the golden bough-及172准
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e religion of the Aino the bear plays a chief part察amongst the animals it is especially the bear which receives an idolatrous veneration察they worship it after their fashion察there is no doubt that this wild beast inspires more of the feeling which prompts worship than the inanimate forces of nature察and the Aino may be distinguished as bear´worshippers。 Yet察on the other hand察they kill the bear whenever they can察in bygone years the Ainu considered bear´hunting the most manly and useful way in which a person could possibly spend his time察the men spend the autumn察winter察and spring in hunting deer and bears。 Part of their tribute or taxes is paid in skins察and they subsist on the dried meat察bear's flesh is indeed one of their staple foods察they eat it both fresh and salted察and the skins of bears furnish them with clothing。 In fact察the worship of which writers on this subject speak appears to be paid chiefly to the dead animal。 Thus察although they kill a bear whenever they can察in the process of dissecting the carcass they endeavor to conciliate the deity察whose representative they have slain察by making elaborate obeisances and deprecatory salutations察when a bear has been killed the Ainu sit down and admire it察make their salaams to it察worship it察and offer presents of inao察when a bear is trapped or wounded by an arrow察the hunters go through an apologetic or propitiatory ceremony。 The skulls of slain bears receive a place of honour in their huts察or are set up on sacred posts outside the huts察and are treated with much respect此libations of millet beer察and of sake察an intoxicating liquor察are offered to them察and they are addressed as divine preservers or precious divinities。 The skulls of foxes are also fastened to the sacred posts outside the huts察they are regarded as charms against evil spirits察and are consulted as oracles。 Yet it is expressly said察The live fox is revered just as little as the bear察rather they avoid it as much as possible察considering it a wily animal。 The bear can hardly察therefore察be described as a sacred animal of the Aino察nor yet as a totem察for they do not call themselves bears察and they kill and eat the animal freely。 However察they have a legend of a woman who had a son by a bear察and many of them who dwell in the mountains pride themselves on being descended from a bear。 Such people are called Descendants of the bear Kimun Kamui sanikiri察and in the pride of their heart they will say察As for me察I am a child of the god of the mountains察I am descended from the divine one who rules in the mountains察meaning by the god of the mountains no other than the bear。 It is therefore possible that察as our principal authority察the Rev。 J。 Batchelor察believes察the bear may have been the totem of an Aino clan察but even if that were so it would not explain the respect shown for the animal by the whole Aino people。
But it is the bear´festival of the Aino which concerns us here。 Towards the end of winter a bear cub is caught and brought into the village。 If it is very small察it is suckled by an Aino woman察but should there be no woman able to suckle it察the little animal is fed from the hand or the mouth。 During the day it plays about in the hut with the children and is treated with great affection。 But when the cub grows big enough to pain people by hugging or scratching them察he is shut up in a strong wooden cage察where he stays generally for two or three years察fed on fish and millet porridge察till it is time for him to be killed and eaten。 But it is a peculiarly striking fact that the young bear is not kept merely to furnish a good meal察rather he is regarded and honoured as a fetish察or even as a sort of higher being。 In Yezo the festival is generally celebrated in September or October。 Before it takes place the Aino apologise to their gods察alleging that they have treated the bear kindly as long as they could察now they can feed him no longer察and are obliged to kill him。 A man who gives a bear´feast invites his relations and friends察in a small village nearly the whole community takes part in the feast察indeed察guests from distant villages are invited and generally come察allured by the prospect of getting drunk for nothing。 The form of invitation runs somewhat as follows此I察so and so察am about to sacrifice the dear little divine thing who resides among the mountains。 My friends and masters察come ye
to the feast察we will then unite in the great pleasure of sending the god away。 Come。 When all the people are assembled in front of the cage察an orator chosen for the purpose addresses the bear and tells it that they are about to send it forth to its ancestors。 He craves pardon for what they are about to do to it察hopes it will not be angry察and comforts it by assuring the animal that many of the sacred whittled sticks inao and plenty of cakes and wine will be sent with it on the long journey。 One speech of this sort which Mr。 Batchelor heard ran as follows此O thou divine one察thou wast sent into the world for us to hunt。 O thou precious little divinity察we worship thee察pray hear our prayer。 We have nourished thee and brought thee up with a deal of pains and trouble察all because we love thee so。 Now察as thou hast grown big察we are about to send thee to thy father and mother。 When thou comest to them please speak well of us察and tell them how kind we have been察please come to us again and we will sacrifice thee。 Having been secured with ropes察the bear is then let out of the cage and assailed with a shower of blunt arrows in order to arouse it to fury。 When it has spent itself in vain struggles察it is tied up to a stake察gagged and strangled察its neck being placed between two poles察which are then violently compressed察all the people eagerly helping to squeeze the animal to death。 An arrow is also discharged into the beast's heart by a good marksman察but so as not to shed blood察for they think that it would be very unlucky if any of the blood were to drip on the ground。 However察the men sometimes drink the warm blood of the bear that the courage and other virtues it possesses may pass into them察and sometimes they besmear themselves and their clothes with the blood in order to ensure success in hunting。 When the animal has been strangled to death察it is skinned and its head is cut off and set in the east window of the house察where a piece of its own flesh is placed under its snout察together with a cup of its own meat boiled察some millet dumplings察and dried fish。 Prayers are then addressed to the dead animal察amongst other things it is sometimes invited察after going away to its father and mother察to return into the world in order that it may again be reared for sacrifice。 When the bear is supposed to have finished eating its own flesh察the man who presides at the feast takes the cup containing the boiled meat察salutes it察and divides the contents between all the company present此every person察young and old alike察must taste a little。 The cup is called the cup of offering because it has just been offered to the dead bear。 When the rest of the flesh has been cooked察it is shared out in like manner among all the people察everybody partaking of at least a morsel察not to partake of the feast would be equivalent to excommunication察it would be to place the recreant outside the pale of Aino fellowship。 Formerly every particle of the bear察except the bones察had to be eaten up at the banquet察but this rule is now relaxed。 The head察on being detached from the skin察is set up on a long pole beside the sacred wands inao outside of the house察where it remains till nothing but the bare white skull is left。 Skulls so set up are worshipped not only at the time of the festival察but very often as long as they last。 The Aino assured Mr。 Batchelor that they really do believe the spirits of the worshipful animals to reside in the skulls察that is why they address them as divine preservers and precious divinities。
The ceremony of killing the bear was witnessed by Dr。 B。 Scheube on the tenth of August at Kunnui察which is a village on Volcano Bay in the island of Yezo or Yesso。 As his description of the rite contains some interesting particulars not mentioned in the foregoing account察it may be worth while to summarize it。
On entering the hut he found about thirty Aino present察men察women察and children察all dressed in their best。 The master of the house first offered a libation on the fireplace to the god of the fire察and the guests followed his example。 Then a libation was offered to the house´god in his sacred corner of the hut。 Meanwhile the housewife察who had nursed the bear察sat by herself察silent and sad察bursting now and then into tears。 Her grief was obviously unaffected察and it deepened as the festival went on。 Next察the master of the house and some of the guests went out of the hut and offered libations before the bear's cage。 A few drops were presented to the bear in a saucer察which he at once upset。 Then the women and girls danced round the cage察their faces turned towards it察their knees slightly bent察rising and hopping on their toes。 As they danced they clapped their hands and sang a monotonous song。 The housewife and a few old women察who might have nursed many bears察danced tearfully察stretching out the