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history of the mackenzies-第128节

小说: history of the mackenzies 字数: 每页4000字

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er of George  Mackenzie; tacksman of Ach…na…h…Airde; Coigeach; with issue

5。  George; who went to Cape Breton; and married Miss Fraser at St。 Anne's there。

6。  Alexander; who also  emigrated to North British  America; and entered into business  along with his cousin; Roderick  Mackenzie; at St。 Francois; a small  town on the St。 Lawrence。  He  subsequently bought a farm in the  township of Wickham; and married  Sarah Duncan; of Grantham; with   issue(1) James Mackenzie;  solicitor; Lapeer; Michigan; U。S。A。;  who married; first; in July; 1867; Georgina  Hunter; of Gardiner;  Maine; with issueone son;  Harvard Hunter; who died young。   James married; secondly; in 1875;  his first wife having died in 1868;  Amanda Hart; with issueHarrison Hart; and Emily Sarah; (2)  Roderick Munro; (3) Andrew  Duncan; (4) Norman;  (5)  Alexander Stronach; and (6) Henry;  all living in 1879。

7。  A daughter; who married William Mackenzie; Dornie of  Coigeach; with issue。

8。  Margaret; who married Alexander Macrae; Strathglass; with issue。

9。  Georgina; who married Kenneth Maclennan; Coigeach; with issueone son; Donald。

10。  Hannah; married William Macdonald in America。

Captain John died at Coigeach; aged 97; in 1829; and was buried there; the weather at the time having been too stormy to allow of his  remains being taken for interment to the burial place of his ancestors。

He  was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son;

VII。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; shipowner; Stornoway; who married  Barbara; daughter of John MacIver; shipowner; and sister of the late Dr Alexander MacIver; Stornoway; with issue

1。  John; his heir and successor。

2。  A daughter; who died young。

3。  Lilias; who married  Alexander Morrison; rope manu…facturer; Stornoway; with issue(1) John Mackenzie Morrison;  fishcurer and ship…broker there; and  a County Councillor。  He married  Anne Isabella; daughter of Captain  Alexander Macdonald; shipowner; Garmouth; with issuetwo sons  and six daughters; (2) Alexander Morrison; importer and  commission agent; Stornoway;  unmarried (3) Catherine Anne; who  married Norman Forbes;  contractor; son of Captain Donald  Forbes; shipowner; Stornoway;  without issue。 Alexander Morrison  died in January; 1881。

4。  Margaret; who married Captain Alexander Macleod; Valtos;  Lewis; without issue。

5。  Anne; who married Hector Mackenzie; Poolewe; with issueAnnabella Jessie and Helen Anne。

He was drowned at sea on the Cornish Coast; and was succeeded  as representative of the family by his only son;

VIII。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; who married Mary Macphie; with  issuea son and two daughters; all of whom died young。  On his death the male representation of the family devolved on the only son of his uncle  Hector;

IX。  JOHN  TOLMIE  MACKENZIE; Dunvegan; Isle of Skye;  factor for Macleod of Macleod。  He was born on the 16th of June; 1828;  and on the 13th of January; 1857; married Henzell; second daughter of David Dixon Ferguson; artist (descended from the Perthshire Fergusons of  Dunfallandy); by his wife Mary; daughter of William Sanderson of  Springbank; with issue

1。  Murdo Tolmie; M。B。; North Uist。

2。  John Ferguson。

3。  Hector Hugh; North Uist Estate Office。

4。  David Ferguson。

5。  William MacNeil; Kansas City; America。

6。  George; a student of medicine。

7。  John Tolmie。

8。  Mary; who died young。

9。  Annabella。

10。  Mary; who married the Rev。 John Francis Smith; London; with issuefour sons。

11。  Isabella Barbara。

12。  Margaret MacNeil。

13。  Henzell。

14。  Jean Lilias。


I。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; first of this family; was third son of Colin Cam Mackenzie; XI。 of Kintail; by his wife Barbara; daughter of  John Grant; XII。 of Grant; by Lady Marjory Stewart; daughter of John;  third Earl of Athole。 In 1616 Alexander has a charter of the lands of  Kilcoy; dated 18th July。  On the 29th of January; 1618; he has a Crown  charter of the Barony of Kilcoy。  In July; 1634; he was appointed  Commissary of Ross; and in the same year; on the 17th of September; he  has a charter from King Charles appointing him Principal Sheriff of the  shire of Inverness。  He married in 1611 (marriage contract dated 15th  August) Jean; daughter of Sir Thomas Fraser of Strichen; Tutor of Lovat;  and widow of Sir James Stewart of Muiren and Kilcoy; with issue

