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08-at the shrine of st. wagner-第3节

小说: 08-at the shrine of st. wagner 字数: 每页4000字

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most desirable position possible is that of a prince。  And I

think it also follows that the so…called usurpations with which

history is littered are the most excusable misdemeanors which men

have committed。  To usurp a usurpationthat is all it amounts

to; isn't it?

A prince is not to us what he is to a European; of course。

We have not been taught to regard him as a god; and so one good

look at him is likely to so nearly appease our curiosity as to

make him an object of no greater interest the next time。  We want

a fresh one。  But it is not so with the European。  I am quite

sure of it。  The same old one will answer; he never stales。

Eighteen years ago I was in London and I called at an

Englishman's house on a bleak and foggy and dismal December

afternoon to visit his wife and married daughter by appointment。

I waited half an hour and then they arrived; frozen。  They

explained that they had been delayed by an unlooked…for

circumstance:  while passing in the neighborhood of Marlborough

House they saw a crowd gathering and were told that the Prince of

Wales was about to drive out; so they stopped to get a sight of

him。  They had waited half an hour on the sidewalk; freezing with

the crowd; but were disappointed at lastthe Prince had changed

his mind。  I said; with a good deal of surprise; 〃Is it possible

that you two have lived in London all your lives and have never

seen the Prince of Wales?〃

Apparently it was their turn to be surprised; for they

exclaimed:  〃What an idea!  Why; we have seen him hundreds of


They had seem him hundreds of times; yet they had waited

half an hour in the gloom and the bitter cold; in the midst of a

jam of patients from the same asylum; on the chance of seeing him

again。  It was a stupefying statement; but one is obliged to

believe the English; even when they say a thing like that。  I

fumbled around for a remark; and got out this one:

〃I can't understand it at all。  If I had never seen General

Grant I doubt if I would do that even to get a sight of him。〃

With a slight emphasis on the last word。

Their blank faces showed that they wondered where the

parallel came in。  Then they said; blankly:  〃Of course not。  He

is only a President。〃

It is doubtless a fact that a prince is a permanent

interest; an interest not subject to deterioration。  The general

who was never defeated; the general who never held a council of

war; the only general who ever commanded a connected battle…front

twelve hundred miles long; the smith who welded together the

broken parts of a great republic and re…established it where it

is quite likely to outlast all the monarchies present and to

come; was really a person of no serious consequence to these

people。  To them; with their training; my General was only a man;

after all; while their Prince was clearly much more than thata

being of a wholly unsimilar construction and constitution; and

being of no more blood and kinship with men than are the serene

eternal lights of the firmament with the poor dull tallow candles

of commerce that sputter and die and leave nothing behind but a

pinch of ashes and a stink。

I saw the last act of 〃Tannh:auser。〃  I sat in the gloom and

the deep stillness; waitingone minute; two minutes; I do not

know exactly how longthen the soft music of the hidden

orchestra began to breathe its rich; long sighs out from under

the distant stage; and by and by the drop…curtain parted in the

middle and was drawn softly aside; disclosing the twilighted wood

and a wayside shrine; with a white…robed girl praying and a man

standing near。  Presently that noble chorus of men's voices was

heard approaching; and from that moment until the closing of the

curtain it was music; just musicmusic to make one drunk with

pleasure; music to make one take scrip and staff and beg his way

round the globe to hear it。

To such as are intending to come here in the Wagner season

next year I wish to say; bring your dinner…pail with you。  If you

do; you will never cease to be thankful。  If you do not; you will

find it a hard fight to save yourself from famishing in Bayreuth。

Bayreuth is merely a large village; and has no very large hotels

or eating…houses。  The principal inns are the Golden Anchor and

the Sun。  At either of these places you can get an excellent

mealno; I mean you can go there and see other people get it。

There is no charge for this。  The town is littered with

restaurants; but they are small and bad; and they are overdriven

with custom。  You must secure a table hours beforehand; and often

when you arrive you will find somebody occupying it。  We have had

this experience。  We have had a daily scramble for life; and when

I say we; I include shoals of people。  I have the impression that

the only people who do not have to scramble are the veteransthe

disciples who have been here before and know the ropes。  I think

they arrive about a week before the first opera; and engage all

the tables for the season。  My tribe had tried all kinds of

placessome outside of the town; a mile or twoand have

captured only nibblings and odds and ends; never in any instance

a complete and satisfying meal。  Digestible?  No; the reverse。

These odds and ends are going to serve as souvenirs of Bayreuth;

and in that regard their value is not to be overestimated。

Photographs fade; bric…a…brac gets lost; busts of Wagner get

broken; but once you absorb a Bayreuth…restaurant meal it is your

possession and your property until the time comes to embalm the

rest of you。  Some of these pilgrims here become; in effect;

cabinets; cabinets of souvenirs of Bayreuth。  It is believed

among scientists that you could examine the crop of a dead

Bayreuth pilgrim anywhere in the earth and tell where he came

from。  But I like this ballast。  I think a 〃Hermitage〃 scrap…up

at eight in the evening; when all the famine…breeders have been

there and laid in their mementoes and gone; is the quietest thing

you can lay on your keelson except gravel。

THURSDAY。They keep two teams of singers in stock for the

chief roles; and one of these is composed of the most renowned

artists in the world; with Materna and Alvary in the lead。  I

suppose a double team is necessary; doubtless a single team would

die of exhaustion in a week; for all the plays last from four in

the afternoon till ten at night。  Nearly all the labor falls upon

the half…dozen head singers; and apparently they are required to

furnish all the noise they can for the money。  If they feel a

soft; whispery; mysterious feeling they are required to open out

and let the public know it。  Operas are given only on Sundays;

Mondays; Wednesdays; and Thursdays; with three days of ostensible

rest per week; and two teams to do the four operas; but the

ostensible rest is devoted largely to rehearsing。  It is said

that the off days are devoted to rehearsing from some time in the

morning till ten at night。  Are there two orchestras also?  It is

quite likely; since there are one hundred and ten names in the

orchestra list。

Yesterday the opera was 〃Tristan and Isolde。〃  I have seen

all sorts of audiencesat theaters; operas; concerts; lectures;

sermons; funeralsbut none which was twin to the Wagner audience

of Bayreuth for fixed and reverential attention。  Absolute

attention and petrified retention to the end of an act of the

attitude assumed at the beginning of it。  You detect no movement

in the solid mass of heads and shoulders。  You seem to sit with

the dead in the gloom of a tomb。  You know that they are being

stirred to their profoundest depths; that there are times when

they want to rise and wave handkerchiefs and shout their

approbation; and times when tears are running down their faces;

and it would be a relief to free their pent emotions in sobs or

screams; yet you hear not one utterance till the curtain swings

together and the closing strains have slowly faded out and died;

then the dead rise with one impulse and shake the building with

their applause。  Every seat is full in the first act; there is

not a vacant one in the last。  If a man would be conspicuous; let

him come here and retire from the house in the midst of an act。

It would make him celebrated。

This audience reminds me of nothing I have ever seen and of

nothing I have read about except the city in the Arabian tale

where all the inhabitants have been turned to brass and the

traveler finds them after centuries mute; motionless; and still

retaining the attitudes which they last knew in life。  Here the

Wagner audience dress as they please; and sit in the dark and

worship in silence。  At the Metropolitan in New York they sit in

a glare; and wear their showiest harness; they hum airs; they

squeak fans; they titter; and they gabble all the time。  In some

of the boxes the conversation and laughter are so loud as to

divide the attention of the house with the stage。  In large

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