the titan-第57节
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Besides the consent and petitions; which Cowperwood could not easily get away from him; he had a new form of traction then being tried out in several minor citiesa form of electric propulsion by means of an overhead wire and a traveling pole; which was said to be very economical; and to give a service better than cables and cheaper even than horses。
Cowperwood had heard all about this new electric system some time before; and had been studying it for several years with the greatest interest; since it promised to revolutionize the whole business of street…railroading。 However; having but so recently completed his excellent cable system; he did not see that it was advisable to throw it away。 The trolley was as yet too much of a novelty; certainly it was not advisable to have it introduced into Chicago until he was ready to introduce it himselffirst on his outlying feeder lines; he thought; then perhaps generally。
But before he could take suitable action against Woolsen; that engaging young upstart; who was possessed of a high…power imagination and a gift of gab; had allied himself with such interested investors as Truman Leslie MacDonald; who saw here a heaven…sent opportunity of mulcting Cowperwood; and Jordan Jules; once the president of the North Chicago Gas Company; who had lost money through Cowperwood in the gas war。 Two better instruments for goading a man whom they considered an enemy could not well be imaginedTruman Leslie with his dark; waspish; mistrustful; jealous eyes; and his slim; vital body; and Jordan Jules; short; rotund; sandy; a sickly crop of thin; oily; light hair growing down over his coat…collar; his forehead and crown glisteningly bald; his eyes a seeking; searching; revengeful blue。 They in turn brought in Samuel Blackman; once president of the South Side Gas Company; Sunderland Sledd; of local railroad management and stock…investment fame; and Norrie Simms; president of the Douglas Trust Company; who; however; was little more than a fiscal agent。 The general feeling was that Cowperwood's defensive tacticswhich consisted in having the city council refuse to actcould be easily met。
〃Well; I think we can soon fix that;〃 exclaimed young MacDonald; one morning at a meeting。 〃We ought to be able to smoke them out。 A little publicity will do it。〃
He appealed to his father; the editor of the Inquirer; but the latter refused to act for the time being; seeing that his son was interested。 MacDonald; enraged at the do…nothing attitude of the council; invaded that body and demanded of Alderman Dowling; still leader; why this matter of the Chicago general ordinances was still lying unconsidered。 Mr。 Dowling; a large; mushy; placid man with blue eyes; an iron frame; and a beefy smile; vouchsafed the information that; although he was chairman of the committee on streets and alleys; he knew nothing about it。 〃I haven't been payin' much attention to things lately;〃 he replied。
Mr。 MacDonald went to see the remaining members of this same committee。 They were non…committal。 They would have to look into the matter。 Somebody claimed that there was a flaw in the petitions。
Evidently there was crooked work here somewhere。 Cowperwood was to blame; no doubt。 MacDonald conferred with Blackman and Jordan Jules; and it was determined that the council should be harried into doing its duty。 This was a legitimate enterprise。 A new and better system of traction was being kept out of the city。 Schryhart; since he was offered an interest; and since there was considerable chance of his being able to dominate the new enterprise; agreed that the ordinances ought to be acted upon。 In consequence there was a renewed hubbub in the newspapers。
It was pointed out through Schryhart's Chronicle; through Hyssop's and Merrill's papers; and through the Inquirer that such a situation was intolerable。 If the dominant party; at the behest of so sinister an influence as Cowperwood; was to tie up all outside traction legislation; there could be but one thing leftan appeal to the voters of the city to turn the rascals out。 No party could survive such a record of political trickery and financial jugglery。 McKenty; Dowling; Cowperwood; and others were characterized as unreasonable obstructionists and debasing influences。 But Cowperwood merely smiled。 These were the caterwaulings of the enemy。 Later; when young MacDonald threatened to bring legal action to compel the council to do its duty; Cowperwood and his associates were not so cheerful。 A mandamus proceeding; however futile; would give the newspapers great opportunity for chatter; moreover; a city election was drawing near。 However; McKenty and Cowperwood were by no means helpless。 They had offices; jobs; funds; a well…organized party system; the saloons; the dives; and those dark chambers where at late hours ballot…boxes are incontinently stuffed。