1。  Colin; his heir and successor。

2。  Thomas; who has a sasine in 1678。

3。  Alexander; I。 of Muirton  of Kilcoy; who married Marie; daughter of John Cuthbert of  Drakies。  He has a sasine of the lands of Muiren in 1657; and a  charter to 〃Alexander in the Muir〃 in 1666。  By Marie of Drakies he  had issue(1) Colin; his heir and successor; (2) the Rev。 John;  successively minister of Kingussie and Laggan; in Badenoch; (3)  Kenneth; (4) Simon; (5) Isobell;  and (6) Lilias; who married George  Leslie (marriage contract dated 24th December; 1697)。  Alexander  was succeeded as II。 of Muirton by  his eldest son; COLIN   MACKENZIE; W。S。; who married  Anna; daughter of Sir James Grant  of Moyness (she married secondly;  Hugh Innes; Younger of Rosskeen);  with issue(1) Kenneth; his heir and successor; (2) Simon; who died  abroad; and three daughters。 KENNETH  MACKENZIE; his  eldest son; succeeded as III。 of  Muirton; and married Mary; second  daughter of Charles Mackenzie of  Cullen; with issue; a sonALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; IV。  of Muirton; who in 1752 excambed  the lands of Muirton of Kilcoy for  the lands of Wester Fairburn; then  the property of his cousin; Colin  Mackenzie; VI。 of Kilcoy。  From  this time the lands of Wester  Fairburn were renamed Muirton;  after the original possessions of this  family in the Black Isle。   Alexander; IV。 of Muirton; married  Margaret; eldest daughter of James  Mackenzie; III。 of Highfield; with issue(1) James; (2) Colin; M。D。;  who both died unmarried; and; according to the traditions of the  district; (3) Big Simon; who emigrated to New South Wales;  and (4) Alexander; who went to England; married there and had  issue; (5) Mary; who married as his first wife; without issue; Roderick  Mackenzie; II。 of Scotsburn; (6)  Martha; who married Hugh Rose of  Cuilich; with issue; (7) Margaret;  who married the 〃Black〃 Calder;  with issue; (8) a daughter; who  married Alexander Cumming; with  issue; and (9) Jean; who married  James Shaw; Bailie of Inverness;  who died on the 21st of January;  1801。  Jean and her husband  apparently succeeded by will or  purchase to the lands of Muirton of  Fairburn; for they were un…doubtedly in a position at their  death to leave them to their eldest  son; Alexander Mackenzie Shaw; a  minor; only 17 years old when his  father died。  The management;  however; was left in the hands of a  Mr Fraser; who squandered the  funds which should have been  invested for the second son  William; a Colonel; H。E。I。C。S。 (married with issue); and ten  daughters; who survived their  father and to make up the  deficiency; not only Muirton of  Fairburn; but Waternish in Skye  and Woodside near Fortrose; also  the property of Bailie Shaw at his  death; had to be sold。  Muirton was  bought by a Mr Reid; who  afterwards resold it to William  Mackenzie; W。S。; son of Alexander  Mackenzie; I。 of Portmore。   Alexander Mackenzie Shaw; the  Bailie's eldest son; was a Captain  in the army; and married in 1804;  Mary Laing; with issue(1) Gilbert  Shaw; who; born in 1806; was a  Judge in Jamaica; and died a few  years ago at Tongland;  Kirkcudbrightshire; (2) Gilbert;  who died young; (3) Henry  Bridgwater; (4) Alexander; Colonel  Madras Infantry; (5) John; (6)  Mary; who died unmarried; (7)  Hectorina; who married Mr Sprott;  and (8) Eleanor; who married Mr  Seabank。

4。  Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon; who married Margaret;  daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Ballone; with issueAlexander; who died in 1693; Lilias; who married Sir Kenneth Mackenzie; IV。 of  Scatwell; with issue; Isobel; who married Simon Mackenzie; I。 of  Allangrange; with issue; Jean; who married John Chisholm; XX。 of  Chisholm; with issue; and Margaret; who married Sir Kenneth Mackenzie;  VIII。 of Gairloch; with issue。  Sir Roderick died in 1692。

5。  Isobel; who married Roderick Mackenzie; III。 of Redcastle; with issue。

6。  Jean; who married David Ross; III。 of Pitcalnie; Tutor of David Ross; thirteenth of Balnagown。

7。  Katherine Beatrice; who married first; Duncan Bayne of  Tulloch; and secondly; in 1651; George Munro; Younger of Lemlair。

8。  A daughter; who married Maclean of Borreray。

He also had three natural daughters who married respectively Hector Mackenzie IV。 of Fairburn (marriage contract dated 11th of February; 1637); Neil Bayne; in Uist; and the Rev。 John; son of John Roy  Mackenzie; IV。 of Gairloch。

Alexander married; secondly; Margaret Dunbar; with issuea  daughter; Barbara; who died unmarried in 1656。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  COLIN  MACKENZIE; second of Kilcoy; who married  (contract; 21st March; 1640) Lilias; sister of Sir Alexander Sutherland;  Lord Duffus (sasine 1649); with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Roderick of Dalvennan; Advocate; who  married Margaret;  sister of John Cathcart of Castletown; without male issue。  He has a 

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