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in Osiris as the sun are driven to the alternative of either dismissing as mistaken the testimony of antiquity to the similarity of the rites of Osiris察Adonis察Attis察Dionysus察and Demeter察or of interpreting all these rites as sun´worship。 No modern scholar has fairly faced and accepted either side of this alternative。 To accept the former would be to affirm that we know the rites of these deities better than the men who practised察or at least who witnessed them。 To accept the latter would involve a wrenching察clipping察mangling察and distorting of myth and ritual from which even Macrobius shrank。 On the other hand察the view that the essence of all these rites was the mimic death and revival of vegetation察explains them separately and collectively in an easy and natural way察and harmonises with the general testimony borne by the ancients to their substantial similarity。
Chapter 43。 Dionysus。
IN THE PRECEDING chapters we saw that in antiquity the civilised nations of Western Asia and Egypt pictured to themselves the changes of the seasons察and particularly the annual growth and decay of vegetation察as episodes in the life of gods察whose mournful death and happy resurrection they celebrated with dramatic rites of alternate lamentation and rejoicing。 But if the celebration was in form dramatic察it was in substance magical察that is to say察it was intended察on the principles of sympathetic magic察to ensure the vernal regeneration of plants and the multiplication of animals察which had seemed to be menaced by the inroads of winter。 In the ancient world察however察such ideas and such rites were by no means confined to the Oriental peoples of Babylon and Syria察of Phrygia and Egypt察they were not a product peculiar to the religious mysticism of the dreamy East察but were shared by the races of livelier fancy and more mercurial temperament who inhabited the shores and islands of the Aegean。 We need not察with some enquirers in ancient and modern times察suppose that these Western peoples borrowed from the older civilisation of the Orient the conception of the Dying and Reviving God察together with the solemn ritual察in which that conception was dramatically set forth before the eyes of the worshippers。 More probably the resemblance which may be traced in this respect between the religions of the East and West is no more than what we commonly察though incorrectly察call a fortuitous coincidence察the effect of similar causes acting alike on the similar constitution of the human mind in different countries and under different skies。 The Greek had no need to journey into far countries to learn the vicissitudes of the seasons察to mark the fleeting beauty of the damask rose察the transient glory of the golden corn察the passing splendour of the purple grapes。 Year by year in his own beautiful land he beheld察with natural regret察the bright pomp of summer fading into the gloom and stagnation of winter察and year by year he hailed with natural delight the outburst of fresh life in spring。 Accustomed to personify the forces of nature察to tinge her cold abstractions with the warm hues of imagination察to clothe her naked realities with the gorgeous drapery of a mythic fancy察he fashioned for himself a train of gods and goddesses察of spirits and elves察out of the shifting panorama of the seasons察and followed the annual fluctuations of their fortunes with alternate emotions of cheerfulness and dejection察of gladness and sorrow察which found their natural expression in alternate rites of rejoicing and lamentation察of revelry and mourning。 A consideration of some of the Greek divinities who thus died and rose again from the dead may furnish us with a series of companion pictures to set side by side with the sad figures of Adonis察Attis察and Osiris。 We begin with Dionysus。
The god Dionysus or Bacchus is best known to us as a personification of the vine and of the exhilaration produced by the juice of the grape。 His ecstatic worship察characterised by wild dances察thrilling music察and tipsy excess察appears to have originated among the rude tribes of Thrace察who were notoriously addicted to drunkenness。 Its mystic doctrines and extravagant rites were essentially foreign to the clear intelligence and sober temperament of the Greek race。 Yet appealing as it did to that love of mystery and that proneness to revert to savagery which seem to be innate in most men察the religion spread like wildfire through Greece until the god whom Homer hardly deigned to notice had become the most popular figure of the pantheon。 The resemblance which his story and his ceremonies present to those of Osiris have led some enquirers both in ancient and modern times to hold that Dionysus was merely a disguised Osiris察imported directly from Egypt into Greece。 But the great preponderance of evidence points to his Thracian origin察and the similarity of the two worships is sufficiently explained by the similarity of the ideas and customs on which they were founded。
