mounting up into their cheekes; it
plainly appeared。
  But in the end; looking on each other with strange behaviour; they
could not forbeare smiling: which the Queene interrupting by a command
of attention; turning to Madame Aemillia; willed her to follow next。
When she; puffing and blowing; as if she had bene newly awaked from
sleepe; began in this manner。
  Faire Beauties; My thoughts having wandred a great distance hence;
and further then I can easily collect them together againe; in
obedience yet to our Queene; I shall report a much shorter Novell;
then otherwise (perhappes) I should have done; if my minde had beene a
little neerer home。 I shall tell you the grosse fault of a foolish
Damosell; well corrected by a witty reprehension of her Unckle; if
shee had bin endued but with so much sence; as to have understood it。
  An honest man; named Fresco da Celatico; had a good fulsom wench
to his Neece; who for her folly and squemishnes; was generally
called Cesta; or nice Francesca。 And althogh she had stature
sufficient; yet none of the handsomest; and a good hard favourd
countenance; nothing nere such Angelical beauties as we have seen; yet
she was endued with such height of minde; and so proud an opinion of
her selfe; that it appeared as a custome bred in hir; or rather a gift
bestowed on hir by nature (thogh none of the best) to blame and
despise both men and women; yea whosoever she lookt on; without any
consideration of her self; she being as unsightly; ill shaped; and
ugly faced; as a worse was very hardly to be found。
  Nothing could be done at any time; to yeilde her liking or
content: moreover; she was so waspish; nice and squemish; that when
she cam into the royall Court of France; it was hatefull and
contemptible to hir。 Whensoever she went through the streets; every
thing stunke and was noisome to her; so that she never did any thing
but stop her nose; as if all men or women she met withall; and
whatsoever else she lookt on; were stinking and offensive。 But let
us leave all further relation of her ill conditions; being every way
(indeed) so bad; and hardly becomming any sensible body; that we
cannot condemne them so much as we should。
  It chanced upon a day; that shee comming home to the house where her
Unckle dwelt; declared her wonted scurvy and scornfull behaviour;
swelling; puffing; and pouting extreamly; in which humor she sat downe
by her Unckle; who desiring to know what had displeased her; said。 Why
how now Francesca? what may the meaning of this bee? This being a
solemne festivall day; what is the reason of your so soone returning
home? She coily biting the lip; and brideling her head; as if she
had bene some mans best Gelding; sprucely thus replyed。
  Indeede you say true Unckle; I am come home verie earely; because;
since the day of my birth; I never saw a City so pestered with
unhandsome people; both men and women; and worse this high Holyday;
then ever I did observe before。 I walked thorow some store of
streetes; and I could not see one proper man: and as for the women;
they are the most mishapen and ugly creatures; that; if God had made
me such an one; I should be sory that ever I was borne。 And being no
longer able to endure such unpleasing sights; you wil not thinke
(Unckle) in what an anger I am come home。 Fresco; to whome these
stinking qualities of his Neece seemed so unsufferable; that hee could
not (with patience) endure them any longer; thus short and quickely
answered。 Francesca; if all people of our Citie (both men and women)
be so odious in thy eyes; and offensive to thy nose; as thou hast
often reported to me: bee advised then by my counsell。 Stay stil at
home; and look upon none but thy selfe onely; and then thou shalt be
sure that they cannot displease thee。 But shee; being as empty of
wit as a pith…lesse Cane; and yet thought her judgement to exceed
Salomons; could not understand the lest part of hir Unkles meaning;
but stood as senselesse as a sheepe。 Onely she replyed; that she would
resort to some other parts of the country; which if shee found as
weakly furnished of handsome people; as heere shee did; shee would
conceive better of her selfe; then ever she had done before。

                     THE SIXT DAY; THE NINTH NOVELL


  Signior Guido Cavalcante; with a sodaine and witty answer;
reprehended the rash folly of certaine Florentine Gentlemen; that
thought to scorne and flout him。

  When the Queene perceived; that Madame Aemillia was discharged of
her Novell; and none remained now to speake next; but onely her selfe;
his priviledge alwayes remembred; to whom it belonged to be the
last; she began in this manner。
  Faire Company; you have this day disappointed me of two Novells at
the least; whereof I had intended to make use。 Neverthelesse; you
shall not imagine mee so unfurnished; but that I have left one in
store; the conclusion whereof; may minister such instruction; as
will not bee reputed for ydle and impertinent: but rather of such
materiall consequence; as better hath not this day past among us。
  Understand then (most faire Ladies) that in former times long
since past; our Cittie had many excellent and commendable customes
in it; whereof (in these unhappy dayes of ours) we cannot say that
poore one remaineth; such hath beene the too much encrease of Wealth
and Covetousnesse; the onely supplanters of all good qualities
whatsoever。 Among which lawdable and friendly observations; there
was one well deserving note; namely; that in divers places of
Florence; men of the best houses in every quarter; had a sociable
and neighbourly assemblie together; creating their company to
consist of a certaine number; such as were able to supply their
expences; as this day one; and to morrow another: and thus in a
kinde of friendly course; each dally furnished the Table; for the rest
of the company。 Oftentimes; they did honour to divers Gentlemen and
strangers; upon their arrivall in our Citty; by inviting them into
their assembly; and many of our worthiest Citizens beside; so that
it grew to a customary use; and one especially day in the yeare
appointed; in memory of this so loving a meeting; when they would ride
(triumphally as it were) on horsebacke thorow the Cittie; sometimes
performing Tilts; Tourneyes; and other Martiall exercises; but they
were reserved for Feastivall dayes。
  Among which company; there was one called; Signior Betto
Bruneleschi; who was earnestly desirous; to procure Signior Guido
Cavalcante de Cavalcanti; to make one in this their friendly
society。 And not without great reason: for; over and beside his
being one of the best Logitians as those times could not yeeld a
better: He was also a most absolute naturall Philosopher (which worthy
qualities were little esteemed among these honest meeters) a very
friendly Gentleman; singularly well spoken; and whatsoever else was
commendable in any man; was no way wanting in him; being wealthy
withall; and able to returne equall honors; where he found them to
be duly deserved; as no man therin could go beyond him。 But Signior
Betto; notwithstanding his long continued importunitie; could not draw
him into their assembly; which made him and the rest of his company
conceive; that the solitude of Guido; retiring himselfe alwaies from
familiar conversing with men: provoked him to many curious
speculations: and because he retained some part of the Epicurean
Opinion; their vulgare judgement passed on him; that his
speculations tended to no other end; but onely to finde out that which
was never done。
  It chanced upon a day; that Signior Guido departing from the
Church of Saint Michaell d'Horta; and passing along by the Adamari; so
farre as to Saint Johns Church; which evermore was his customarie
Walke: many goodly Marble Tombes were then about the saide Church;
as now adayes are at Saint Reparata; and divers more beside。 He
entring among the Collumbes of Porphiry; and the other Sepulcher

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