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d or burnt。 At Polkwitz the custom of Carrying out Death fell into abeyance察but an outbreak of fatal sickness which followed the intermission of the ceremony induced the people to resume it。
In Bohemia the children go out with a straw´man察representing Death察to the end of the village察where they burn it察singing
Now carry we Death out of the village察The new Summer into the village察Welcome察dear Summer察Green little corn。
At Tabor in Bohemia the figure of Death is carried out of the town and flung from a high rock into the water察while they sing
Death swims on the water察Summer will soon be here察We carried Death away for you We brought the Summer。 And do thou察O holy Marketa察Give us a good year For wheat and for rye。
In other parts of Bohemia they carry Death to the end of the village察singing
We carry Death out of the village察And the New Year into the village。 Dear Spring察we bid you welcome察Green grass察we bid you welcome。
Behind the village they erect a pyre察on which they burn the straw figure察reviling and scoffing at it the while。 Then they return察singing
We have carried away Death察And brought Life back。 He has taken up his quarters in the village察Therefore sing joyous songs。
In some German villages of Moravia察as in Jassnitz and Seitendorf察the young folk assemble on the third Sunday in Lent and fashion a straw´man察who is generally adorned with a fur cap and a pair of old leathern hose察if such are to be had。 The effigy is then hoisted on a pole and carried by the lads and lasses out into the open fields。 On the way they sing a song察in which it is said that they are carrying Death away and bringing dear Summer into the house察and with Summer the May and the flowers。 On reaching an appointed place they dance in a circle round the effigy with loud shouts and screams察then suddenly rush at it and tear it to pieces with their hands。 Lastly察the pieces are thrown together in a heap察the pole is broken察and fire is set to the whole。 While it burns the troop dances merrily round it察rejoicing at the victory won by Spring察and when the fire has nearly died out they go to the householders to beg for a present of eggs wherewith to hold a feast察taking care to give as a reason for the request that they have carried Death out and away。
The preceding evidence shows that the effigy of Death is often regarded with fear and treated with marks of hatred and abhorrence。 Thus the anxiety of the villagers to transfer the figure from their own to their neighbours' land察and the reluctance of the latter to receive the ominous guest察are proof enough of the dread which it inspires。 Further察in Lusatia and Silesia the puppet is sometimes made to look in at the window of a house察and it is believed that some one in the house will die within the year unless his life is redeemed by the payment of money。 Again察after throwing the effigy away察the bearers sometimes run home lest Death should follow them察and if one of them falls in running察it is believed that he will die within the year。 At Chrudim察in Bohemia察the figure of Death is made out of a cross察with a head and mask stuck at the top察and a shirt stretched out on it。 On the fifth Sunday in Lent the boys take this effigy to the nearest brook or pool察and standing in a line throw it into the water。 Then they all plunge in after it察but as soon as it is caught no one more may enter the water。 The boy who did not enter the water or entered it last will die within the year察and he is obliged to carry the Death back to the village。 The effigy is then burned。 On the other hand察it is believed that no one will die within the year in the house out of which the figure of Death has been carried察and the village out of which Death has been driven is sometimes supposed to be protected against sickness and plague。 In some villages of Austrian Silesia on the Saturday before Dead Sunday an effigy is made of old clothes察hay察and straw察for the purpose of driving Death out of the village。 On Sunday the people察armed with sticks and straps察assemble before the house where the figure is lodged。 Four lads then draw the effigy by cords through the village amid exultant shouts察while all the others beat it with their sticks and straps。 On reaching a field which belongs to a neighbouring village they lay down the figure察cudgel it soundly察and scatter the fragments over the field。 The people believe that the village from which Death has been thus carried out will be safe from any infectious disease for the whole year。
4。 Bringing in Summer
IN THE PRECEDING ceremonies the return of Spring察Summer察or Life察as a sequel to the expulsion of Death察is only implied or at most announced。 In the following ceremonies it is plainly enacted。 Thus in some parts of Bohemia the effigy of Death is drowned by being thrown into the water at sunset察then the girls go out into the wood and cut down a young tree with a green crown察hang a doll dressed as a woman on it察deck the whole with green察red察and white ribbons察and march in procession with their L┴to Summer into the village察collecting gifts and singing
Death swims in the water察Spring comes to visit us察With eggs that are red察With yellow pancakes。 We carried Death out of the village察We are carrying Summer into the village。
In many Silesian villages the figure of Death察after being treated with respect察is stript of its clothes and flung with curses into the water察or torn to pieces in a field。 Then the young folk repair to a wood察cut down a small fir´tree察peel the trunk察and deck it with festoons of evergreens察paper roses察painted egg´shells察motley bits of cloth察and so forth。 The tree thus adorned is called Summer or May。 Boys carry it from house to house singing appropriate songs and begging for presents。 Among their songs is the following
We have carried Death out察We are bringing the dear Summer back察The Summer and the May And all the flowers gay。
Sometimes they also bring back from the wood a prettily adorned figure察which goes by the name of Summer察May察or the Bride察in the Polish districts it is called Dziewanna察the goddess of spring。
At Eisenach on the fourth Sunday in Lent young people used to fasten a straw´man察representing Death察to a wheel察which they trundled to the top of a hill。 Then setting fire to the figure they allowed it and the wheel to roll down the slope。 Next day they cut a tall fir´tree察tricked it out with ribbons察and set it up in the plain。 The men then climbed the tree to fetch down the ribbons。 In Upper Lusatia the figure of Death察made of straw and rags察is dressed in a veil furnished by the last bride and a shirt provided by the house in which the last death took place。 Thus arrayed the figure is stuck on the end of a long pole and carried at full speed by the tallest and strongest girl察while the rest pelt the effigy with sticks and stones。 Whoever hits it will be sure to live through the year。 In this way Death is carried out of the village and thrown into the water or over the boundary of the next village。 On their way home each one breaks a green branch and carries it gaily with him till he reaches the village察when he throws it away。 Sometimes the young people of the next village察upon whose land the figure has been thrown察run after them and hurl it back察not wishing to have Death among them。 Hence the two parties occasionally come to blows。
In these cases Death is represented by the puppet which is thrown away察Summer or Life by the branches or trees which are brought back。 But sometimes a new potency of life seems to be attributed to the image of Death itself察and by a kind of resurrection it becomes the instrument of the general revival。 Thus in some parts of Lusatia women alone are concerned in carrying out Death察and suffer no male to meddle with it。 Attired in mourning察which they wear the whole day察they make a puppet of straw察clothe it in a white shirt察and give it a broom in one hand and a scythe in the other。 Singing songs and pursued by urchins throwing stones察they carry the puppet to the village boundary察where they tear it in pieces。 Then they cut down a fine tree察hang the shirt on it察and carry it home singing。 On the Feast of Ascension the Saxons of Braller察a village of Transylvania察not far from Hermannstadt察observe the ceremony of Carrying out Death in the following manner。 After morning service all the school´girls repair to the house of one of their number察and there dress up the Death。 This is done by tying a threshed´out sheaf of corn into a rough semblance of a head and body察while the arms are simulated by a broomstick thrust through it horizontally。 The figure is dressed in the holiday attire of a young peasant woman察with a red hood察silver brooches察and a profusion of ribbons at the arms and breast。 The girls bustle at their work察for soon the bells will be ringing to vespers察and the Death must be ready in time to be placed at the open window察that all the people may see it on their way to church。 When vespers are over察the longed´for moment has come for the first procession with the Death to begin察it is a privilege that belongs to the school´girls alone。 Two of the older girls seize the figure by the arms and walk in front此all the res