While the vine with its clusters was the most characteristic manifestation of Dionysus察he was also a god of trees in general。 Thus we are told that almost all the Greeks sacrificed to Dionysus of the tree。 In Boeotia one of his titles was Dionysus in the tree。 His image was often merely an upright post察without arms察but draped in a mantle察with a bearded mask to represent the head察and with leafy boughs projecting from the head or body to show the nature of the deity。 On a vase his rude effigy is depicted appearing out of a low tree or bush。 At Magnesia on the Maeander an image of Dionysus is said to have been found in a plane´tree察which had been broken by the wind。 He was the patron of cultivated trees此prayers were offered to him that he would make the trees grow察and he was especially honoured by husbandmen察chiefly fruit´growers察who set up an image of him察in the shape of a natural tree´stump察in their orchards。 He was said to have discovered all tree´fruits察amongst which apples and figs are particularly mentioned察and he was referred to as well´fruited察he of the green fruit察and making the fruit to grow。 One of his titles was teeming or bursting as of sap or blossoms察and there was a Flowery Dionysus in Attica and at Patrae in Achaia。 The Athenians sacrificed to him for the prosperity of the fruits of the land。 Amongst the trees particularly sacred to him察in addition to the vine察was the pine´tree。 The Delphic oracle commanded the Corinthians to worship a particular pine´tree equally with the god察so they made two images of Dionysus out of it察with red faces and gilt bodies。 In art a wand察tipped with a pine´cone察is commonly carried by the god or his worshippers。 Again察the ivy and the fig´tree were especially associated with him。 In the Attic township of Acharnae there was a Dionysus Ivy察at Lacedaemon there was a Fig Dionysus察and in Naxos察where figs were called meilicha察there was a Dionysus Meilichios察the face of whose image was made of fig´wood。
Further察there are indications察few but significant察that Dionysus was conceived as a deity of agriculture and the corn。 He is spoken of as himself doing the work of a husbandman此he is reported to have been the first to yoke oxen to the plough察which before had been dragged by hand alone察and some people found in this tradition the clue to the bovine shape in which察as we shall see察the god was often supposed to present himself to his worshippers。 Thus guiding the ploughshare and scattering the seed as he went察Dionysus is said to have eased the labour of the husbandman。 Further察we are told that in the land of the Bisaltae察a Thracian tribe察there was a great and fair sanctuary of Dionysus察where at his festival a bright light shone forth at night as a token of an abundant harvest vouchsafed by the diety察but if the crops were to fail that year察the mystic light was not seen察darkness brooded over the sanctuary as at other times。 Moreover察among the emblems of Dionysus was the winnowing´fan察that is the large open shovel´shaped basket察which down to modern times has been used by farmers to separate the grain from the chaff by tossing the corn in the air。 This simple agricultural instrument figured in the mystic rites of Dionysus察indeed the god is traditionally said to have been placed at birth in a winnowing´fan as in a cradle此in art he is represented as an infant so cradled察and from these traditions and representations he derived the epithet of Liknites察that is察He of the Winnowing´fan。
Like other gods of vegetation Dionysus was believed to have died a violent death察but to have been brought to life again察and his sufferings察death察and resurrection were enacted in his sacred rites。 His tragic story is thus told by the poet Nonnus。 Zeus in the form of a serpent visited Persephone察and she bore him Zagreus察that is察Dionysus察a horned infant。 Scarcely was he born察when the babe mounted the throne of his father Zeus and mimicked the great god by brandishing the lightning in his tiny hand。 But he did not occupy the throne long察for the treacherous Titans察their faces whitened with chalk察attacked him with knives while he was looking at himself in a mirror。 For a time he evaded their assaults by turning himself into various shapes察assuming the likeness success