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the magic skin-第41节

小说: the magic skin 字数: 每页4000字

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〃My Lord the Marquis sees nobody;〃 said the servant; swallowing a huge

morsel that he had just dipped in a large bowl of coffee。

〃There is his carriage;〃 said the elderly stranger; pointing to a fine

equipage that stood under the wooden canopy that sheltered the steps

before the house; in place of a striped linen awning。 〃He is going

out; I will wait for him。〃

〃Then you might wait here till to…morrow morning; old boy;〃 said the

Swiss。 〃A carriage is always waiting for monsieur。 Please to go away。

If I were to let any stranger come into the house without orders; I

should lose an income of six hundred francs。〃

A tall old man; in a costume not unlike that of a subordinate in the

Civil Service; came out of the vestibule and hurried part of the way

down the steps; while he made a survey of the astonished elderly

applicant for admission。

〃What is more; here is M。 Jonathan;〃 the Swiss remarked; 〃speak to


Fellow…feeling of some kind; or curiosity; brought the two old men

together in a central space in the great entrance…court。 A few blades

of grass were growing in the crevices of the pavement; a terrible

silence reigned in that great house。 The sight of Jonathan's face

would have made you long to understand the mystery that brooded over

it; and that was announced by the smallest trifles about the

melancholy place。

When Raphael inherited his uncle's vast estate; his first care had

been to seek out the old and devoted servitor of whose affection he

knew that he was secure。 Jonathan had wept tears of joy at the sight

of his young master; of whom he thought he had taken a final farewell;

and when the marquis exalted him to the high office of steward; his

happiness could not be surpassed。 So old Jonathan became an

intermediary power between Raphael and the world at large。 He was the

absolute disposer of his master's fortune; the blind instrument of an

unknown will; and a sixth sense; as it were; by which the emotions of

life were communicated to Raphael。

〃I should like to speak with M。 Raphael; sir;〃 said the elderly person

to Jonathan; as he climbed up the steps some way; into a shelter from

the rain。

〃To speak with my Lord the Marquis?〃 the steward cried。 〃He scarcely

speaks even to me; his foster…father!〃

〃But I am likewise his foster…father;〃 said the old man。 〃If your wife

was his foster…mother; I fed him myself with the milk of the Muses。 He

is my nursling; my child; carus alumnus! I formed his mind; cultivated

his understanding; developed his genius; and; I venture to say it; to

my own honor and glory。 Is he not one of the most remarkable men of

our epoch? He was one of my pupils in two lower forms; and in

rhetoric。 I am his professor。〃

〃Ah; sir; then you are M。 Porriquet?〃

〃Exactly; sir; but〃

〃Hush! hush!〃 Jonathan called to two underlings; whose voices broke

the monastic silence that shrouded the house。

〃But is the Marquis ill; sir?〃 the professor continued。

〃My dear sir;〃 Jonathan replied; 〃Heaven only knows what is the matter

with my master。 You see; there are not a couple of houses like ours

anywhere in Paris。 Do you understand? Not two houses。 Faith; that

there are not。 My Lord the Marquis had this hotel purchased for him;

it formerly belonged to a duke and a peer of France; then he spent

three hundred thousand francs over furnishing it。 That's a good deal;

you know; three hundred thousand francs! But every room in the house

is a perfect wonder。 'Good;' said I to myself when I saw this

magnificence; 'it is just like it used to be in the time of my lord;

his late grandfather; and the young marquis is going to entertain all

Paris and the Court!' Nothing of the kind! My lord refused to see any

one whatever。 'Tis a funny life that he leads; M。 Porriquet; you

understand。 An inconciliable life。 He rises every day at the same

time。 I am the only person; you see; that may enter his room。 I open

all the shutters at seven o'clock; summer or winter。 It is all

arranged very oddly。 As I come in I say to him:

〃 'You must get up and dress; my Lord Marquis。'

〃Then he rises and dresses himself。 I have to give him his dressing…

gown; and it is always after the same pattern; and of the same

material。 I am obliged to replace it when it can be used no longer;

simply to save him the trouble of asking for a new one。 A queer fancy!