Did Cowperwood share personally in all this? Not at all。 Or McKenty? No。 In good tweed and fine linen they frequently conferred in the offices of the Chicago Trust Company; the president's office of the North Chicago Street Railway System; and Mr。 Cowperwood's library。 No dark scenes were ever enacted there。 But just the same; when the time came; the Schryhart…Simms…MacDonald editorial combination did not win。 Mr。 McKenty's party had the votes。 A number of the most flagrantly debauched aldermen; it is true; were defeated; but what is an alderman here and there? The newly elected ones; even in the face of pre…election promises and vows; could be easily suborned or convinced。 So the anti…Cowperwood element was just where it was before; but the feeling against him was much stronger; and considerable sentiment generated in the public at large that there was something wrong with the Cowperwood method of street…railway control。
Chapter XXXI
Untoward Disclosures
Coincident with these public disturbances and of subsequent hearing upon them was the discovery by Editor Haguenin of Cowperwood's relationship with Cecily。 It came about not through Aileen; who was no longer willing to fight Cowperwood in this matter; but through Haguenin's lady society editor; who; hearing rumors in the social world; springing from heaven knows where; and being beholden to Haguenin for many favors; had carried the matter to him in a very direct way。 Haguenin; a man of insufficient worldliness in spite of his journalistic profession; scarcely believed it。 Cowperwood was so suave; so commercial。 He had heard many things concerning himhis pastbut Cowperwood's present state in Chicago was such; it seemed to him; as to preclude petty affairs of this kind。 Still; the name of his daughter being involved; he took the matter up with Cecily; who under pressure confessed。 She made the usual plea that she was of age; and that she wished to live her own lifelogic which she had gathered largely from Cowperwood's attitude。 Haguenin did nothing about it at first; thinking to send Cecily off to an aunt in Nebraska; but; finding her intractable; and fearing some counter…advice or reprisal on the part of Cowperwood; who; by the way; had indorsed paper to the extent of one hundred thousand dollars for him; he decided to discuss matters first。 It meant a cessation of relations and some inconvenient financial readjustments; but it had to be。 He was just on the point of calling on Cowperwood when the latter; unaware as yet of the latest development in regard to Cecily; and having some variation of his council programme to discuss with Haguenin; asked him over the 'phone to lunch。 Haguenin was much surprised; but in a way relieved。 〃I am busy;〃 he said; very heavily; 〃but cannot you come to the office some time to…day? There is something I would like to see you about。〃
Cowperwood; imagining that there was some editorial or local political development on foot which might be of interest to him; made an appointment for shortly after four。 He drove to the publisher's office in the Press Building; and was greeted by a grave and almost despondent man。
〃Mr。 Cowperwood;〃 began Haguenin; when the financier entered; smart and trig; his usual air of genial sufficiency written all over him; 〃I have known you now for something like fourteen years; and during this time I have shown you nothing but courtesy and good will。 It is true that quite recently you have done me various financial favors; but that was more due; I thought; to the sincere friendship you bore me than to anything else。 Quite accidentally I have learned of the relationship that exists between you and my daughter。 I have recently spoken to her; and she admitted all that I need to know。 Common decency; it seems to me; might have suggested to you that you leave my child out of the list of women you have degraded。 Since it has not; I merely wish to say to you〃and Mr。 Haguenin's face was very tense and white〃that the relationship between you and me is ended。 The one hundred thousand dollars you have indorsed for me will be arranged for otherwise as soon as possible; and I hope you will return to me the stock of this paper that you hold as collateral。 Another type of man; Mr。 Cowperwood; might attempt to make you suffer in another way。 I presume that you have no children of you