As a matter of fact; he has a thousand francs to spend every day; and

he does as he pleases; the dear child。 And besides; I am so fond of

him that if he gave me a box on the ear on one side; I should hold out

the other to him! The most difficult things he will tell me to do; and

yet I do them; you know! He gives me a lot of trifles to attend to;

that I am well set to work! He reads the newspapers; doesn't he? Well;

my instructions are to put them always in the same place; on the same

table。 I always go at the same hour and shave him myself; and don't I

tremble! The cook would forfeit the annuity of a thousand crowns that

he is to come into after my lord's death; if breakfast is not served

inconciliably at ten o'clock precisely。 The menus are drawn up for the

whole year round; day after day。 My Lord the Marquis has not a thing

to wish for。 He has strawberries whenever there are any; and he has

the earliest mackerel to be had in Paris。 The programme is printed

every morning。 He knows his dinner by rote。 In the next place; he

dresses himself at the same hour; in the same clothes; the same linen;

that I always put on the same chair; you understand? I have to see

that he always has the same cloth; and if it should happen that his

coat came to grief (a mere supposition); I should have to replace it

by another without saying a word about it to him。 If it is fine; I go

in and say to my master:

〃 'You ought to go out; sir。'

〃He says Yes; or No。 If he has a notion that he will go out; he

doesn't wait for his horses; they are always ready harnessed; the

coachman stops there inconciliably; whip in hand; just as you see him

out there。 In the evening; after dinner; my master goes one day to the

Opera; the other to the Italno; he hasn't yet gone to the

Italiens; though; for I could not find a box for him until yesterday。

Then he comes in at eleven o'clock precisely; to go to bed。 At any

time in the day when he has nothing to do; he readshe is always

reading; you seeit is a notion he has。 My instructions are to read

the Journal de la Librairie before he sees it; and to buy new books;

so that he finds them on his chimney…piece on the very day that they

are published。 I have orders to go into his room every hour or so; to

look after the fire and everything else; and to see that he wants

nothing。 He gave me a little book; sir; to learn off by heart; with

all my duties written in ita regular catechism! In summer I have to

keep a cool and even temperature with blocks of ice and at all seasons

to put fresh flowers all about。 He is rich! He has a thousand francs

to spend every day; he can indulge his fancies! And he hadn't even

necessaries for so long; poor child! He doesn't annoy anybody; he is

as good as gold; he never opens his mouth; for instance; the house and

garden are absolutely silent。 In short; my master has not a single

wish left; everything comes in the twinkling of an eye; if he raises

his hand; and INSTANTER。 Quite right; too。 If servants are not looked

after; everything falls into confusion。 You would never believe the

lengths he goes about things。 His rooms are allwhat do you call

it?ereren suite。 Very well; just suppose; now; that he opens his

room door or the door of his study; presto! all the other doors fly

open of themselves by a patent contrivance; and then he can go from

one end of the house to the other and not find a single door shut;

which is all very nice and pleasant and convenient for us great folk!

But; on my word; it cost us a lot of money! And; after all; M。

Porriquet; he said to me at last:

〃 'Jonathan; you will look after me as if I were a baby in long

clothes;' Yes; sir; 'long clothes!' those were his very words。 'You

will think of all my requirements for me。' I am the master; so to

speak; and he is the servant; you understand? The reason of it? Ah; my

word; that is just what nobody on earth knows but himself and God

Almighty。 It is quite inconciliable!〃

〃He is writing a poem!〃 exclaimed the old professor。

〃You think he is writing a poem; sir? It's a very absorbing affair;

then! But; you know; I don't think he is。 He wants to vergetate。 Only

yesterday he was looking at a tulip while he was dressing; and he said

to me:

〃 'There is my own lifeI am vergetating; my poor Jonathan。' Now;

some of them insist that that is monomania。 It is inconciliable!〃

〃All this makes it very clear to me; Jonathan;〃 the professor

answered; with a magisterial solemnity that greatly impressed the old

servant; 〃that your ma

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